Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

date [[mmdd]HHMM|mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS]

Use the date command without arguments to show RSC's current date and time. If you have A level user permission, you can use the date command to set the current date and time. The following table describes components of the date format.

Table 4-3 Components of the date Command




Month number 


Day-of-the-month number 


Hour number (24-hour system) 


Minute number 


Second number 


First two digits of year 


Last two digits of year 

You may omit the month, day, and year; the current values are applied as defaults.


rsc> date 091521451998
rsc> date 09152145
rsc> date 2145

The first example sets the time to September 15, 9:45 p.m., 1998. The second example sets the time to September 15, 9:45 p.m. of the current year. The third example sets the time to 9:45 p.m. of the current month, day, and year.

Note -

Whenever the server boots, it sets the RSC current date and time. However, to keep RSC time in sync with server time, Sun Microsystems recommends that you implement a script that uses the command rscadm date -s to update RSC time periodically from the server time. The RSC shell date command cannot synchronize RSC time with the server time.