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Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q1 Developer's Guide 

Chapter 5
Developing Web Applications

This chapter describes how web applications are supported in the Sun Java System Application Server and includes the following sections:

For general information about web applications, see the J2EE tutorial:

Introducing Web Applications

This section includes summaries of the following topics:

Internationalization Issues

This section covers internationalization as it applies to the following:

The Server

To set the default locale of the entire Sun Java System Application Server, which determines the locale of the Administration Console, the logs, and so on, use the Administration Console. Select the Domain component, and type a value in the Locale field. For details, see the Sun Java System Application Server Administration Guide.


This section explains how the Sun Java System Application Server determines the character encoding for the servlet request and the servlet response. For encodings you can use, see:

Servlet Request

When processing a servlet request, the server uses the following order of precedence, first to last, to determine the request character encoding:

For details about the parameter-encoding element, see “parameter-encoding” on page 370.

Servlet Response

When processing a servlet response, the server uses the following order of precedence, first to last, to determine the response character encoding:

Virtual Servers

A virtual server, also called a virtual host, is a virtual web server that serves content targeted for a specific URL. Multiple virtual servers can serve content using the same or different host names, port numbers, or IP addresses. The HTTP service directs incoming web requests to different virtual servers based on the URL.

When you first install the Sun Java System Application Server, a default virtual server is created. (You can also assign a default virtual server to each new HTTP listener you create. For details, see the Sun Java System Application Server Administration Guide.)

Web applications and J2EE applications containing web components can be assigned to virtual servers. You can use the Administration Console to assign virtual servers:

  1. Deploy the application or web module and assign the desired virtual server to it as described in “Tools for Deployment” on page 88.
  2. In the Administration Console, open the HTTP Service component under the relevant configuration.
  3. Open the Virtual Servers component under the HTTP Service component.
  4. Select the virtual server to which you want to assign a default web module.
  5. Select the application or web module from the Default Web Module drop-down list. For more information, see Default Web Modules.

For details, see the Sun Java System Application Server Administration Guide.

Default Web Modules

A default web module can be assigned to the default virtual server and to each new virtual server. For details, see Virtual Servers. To access the default web module for a virtual server, point the browser to the URL for the virtual server, but do not supply a context root. For example:


A virtual server with no default web module assigned serves HTML or JSP content from its document root, which is usually domain_dir/docroot. To access this HTML or JSP content, point your browser to the URL for the virtual server, do not supply a context root, but specify the target file.

For example:


Classloader Delegation

The Servlet specification recommends that the Web Classloader look in the local classloader before delegating to its parent. To make the Web Classloader follow the delegation model in the Servlet specification, set delegate="false" in the class-loader element of the sun-web.xml file. It’s safe to do this only for a web module that does not interact with any other modules.

The default value is delegate="true", which causes the Web Classloader to delegate in the same manner as the other classloaders. Use delegate="true" for a web application that accesses EJB components or that acts as a web service client or endpoint. For details about sun-web.xml, see “The sun-web.xml File” on page 295.

For general information about classloaders, see “Classloaders” on page 73.

Using the default-web.xml File

You can use the default-web.xml file to define features such as filters and security constraints that apply to all web applications, as follows:

  1. Place the JAR file for the filter, security constraint, or other feature in the domain_dir/lib directory.
  2. Edit the domain_dir/config/default-web.xml file to refer to the JAR file.
  3. Restart the server.

The InvokerServlet allows use of the servlet-name instead of the servlet-mapping for invoking a servlet with a URL, as described in Invoking a Servlet with a URL. The InvokerServlet is commented out in the default-web.xml file. To re-enable the InvokerServlet, remove the comment indicators (<!-- and -->), then restart the server.

Configuring Logging in the Web Container

For information about configuring logging and monitoring in the web container using the Administration Console, see the Sun Java System Application Server Administration Guide.

Configuring HTML Error Pages

To specify an error page (or URL to an error page) to be displayed to the end user, use the error-url attribute of the sun-web-app element in the sun-web.xml file. For example:

<sun-web-app error-url="webserver_install_dir/error/error1.html">
  ... subelements ...

For details, see “sun-web-app” on page 402.

If the error-url attribute is specified, it overrides all other mechanisms configured for error reporting.


This attribute should not point to a URL on the Application Server instance, because the error-url cannot be loaded if the server is down. Instead, specify a URL that points to a location on the web server.

The Sun Java System Application Server provides the following options for specifying the error page.

The error page is displayed according to the following rules:

Header Management

In the Platform Edition of the Sun Java System Application Server, the Enumeration from request.getHeaders() contains multiple elements instead of a single, aggregated value.

Using Servlets

Sun Java System Application Server supports the Java Servlet Specification version 2.4.


Servlet API version 2.4 is fully backward compatible with version 2.3, so all existing servlets should work without modification or recompilation.

To develop servlets, use Sun Microsystems’ Java Servlet API. For information about using the Java Servlet API, see the documentation provided by Sun Microsystems at:

The Sun Java System Application Server provides the wscompile and wsdeploy tools to help you implement a web service endpoint as a servlet. For more information about these tools, see the Sun Java System Application Server Reference Manual.

This section describes how to create effective servlets to control application interactions running on a Sun Java System Application Server, including standard-based servlets. In addition, this section describes the Sun Java System Application Server features to use to augment the standards.

This section contains the following topics:

Invoking a Servlet with a URL

You can call a servlet deployed to the Sun Java System Application Server by using a URL in a browser or embedded as a link in an HTML or JSP file. The format of a servlet invocation URL is as follows:


The following table describes each URL section.

Table 5-1   URL Fields for Servlets Within an Application 

URL element



The IP address (or host name) and optional port number.

To access the default web module for a virtual server, specify only this URL section. You do not need to specify the context_root or servlet_name unless you also wish to specify name-value parameters.


For an application, the context root is defined in the context-root element of the application.xml or sun-application.xml file. For an individually deployed web module, the context root is specified during deployment.

For both applications and individually deployed web modules, the default context root is the name of the WAR file minus the .war suffix.


The servlet-mapping as configured in the web.xml file.

You can use the servlet-name instead if you enable the InvokerServlet; see Using the default-web.xml File.


Optional request parameters.

In this example, localhost is the host name, MortPages is the context root, and calcMortgage is the servlet mapping:


When invoking a servlet from within a JSP file, you can use a relative path. For example:

<jsp:forward page="TestServlet"/>
<jsp:include page="TestServlet"/>

Servlet Output

ServletContext.log messages are sent to the server log.

By default, the System.out and System.err output of servlets are sent to the server log, and during start-up server log messages are echoed to the System.err output. Also by default, there is no Windows-only console for the System.err output.

To change these defaults using the Administration Console, select the Logger Settings component under the relevant configuration, then check or uncheck these boxes:

For more information, see the Sun Java System Application Server Administration Guide.

Caching Servlet Results

The Sun Java System Application Server can cache the results of invoking a servlet, a JSP, or any URL pattern to make subsequent invocations of the same servlet, JSP, or URL pattern faster. The Sun Java System Application Server caches the request results for a specific amount of time. In this way, if another data call occurs, the Sun Java System Application Server can return the cached data instead of performing the operation again. For example, if your servlet returns a stock quote that updates every 5 minutes, you set the cache to expire after 300 seconds.

Whether to cache results and how to cache them depends on the data involved. For example, it makes no sense to cache the results of a quiz submission, because the input to the servlet is different each time. However, it makes sense to cache a high level report showing demographic data taken from quiz results that is updated once an hour.

To define how a Sun Java System Application Server web application handles response caching, you edit specific fields in the sun-web.xml file.


A servlet that uses caching is not portable.

A sample caching application is in install_dir/samples/webapps/apps/caching.

For more information about JSP caching, see JSP Caching.

The rest of this section covers the following topics:

Caching Features

The Sun Java System Application Server has the following web application response caching capabilities:

Default Cache Configuration

If you enable caching but do not provide any special configuration for a servlet or JSP, the default cache configuration is as follows:

Caching Example

Here is an example cache element in the sun-web.xml file:

<cache max-capacity="8192" timeout="60">
  <cache-helper name="myHelper" class-name="MyCacheHelper"/>
    <timeout name="timefield">120</timeout>
    <url-pattern> /catalog/* </url-pattern>
    <!-- cache the best selling category; cache the responses to
      -- this resource only when the given parameters exist. Cache
      -- only when the catalog parameter has 'lilies' or 'roses'
      -- but no other catalog varieties:
      -- /orchard/catalog?best&category='lilies'
      -- /orchard/catalog?best&category='roses'
      -- but not the result of
      -- /orchard/catalog?best&category='wild'
    <constraint-field name='best' scope='request.parameter'/>
    <constraint-field name='category' scope='request.parameter'>
      <value> roses </value>
      <value> lilies </value>
    <!-- Specify that a particular field is of given range but the
      -- field doesn't need to be present in all the requests -->
    <constraint-field name='SKUnum' scope='request.parameter'>
      <value match-expr='in-range'> 1000 - 2000 </value>
    <!-- cache when the category matches with any value other than
      -- a specific value -->
    <constraint-field name="category" scope="request.parameter>
      <value match-expr="equals" cache-on-match-failure="true">bogus</value>
    <servlet-name> InfoServlet </servlet-name>

For more information about the sun-web.xml caching settings, see “cache” on page 315.

CacheKeyGenerator Interface

The built-in default CacheHelper implementation allows web applications to customize the key generation. An application component (in a servlet or JSP) can set up a custom CacheKeyGenerator implementation as an attribute in the ServletContext.

The name of the context attribute is configurable as the value of the cacheKeyGeneratorAttrName property in the default-helper element of the sun-web.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see “default-helper” on page 334.

About the Servlet Engine

Servlets exist in and are managed by the servlet engine in the Sun Java System Application Server. The servlet engine is an internal object that handles all servlet meta functions. These functions include instantiation, initialization, destruction, access from other components, and configuration management. This section covers the following topics:

Instantiating and Removing Servlets

After the servlet engine instantiates the servlet, the servlet engine calls the servlet’s init() method to perform any necessary initialization. You can override this method to perform an initialization function for the servlet’s life, such as initializing a counter.

When a servlet is removed from service, the servlet engine calls the destroy() method in the servlet so that the servlet can perform any final tasks and deallocate resources. You can override this method to write log messages or clean up any lingering connections that won’t be caught in garbage collection.

Request Handling

When a request is made, the Sun Java System Application Server hands the incoming data to the servlet engine. The servlet engine processes the request’s input data, such as form data, cookies, session information, and URL name-value pairs, into an HttpServletRequest request object type.

The servlet engine also creates an HttpServletResponse response object type. The engine then passes both as parameters to the servlet’s service() method.

In an HTTP servlet, the default service() method routes requests to another method based on the HTTP transfer method: POST, GET, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, or TRACE. For example, HTTP POST requests are sent to the doPost() method, HTTP GET requests are sent to the doGet() method, and so on. This enables the servlet to process request data differently, depending on which transfer method is used. Since the routing takes place in the service method, you generally do not override service() in an HTTP servlet. Instead, override doGet(), doPost(), and so on, depending on the request type you expect.

To perform the tasks to answer a request, override the service() method for generic servlets, and the doGet() or doPost() methods for HTTP servlets. Very often, this means accessing EJB components to perform business transactions, then collating the information in the request object or in a JDBC ResultSet object.

Using JavaServer Pages

The Sun Java System Application Server supports the following JSP features:

For information about creating JSP files, see Sun Microsystem’s JavaServer Pages web site at:

For information about Java Beans, see Sun Microsystem’s JavaBeans web page at:

This section describes how to use JavaServer Pages (JSP files) as page templates in a Sun Java System Application Server web application. This section contains the following topics:

JSP Tag Libraries and Standard Portable Tags

Sun Java System Application Server supports tag libraries and standard portable tags. For more information, see the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) page:

Web applications don’t need to bundle copies of the jsf-impl.jar or appserv-jstl.jar JSP tag libraries (in install_dir/lib) to use JavaServer™ Faces technology or JSTL, respectively. These tag libraries are automatically available to all web applications.

However, the install_dir/lib/appserv-tags.jar tag library for JSP caching is not automatically available to web applications. See JSP Caching, next.

JSP Caching

JSP caching lets you cache tag invocation results within the Java engine. Each can be cached using different cache criteria. For example, suppose you have invocations to view stock quotes, weather information, and so on. The stock quote result can be cached for 10 minutes, the weather report result for 30 minutes, and so on.

For more information about response caching as it pertains to servlets, see Caching Servlet Results.

JSP caching is implemented by a tag library packaged into the install_dir/lib/appserv-tags.jar file, which you can copy into the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web application. The appserv-tags.tld tag library descriptor file is in the META-INF directory of this JAR file.


Web applications that use this tag library are not portable.

To allow all web applications to share this tag library, change the following elements in the domain.xml file. Change this:


to this:

<jvm-options>-Dcom.sun.enterprise.taglibs=appserv-jstl.jar,jsf-impl.jar,appserv-tags.jar </jvm-options>

and this:


to this:


For more information about the domain.xml file, see the Sun Java System Application Server Administration Reference.

Refer to these tags in JSP files as follows:

<%@ taglib prefix="prefix" uri="Sun ONE Application Server Tags" %>

Subsequently, the cache tags are available as <prefix:cache> and <prefix:flush>. For example, if your prefix is mypfx, the cache tags are available as <mypfx:cache> and <mypfx:flush>.

The tags are as follows:


The cache tag caches the body between the beginning and ending tags according to the attributes specified. The first time the tag is encountered, the body content is executed and cached. Each subsequent time it is run, the cached content is checked to see if it needs to be refreshed and if so, it is executed again, and the cached data is refreshed. Otherwise, the cached data is served.


The following table describes attributes for the cache tag.

Table 5-2  cache Attributes 






(optional) The name used by the container to access the cached entry. The cache key is suffixed to the servlet path to generate a key to access the cached entry. If no key is specified, a number is generated according to the position of the tag in the page.



(optional) The time in seconds after which the body of the tag is executed and the cache is refreshed. By default, this value is interpreted in seconds. To specify a different unit of time, add a suffix to the timeout value as follows: s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days. For example, 2h specifies two hours.



(optional) If set to true, the body content is executed and served as if there were no cache tag. This offers a way to programmatically decide whether the cached response is sent or whether the body has to be executed, though the response is not cached.



(optional) If set to true, the body content is executed and the response is cached again. This lets you programmatically refresh the cache immediately regardless of the timeout setting.


The following example represents a cached JSP file:

<%@ taglib prefix="mypfx" uri="Sun ONE Application Server Tags" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>

<mypfx:cache         key="${sessionScope.loginId}"
    <c:when test="${ == 'frontPage'}">
      <%-- get headlines from database --%>

<mypfx:cache timeout="1h">
  <h2> Local News </h2>
    <%-- get the headline news and cache them --%>


Forces the cache to be flushed. If a key is specified, only the entry with that key is flushed. If no key is specified, the entire cache is flushed.


The following table describes attributes for the flush tag.

Table 5-3  flush Attributes 






(optional) The name used by the container to access the cached entry. The cache key is suffixed to the servlet path to generate a key to access the cached entry. If no key is specified, a number is generated according to the position of the tag in the page.


To flush the entry with key="foobar":

<mypfx:flush key="foobar"/>

To flush the entire cache:

<c:if test="${empty sessionScope.clearCache}">
  <mypfx:flush />

Options for Compiling JSP Files

Sun Java System Application Server provides the following ways of compiling JSP 2.0 compliant source files into servlets:

Creating and Managing HTTP Sessions

This chapter describes how to create and manage a session that allows users and transaction information to persist between interactions.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Configuring Sessions

This section covers the following topics:

Sessions, Cookies, and URL Rewriting

To configure whether and how sessions use cookies and URL rewriting, edit the session-properties and cookie-properties elements in the sun-web.xml file for an individual web application. See “session-properties” on page 396 and “cookie-properties” on page 332 for more about the properties you can configure.

For information about configuring default session properties for the entire web container, see the Sun Java System Application Server Administration Guide.

Coordinating Session Access

Make sure that multiple threads don’t simultaneously modify the same session object in conflicting ways. This is especially likely to occur in web applications that use HTML frames where multiple servlets are executing simultaneously on behalf of the same client. A good solution is to ensure that one of the servlets modifies the session and the others have read-only access.

Session Managers

A session manager automatically creates new session objects whenever a new session starts. In some circumstances, clients do not join the session, for example, if the session manager uses cookies and the client does not accept cookies.

Sun Java System Application Server offers these session management options, determined by the session-manager element’s persistence-type attribute in the sun-web.xml file:

The memory Persistence Type

This persistence type is not designed for a production environment that requires session persistence. It provides no session persistence. However, you can configure it so that the session state in memory is written to the file system prior to server shutdown.

To specify the memory persistence type for the entire web container, use the configure-ha-persistence command. For details, see the Reference Manual.

To specify the memory persistence type for a specific web application, edit the sun-web.xml file as in the following example. The persistence-type property is optional, but must be set to memory if included. This overrides the web container availability settings for the web application.

    <session-manager persistence-type=memory />
        <property name="sessionFilename" value="sessionstate" />

The only manager property that the memory persistence type supports is sessionFilename, which is listed under “manager-properties” on page 359.

For more information about the sun-web.xml file, see “The sun-web.xml File” on page 295.

The file Persistence Type

This persistence type provides session persistence to the local file system, and allows a single server domain to recover the session state after a failure and restart. The session state is persisted in the background, and the rate at which this occurs is configurable. The store also provides passivation and activation of the session state to help control the amount of memory used. This option is not supported in a production environment. However, it is useful for a development system with a single server instance.


Make sure the delete option is set in the server.policy file, or expired file-based sessions might not be deleted properly. For more information about server.policy, see “The server.policy File” on page 45.

To specify the file persistence type for the entire web container, use the configure-ha-persistence command. For details, see the Reference Manual.

To specify the file persistence type for a specific web application, edit the sun-web.xml file as in the following example. Note that persistence-type must be set to file. This overrides the web container availability settings for the web application.

    <session-manager persistence-type=file>
        <property name=directory value=sessiondir />

The file persistence type supports all the manager properties listed under “manager-properties” on page 359 except sessionFilename, and supports the directory store property listed under “store-properties” on page 398.

For more information about the sun-web.xml file, see “The sun-web.xml File” on page 295.

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