A P P E N D I X  B

DiningGuide Database Script

This appendix displays the following database scripts for the DiningGuide tutorial:

Script for a PointBase Database

drop table CustomerReview;
drop table Restaurant;
create table Restaurant(
	restaurantName	 		varchar(80),
	cuisine				varchar(25),
	neighborhood			varchar(25),
	address				varchar(30),
	phone				varchar(12),
	description			varchar(200),
	rating				tinyint,
constraint pk_Restaurant primary key(restaurantName));
create table CustomerReview(
	restaurantName	 		varchar(80) not null references Restaurant(restaurantName),
	customerName			varchar(25),
	review				varchar(200),
constraint pk_CustomerReview primary key(CustomerName, restaurantName));
insert into Restaurant (restaurantName, cuisine, neighborhood, address, phone, description, rating) values ('French Lemon','Mediterranean','Rockridge','1200 College Avenue','510 888 8888','Very nice spot.',5);
insert into Restaurant (restaurantName, cuisine, neighborhood, address, phone, description, rating) values ('Bay Fox','Mediterranean','Piedmont','1200 Piedmont Avenue','510 888 8888','Excellent.',5);
insert into CustomerReview (restaurantName, customerName, review) values ('French Lemon','Fred','Nice flowers.');
insert into CustomerReview (restaurantName, customerName, review) values ('French Lemon','Ralph','Excellent service.');

Script for an Oracle Database

drop table CustomerReview;
drop table Restaurant;
create table Restaurant(
	restaurantName 				varchar(80),
	cuisine 				varchar(25),
	neighborhood 				varchar(25),
	address 				varchar(30),
	phone 					varchar(12),
	description 				varchar(200),
	rating 					number(1,0),
constraint pk_Restaurant primary key(restaurantName));
grant all on Restaurant to public;
create table CustomerReview(
	restaurantName 	varchar(80) not null references Restaurant(restaurantName),
	customerName 				varchar(25),
	review 					varchar(200),
constraint pk_CustomerReview primary key(CustomerName, restaurantName));
grant all on CustomerReview to public;
insert into Restaurant (restaurantName, cuisine, neighborhood, address, phone, description, rating) values ('French Lemon','Mediterranean','Rockridge','1200 College Avenue','510 888 8888','Very nice spot.',5);
insert into Restaurant (restaurantName, cuisine, neighborhood, address, phone, description, rating) values ('Bay Fox','Mediterranean','Piedmont','1200 Piedmont Avenue','510 888 8888','Excellent.',5);
insert into CustomerReview (restaurantName, customerName, review) values ('French Lemon','Fred','Nice flowers.');
insert into CustomerReview (restaurantName, customerName, review) values ('French Lemon','Ralph','Excellent service.');