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iPlanet Directory Server 5.0 Installation Guide


About This Guide
Prerequisite Reading
iPlanet Directory Server 5.0 Overview
Conventions Used In This Guide
Related Information

Chapter 1 Preparing for a Directory Server Installation
Installation Components
Configuration Decisions
Choosing Unique Port Numbers
Creating a New Server Root
Deciding the User and Group for Your iPlanet Servers (UNIX only)
Defining Authentication Entities
Determining Your Directory Suffix
Determining the Location of the Configuration Directory
Determining the Location of the User Directory
Determining the Administration Domain
Installation Process Overview
Selecting an Installation Process
Upgrade Process
Unpacking the Software
Installation Privileges
Unsetting Environment Variables (AIX only)

Chapter 2 Computer System Requirements
Supported Platforms
Hardware Requirements
Operating System Requirements
idsktune Utility
Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 8 Operating Systems
Disk Space Requirements
Required System Modules
Verify System Tuning
File Descriptors
TCP Tuning
Windows NT 4.0 Server
Configuring a Machine to Run iPlanet Directory Server
Required System Modules
Installing Windows NT Server
Installing Third-Party Utilities
Installing Microsoft Utilities
Ensure That the System Clock is Correct and Kept Accurate
Install Windows Service Packs and Hotfixes
Install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a or Later
Install Hotfixes
Install TCP ISN Patch
Additional Post-Installation System Configuration
Restrict Network Services
Enable Port Filtering
Disable IP Routing
Disable WINS Client
Remove the OS/2 and POSIX Subsystem Keys From the Registry
Remove the OS/2 DLLs
Stop Unneeded Services
Ensure System Will Automatically Reboot on Error
Configure User Accounts
Encrypt Account Database
Event Log Configuration
Set Tuning Parameters
Windows 2000 Server and Advanced Server
Configuring a Machine to Run iPlanet Directory Server
Required System Modules
Installing Windows 2000 Server
Installing Third-Party Utilities
Ensure That the System Clock is Correct and Kept Accurate
Install Windows Service Packs and Hotfixes
Additional Post-Installation System Configuration
HP-UX 11 Operating System
Disk Space Requirements
Required System Modules
Verify System Tuning
Installing Third-Party Utilities
IBM AIX 4.3.3 Operating System
Disk Space Requirements
Required System Modules
Installing Third-Party Utilities
DNS and NIS Requirements (UNIX only)

Chapter 3 Using Express and Typical Installation
Using Express Installation
Using Typical Installation
Using Typical Installation on UNIX
Using Typical Installation on Windows NT and Windows 2000

Chapter 4 Silent Installation
Using Silent Installation
Preparing Silent Installation Files
Creating Silent Installation Files
A Typical Installation
Using an Existing Configuration Directory
Installing the Stand-Alone iPlanet Console
Installation Directives
Silent Installation File Format
[General] Installation Directives
[Base] Installation Directives
[slapd] Installation Directives
Required [slapd] Installation Directives
Optional [slapd] Installation Directives
[admin] Installation Directives

Chapter 5 Post Installation
Launching the Help System
Populating the Directory Tree

Chapter 6 Migrating From Previous Versions
Migration Overview
Migration Prerequisites
Identifying Custom Schema
Migration Procedure
Migrating a Replicated Site
Example: Detail of Steps

Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
Running idsktune
Common Installation Problems


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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated March 23, 2001