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Oracle VTS 7.0 Software

User's Guide for Patch Set 8 and Subsequent Compatible Releases

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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Related Documentation


Support and Accessibility

Understanding the Software

Software Overview

Software Architecture

Testable Components

Understanding Test Modes

Online Stress Test Mode

System Exerciser Test Mode

Component Stress Test Mode

User Interface Options

Installing or Updating the Software

Preparing for Installation

Installation Requirements

Determine Installed Software Version

Determine Installed Package Version for Oracle Solaris 11 Updates

Determine Installed Package Version for Oracle Solaris 10 Updates

Obtaining Packages for Installation

Software Packages

Install the Software for Oracle Solaris 11

Install the Software for Oracle Solaris 10 Updates

Set Up Man Page Access

Upgrade the Software for Oracle Solaris 11

Upgrade the Software for Oracle Solaris 10 Updates

Uninstall the Software for Oracle Solaris 11

Uninstall the Software for Oracle Solaris 10 Updates

Starting the Software

Preparing to Start the Software

System Requirements

Runtime Considerations

Device Preparations

Starting the Software (Interface)

Start the Software (GUI)

Start the Software (TTY UI)

Start the Software (CLI)

Starting the Software (No Interface)

Start Testing (No UI)

Start Long Testing

Start Short Testing

Start Memory Sub System Testing

Start Testing in all Stress Levels

Start Testing With Time Information

Starting the Software (CD/DVD)

Start the Software (Bootable CD/DVD)

Testing Using the GUI

GUI Overview

Configuring the Test Session (GUI)

View the Host Configuration (GUI)

Select a Test Mode (GUI)

Change Global Options (GUI)

Select Device to Test (GUI)

Change Individual Test Options (GUI)

Begin the Test Session (GUI)

Monitor the Test Session

Stop the Test Session (GUI)

Review the Log Files (GUI)

Delete the Log Files (GUI)

Reset the Test Session (GUI)

Use the Auto Mode Sequencer (GUI)

Saving a Test Session Configuration for Repeated Use (GUI)

Create and Save a Test Session (GUI)

List Test Sessions (GUI)

Load a Test Session (GUI)

To Create a Configuration File to Load Sessions From a User Defined Location

Delete a Test Session (GUI)

Reset a Test Session (GUI)

Quit the GUI

Testing Using the TTY UI

TTY UI Overview

Keyboard Commands for Navigation (TTY UI)

Display TTY UI HELP and Release Table

View the Host System Configuration (TTY UI)

Configuring the Test Session (TTY UI)

Select a Test Mode (TTY UI)

Change Global Options (TTY UI)

Select Devices to Test (TTY UI)

Change Individual Test Options (TTY UI)

Begin the Test Session (TTY UI)

Monitor the Test Session

Stop the Test Session (TTY UI)

Review the Log Files (TTY UI)

Reset the Test Session Results (TTY UI)

Saving a Test Configuration for Repeated Use

Session Files in Oracle VTS

Create and Save a Test Session (TTY UI)

List Test Sessions (TTY UI)

Load a Test Session (TTY UI)

Delete a Test Session (TTY UI)

Reset a Test Session (TTY UI)

Reprobe the Devices (TTY UI)

Use the Auto Mode Sequencer (TTY UI)


Testing Using the CLI

CLI Overview

View the Host Configuration

Configuring the Test Session (CLI)

Display and Set a Test Mode (CLI)

Display and Set Global Options (CLI)

Select Device to Test (CLI)

Change Individual Test Options (CLI)

Begin the Test Session (CLI)

Monitor the Test Session (CLI)

Stop the Test Session (CLI)

Review the Log Files (CLI)

Deleting the Log Files

Reset the Test Session (CLI)

Saving a Test Configuration for Repeated use (CLI)

Create and Save a Test Session (CLI)

List Test Sessions (CLI)

Load a Test Session (CLI)

Delete a Test Session (CLI)

Reset a Test Session (CLI)

Reprobe the Devices (CLI)

Use the Auto Mode Sequencer (CLI)

Stop the CLI

Bootable CD/DVD (x86)

Overview and Limitations

Using the Oracle VTS 7.0 PS16 Bootable Image Built on Oracle Solaris 11 Update Release

Using the Oracle VTS 7.0 PS13 or Older Bootable Image Built on Oracle Solaris 10 and Update Release

Use the Service Processor to Boot From the VTS Image

Interpreting VTS Messages

Log File Descriptions

Test Status Indicators

Log Files

VTS Messages

Using Additional VTS Features

Generate a Test Report

Use the vtsprobe Utility

Auto Mode Sequencer


Expected Behavior in Different Use Cases

Loop Option

Exiting the Auto Mode Sequencer

Automatic Setting of Levels

Safe and Unsafe Options

Create a Configuration File for the Unsafe Option

Understanding the Tests

Disk Test

Disk Subtests

Disk Test Setup

Disk Test Options

Disk Test Options (Configuration File)

Environment Test

Environment Test Requirements

Environment Test Modes

Graphics Test

Graphics Test Overview

Graphics Test Modes

Graphics Test Setup

Disable the Solaris Screen Saver

Change the Screen Resolution

Run hlgraphics Test

Check Presence of ast Driver on T4 System

Host Bus Adapter Test

Host Bus Adapter Test Modes

Host Bus Adapter Test Setup

Host Bus Adapter Test Options Through Configuration File

Io_Interconnect Test

Io_Interconnect Test Mode

Io_Interconnect Test Setup

Live-Network Port Testing Settings

Io_Interconnect Test Options Through Configuration File

IOports Test

IOports Test Overview

IOports Test Modes

IOports Test Setup

Media Test

Media Test Overview

Media Test Modes

Media Test Setup

Memory Test

Memory Test Overview

Memory Test Swap Space Requirements

Memory Test Modes

Memory Test Options Through Configuration File

Network Test

Network Test Overview

Network Test Modes

Network Test Setup

Live-Network Port Testing Settings

Network Test Options

Processor Test

Processor Test Overview

Processor Test Modes

Removable Disk Test

Removable Disk Test Overview

Media Subtest

File System Subtest

Removable Disk Test Modes

Removable Disk Test Options Through Configuration File

Supported Configuration Parameters

VTS Harness Configuration File Parameters

Disk Test Configuration File Parameters

Removable Disk Test Configuration File Parameters

Host Bus Adapter Test Configuration File Parameters

Io_Interconnect Test Configuration File Parameters

Memory Test Configuration File Parameters

Network Test Configuration File Parameters

VTS on Logical Domains

Running Oracle VTS on LDOMS

VTS Sessions on LDOMs

Building Test Connectors

Test Connector Overview

25-Pin Port A-to-Port B Plug

25-Pin Port A-to-A Port B-to-B Plug

9-Pin Male Single-Port Plug

9-Pin Female Single-Port Plug

9-Pin to 9-Pin Port-to-Port Cable

NT to TE Cable

TPE Cable for Fast Ethernet

TPE Cable for Gigabit and 10/100 Ethernet

9-Pin Male DB-9 External Connector

9-Pin Female DB-9 External Connector


VTS Harness Configuration File Parameters

Accepts option-value pairs where the option is a physical test name, and its value as "Enable" or "Disable" which indicates whether the test probe must be enabled or disabled. By default, all test probes are enabled. The PROBE_SELECTION parameter can accept any number of option-value pair in the form:

PROBE_SELECTION xxxtest=Disable, yyytest=Disable,....

For example to disable vmemtest and pmemtest:

PROBE_SELECTION vmemtest=Disable,pmemtest=Disable

Specifies the maximum log size for VTS generated logs. The value is accepted in the numeric form as a positive integer. The unit is in MB. By default, the size of a log is 1MB.

For example, to set the maximum log file size to 5 MB:


Logs the consolidated report sunvts.rpt at the end of a testing session. The option with a value of 1 allows the application to generate the report. By default, VTS does not generate this report unless the configuration option is set. The consolidated report is located under /var/sunvts/logs/ directory.

For example, to generate the VTS report:


Enables the delay option, which delays forking of physical tests within a Logical Test by a specified value. The parameter accepts option-value pairs where the option is the Logical Test name and its value is the delay time in seconds. The DELAY parameter can accept any number of option-value pair in the form:

DELAY LTname1=value1, LTname2=value2,....

For example, to add a delay of 10 and 15 seconds before the start of Network and Graphics Test respectively:

DELAY Network=10, Graphics=15

Denotes the minimum amount of swap space to be reserved by the VTS harness (vtsk). The software will stop invoking new test instances when the available swap space amount falls below this specified threshold amount. Set the value to "default", XXXMB, or XX%. By default, this threshold amount is 15% of total configured swap space. If specified with % suffix, the percentage of total configured swap space is assumed. The specified amount must be between lower and upper limits of 5% and 75% of total configured swapspace respectively. If the specified amount is too less or too high, the nearest acceptable value will be assumed.

For example:

  • RESERVE_SWAP_MIN default



Denotes the maximum amount of swap space to be reserved. If the amount of swap available is greater than RESERVE_SWAP_MIN but less than RESERVE_SWAP_MAX, the software will delay invoking new test instances by LOW_SWAP_DELAY seconds. RESERVE_SWAP_MAX must be between 15% and 75% of the total configured swap space. By default, this value is set to 25%.

For example, to set the maximum amount of swap space reserved to 45%:


Specifies the time that the software waits before invoking a new test instance, when the system is low on memory. The time value is in seconds. The default value is 3 seconds.

For example, to set a delay for a new test invocation when the system is low on memory:


Takes the name of a profile that has to be specifically run for a platform. The custom platform name specified with this option should match the profile name of the VTS rules file to run the specific profile. This is useful when the testing behavior of a platform cannot be appropriately identified under the categories of a defined platform, an architechture type, or the system processor type.

For example:


Specifies the maximum threshold that Alert messages can be accepted. Alert messages are used by the tests to communicate messages that can be fatal in nature but can be retried for a certain time to see if the condition improves and the test can start functioning smoothly. But these messages will not be ignored beyond the threshold. If the Alert messages reach the threshold, the Logical test receives an error and is stopped. The value is a count and is a positive numeric integer value. between 1 and 9999.

For example:


In case of a test probe hang, sets a time limit that the application will use to kill the test probes that did not complete in certain span of time. The option takes the time value in minutes.Vtsk kills the hung test probe after a default time of 15 mins.

For example:


Enables logging the task's elapsed time information in the logs. This information will not be logged by default. To enable logging the task's elapsed time, set the value to 1.

For example:


Specifies the time limit beyond which the status of the test should move from from "Stopping" to "Idle". This is useful to bring the VTS status to "Idle" when a test or group of tests takes some time to clean up the routines after receiving the stop command, and the system status waits on "Stopping". The time unit is in minutes. The minimum value allowed is 2 minutes, and any value below this time is ignored and is set to 2 minutes.

For example, to set the IDLE time limit to 10 mins, add the line as:


Specifies an alternate directory for writing the core files in case of any exception conditions. The absolute path name of the directory needs to be specified here. When this parameter is not specified,the software dumps the core to the directory where the packages are installed, which is the default behaviour.

For example:

CORE_DIR /export/home/corefiles



Enables additional logging of detailed test runtime status. To enable this set the parameter value to 1.
VTSK uses 256MB per cpu for its calculation on lower or higher end machines (if it is less than 256 MB per CPU it willtreat the system as a low configuration system). Throught the configuration file, this parameter provides a way to fine tune the value: if needed.

For example:


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