C H A P T E R  3

Product Information

This chapter contains the following information:

3.1 Overview

The Sun Cooling Door 5200 is a highly efficient air-to-water heat exchanger. It is installed onto the rear of the server chassis/rack and has a high cooling capacity. Its slim design and proximity to the heat load provides considerable floor space savings. It is a 100-percent passive system, allowing for minimal operation and maintenance costs.

FIGURE 3-1 Sun Cooling Door 5200

3.2 Air Flow Routing

The Sun Cooling Door 5200 requires front-to-back air flow routing. The server fans push the warm air exhausted from the devices in the server chassis/rack into the rear door heat exchanger. The air is then cooled and exhausted out of the Sun Cooling Door 5200. See FIGURE 3-2.

FIGURE 3-2 Air Routing Through the Sun Cooling Door 5200

Figure Legend


Air input


Exhaust air


Cooling water inlet


Warm water outlet

3.3 Cooling Capacity

The cooling capacity of Sun Cooling Door 5200 depends on:

There is no fixed cooling performance number that applies to all racks or installations.

Depending on the environmental conditions, the Sun Cooling Door 5200 attains approximately 75% to 100% cooling for heat loads of up to 35 kW. If 100% cooling is not met, the exhaust air temperature can be higher than the air inlet temperature of the chassis/rack.

FIGURE 3-3 Variation of Heat Removal vs. Room Temperature

FIGURE 3-4 Variation of Heat Removal vs. Water Flow Rate

FIGURE 3-5 Variation of Heat Removal Percentage vs. Heat Load

Note - Contact your Sun Microsystems representative for further details and performance projections related to a specific installation.

3.4 Technical Specifications

The following are the technical specifications of the Sun Cooling Door 5200:

TABLE 3-1 Technical Specifications of the Sun Cooling Door 5200

Technical Specifications

Sun Cooling Door 5200

Water flow (l/min)

Max. 100



Coolant inlet temperature (˚C)

3 ˚C above dew point (recommended)

Permissible water operating pressure pmax (bar)

2 to 5 max.

Ambient temperature range (˚C)

+10 up to +32 (non-condensing)


23.7 in. (602.5 mm)


81.6 in. (2073.0 mm)


6.3 in. (160 mm)

Weight (without water)

198.4 lbs (90 kg)

Weight (with water)

213.9 to 216.0 lbs (97 kg to 98 kg)

3.5 Hydrological Information

To avoid system damage and to ensure safe operation, use system water or an additive whose composition does not differ from that presented in the following summary:

TABLE 3-2 Hydrological Data

pH value

7 - 8.5

Carbonic acid

> 3 < 8 ˚dH

Free carbonic acid

8 - 15 mg/dm3

Accompanying carbonic acid

8 - 15 mg/dm3

Corrosive carbonic acid

0 mg/dm3




<10 mg/dm3

Chloride ions

< 50 mg/dm3

Sulfate ions

< 250 mg/dm3

Nitrates and nitrites

< 10 mg/dm3


< 7 mg/dm3


< 5 mg/dm3


< 0.2 mg/dm3


< 0.2 mg/dm3


< 2200 S/cm

Residue on evaporation

< 500 mg/dm3

Potassium permanganate consumption

< 25 mg/dm3

Suspended matter

< 3 mg/dm3


> 3 < 15 mg/dm3 Partial flow purification recommended

> 15 mg/dm3 Continuous purification recommended

Note - The Sun Cooling Door 5200 does not have a built-in water filter. If the input water is not free of debris, an external water filter should be used.

3.6 Water-Side Pressure Loss

The following diagram shows the water-side pressure loss of the Sun Cooling Door 5200 as a function of water flow rate. It is provided to help you determine the water pressure of the cold water supply system necessary for the system.

FIGURE 3-6 Sun Cooling Door 5200 Water-side Pressure Loss

3.7 Maintenance

The Sun Cooling Door 5200 is a low-maintenance unit. All components are designed with an extremely long life span.

If an in-line filter to the water inlet is used, it should be serviced regularly.

Note - Visually inspect the door and filters, if any, at regular intervals.

caution icon Caution - Before removing the Sun Cooling Door 5200, it must be drained of water.