

action elements, JSP, 1 - 2

Add New Tag Attribute dialog box, 1

Add New Tag dialog box, 1

Add New Tag Scripting Variable dialog box, 1

addAttribute method, 1

application event listeners, 1

application instance variable, 1

application scope, 1

audience for this book, 1

authentication properties, defining, 1

authentication, servlet filters and, 1



accessing from servlets, 1

accessing with tag handlers, 1

data access, creation of, 1

implementing Helpers as, 1

setting properties for, 1

specifying in servlets, 1

specifying use in JSP pages, 1

using in web modules, 1 - 2

View Creation Helpers, 1

Body Content field, meaning in Tag Customizer dialog box, 1

BodyTag interface, 1

breakpoints, setting, 1

browsers. See web browsers



adding tag handlers to, 1

IDE's internal, 1

order of web module elements in, 1

Client and Server pane of records display panel, 1

clients. See web browsers

code completion

for available servlet methods and values, 1

for JSP tags, 1

for standard tag library, 1

coding errors, 1

HTTP Monitor and, 1

JSP debugger options and, 1


JSP pages, 1

servlets, 1

Composite Views, 1 - 2

creating a template JSP page for, 1

Context pane of records display panel, 1

context parameters, in deployment descriptor file, 1

context roots

property sheet, specified in WEB-INF, 1

server directory, mapping to, 1

controller element, in web modules, 1






HTTP request headers, in, 1

HTTP responses, in, 1

incoming and outgoing, list of, 1

incorrect values in, 1

replay requests, specifying for, 1

Cookies pane in records display panel, 1

custom actions

and custom tags, 1

inserting using tags, 1 - 2

specifying how body is handled, 1

tag handlers and, 1

custom tags, adding and customizing, 1


data compression, servlet filters and, 1

Database Explorer, 1


access to, 1

accessing with beans, 1, 2

accessing with Helpers, 1

drivers, 1

frameworks and, 1

initializing connections, 1

managing connections to, 1

model objects and, 1

setting up web server environment for access, 1

updating data with custom tags, 1

working with, 1 - 2


options, setting for JSP, 1

setting breakpoints, 1

starting, 1

viewing generated servlets, 1

debugging web applications

HTTP Monitor, using to debug, 1 - 2

monitoring data flow on the web server, 1 - 2

setting JSP debugger options, 1

source-level debugging, 1 - 2

tools for, 1 - 2

viewing both JSP and servlet files during, 1

viewing monitor data records, 1

declarations, JSP, 1


custom tag libraries, 1 - 2

HTTP Monitor, 1

production environment, to, 1

web modules, 1, 2, 3, 4

deployment descriptor files

adding servlet entries in, 1

configuring, 1 - 2

displaying and changing servlet entries in, 1

editing, 1, 2

editing in Source Editor, 1

editing with property editors, 1

errors in, 1

introduced, 1

load on startup specification, 1

registering servlets and filters in, 1

registering tag libraries in, 1

servlet entries in, 1

servlet mappings in, 1

deployment errors, 1

design patterns

Composite Views, 1 - 2

Dispatchers, 1

frameworks for, 1

Front Controllers, 1 - 2

Helpers, 1

introduced, 1

View Creation Helpers, 1

View Helpers, 1

View Mappers, 1

destruction of

JSP pages, 1

servlet filters, 1

servlets, 1

directive elements

in JSP pages, 1

in tag libraries, 1

Dispatchers, 1 - 2

distributed servlet containers, 1

document root, 1

doFilter method, 1

Dreamweaver templates, creating JSP pages from, 1


Edit and Replay dialog box, 1

error page entries, creating, 1

error sources in web applications, determining, 1

example applications

where to download, 1


on external servers, 1

single web modules, 1 - 2

web module groups, 1 - 2

execution properties, setting web module, 1

Explorer window

mounting root directory of web module in, 1

opening mounted JAR files in, 1

Server Registry on Runtime tab, 1

unpacking and mounting a WAR file from, 1

web module structure in, 1

expression elements, JSP, 1

external servers

executing web modules on, 1


filter chains, 1, 2

FilterChain object, 1

FilterConfig method, 1

filters. See servlet filters

forward action, 1, 2


defined, 1

JavaServer Faces, 1

Struts, 1

Front Controllers

constructing, 1 - 2

defined, 1 - 2

directing page flow with, 1

Dispatchers in, 1

Helpers and, 1 - 2

response processing in, 1

servlets as, 1

View Creation Helpers in, 1 - 2

View Mappers and, 1


generated servlets, viewing, 1

getAttribute method, 1

getProperty action, 1, 2



altering HTTP response, 1

displayed in HTTP Monitor, 1

in HTTP requests, 1

in HTTP responses, 1

Headers pane of records display panel, 1

Helpers, 1 - 2

HTTP Monitor

enabling, 1

introduced, 1

records display panel, 1

replaying requests, 1

starting, 1

viewing data records, 1 - 2

HTTP requests

defined, 1, 2

monitoring, 1

Request pane in HTTP monitor records display panel, 1

scope in JSP pages, 1

web components and, 1

HTTP responses

action elements and, 1

defined, 1, 2

expression elements and, 1

generating with servlets, 1

scripting elements and, 1

scriptlets and, 1

servlet filters and, 1

template data and, 1

web components and, 1

HTTP sessions, 1 - 2

creating, 1

data, 1, 2, 3

defined, 1

displaying properties of, 1

invalidating, 1

misspelled attributes as coding errors, 1

servlet filters and, 1

showing status of, 1

storing data for future, 1

HTTPRequest objects

modifying, 1

servlet filters and, 1



HTTPResponse objects

modifying, 1

servlet filters and, 1

HTTPServlet interface, 1

HTTPSession API methods, 1


implicit objects in JSP pages, 1

include action, 1

include directive, 1, 2

included views, in Composite View design pattern, 1

initialization of

filters, 1 - 2

servlets, 1

instantiation of

filters, 1

JSP pages, 1

servlets, 1


BodyTag, 1

HTTPServlet, 1

Servlet, 1

ServletContext, 1

Tag, 1

invalidate method, 1


J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition)

1.3 specification compliance, 1

architecture, 1 - 2

compliant servers, 1

web applications, 1, 2

web modules and, 1

JAR (Java Archive) files, 1

in classpath construction, 1

servlets, classes, and beans packaged as, 1

Tag Libraries Property Editor and, 1

Javadoc technology

using in the IDE, 1

JavaServer Faces framework, 1

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

driver, location in web module, 1

PointBase driver for, 1

Tomcat, setting up access for, 1

using Helpers to access information in a database with, 1

using to access database from a web application, 1

jServletContext instance, 1

JSP include actions, 1

JSP pages

action elements, 1

beans, using, 1

code constructs, 1

Composite View template, 1

creating, 1

destruction of, 1

directive elements, 1

element types, 1

expression elements, 1

importing packages, 1

includes, working with, 1

instantiation of, 1

joining a session, 1

life cycle of, 1 - 2

modifying, 1

page directive, 1

root directory for, 1

scripting elements in, 1 - 2

scriptlets and, 1

session scope and, 1

sessions, creating and invalidating, 1

setting debugger options, 1

specifying beans for, 1

template data, 1

translation of, 1

JSP source code

editing, 1

viewing next to servlet source code, 1

JSP Tag Library dialog box, 1

JSP Tag Library Repository

adding existing tag libraries with, 1

adding tag libraries from external sources with, 1

JSP Tag Library Repository dialog box, 1

jspDestroy method, 1

jspInit method, 1



JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library)

adding using JSP Tag Library Repository, 1

defined, 1 - 2

multiple TLD files in JAR file, 1


life cycle

JSP pages, 1 - 2

servlet filters, 1 - 2

servlets, 1 - 2

listeners, 1 - 2

load-balancing systems, 1

loading of

filters, 1

servlets, 1

localization, servlet filters and, 1

logging and auditing web application users, servlet filters and, 1


MIME type of file, deployment descriptor field for, 1

model element, in web modules, 1

model objects, 1 - 2

monitoring data flow on the web server, 1 - 2

Mount Filesystem dialog box, 1

mounted filesystems, web modules and, 1


New wizard, 1, 2, 3, 4


packaging custom tag libraries, 1 - 2

packaging web applications, 1 - 2

page directive, 1, 2

page scope, 1

plugin action, 1

PointBase database, 1

prefix attribute of taglib directive, 1

presentation element, in web modules, 1

processRequest method, 1


recommended reading, 1 - 2

records display panel in HTTP Monitor, 1

request processing

filters and, 1

in JSP pages, 1

in servlets, 1

request scope, 1

request time, 1

RequestDispatcher API, 1


scopes in JSP pages, 1

scripting elements

declarations, 1

defined, 1

expressions, 1

scriptlets, 1

scripting variables

adding new, 1

customizing existing, 1


defined, 1

disadvantages of, 1

security properties, defining, 1

server configuration file, 1

servers. See web servers

service method, 1

Servlet class, 1

servlet containers

database systems and, 1

defined, 1 - 2

deploying web modules on, 1

distributed web servers and, 1

introduced, 1, 2

matching request paths to servlets, 1

mediating links between components, 1

Welcome file list and, 1



servlet context

defined, 1 - 2

events, 1

methods defined by, 1

name on HTTP Monitor pane, 1

objects, 1

servlet filters and, 1

showing name created from web module, 1

web module and, 1

servlet event listeners, 1

servlet filters, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

data compression and, 1

declaring, 1 - 2

destroy method, 1

destruction of, 1

introduced, 1

life cycle, 1 - 2

processing requests and responses with, 1

registering in deployment descriptor files, 1

Servlet interface, 1

Servlet pane of records display panel, 1

ServletContext interface, 1


creating, 1 - 2

declaring, 1 - 2

defined, 1

destroy method, 1

destruction of, 1

dispatchers and, 1

execution, 1

front controllers and, 1

generated, viewing, 1

init method, 1

initialization of, 1

instantiation of, 1

life cycle, 1 - 2

loading of, 1

modifying, 1

outputting HTML from, 1

registering in deployment descriptor files, 1

service method, 1

showing name information for, 1

session scope, 1


creating and invalidating, 1

distributing data, 1

time-out interval, 1

tracking with listeners, 1

setProperty action, 1, 2

source-level debugging, 1 - 2

Struts framework, 1

style translations of XML content by servlet filters, 1

Sun ONE Application Server

Admin Server, required by web server, 1

integration with the IDE, 1

PointBase software in, 1

Sun ONE Studio IDE

debugging tools, 1 - 2

deployment support, 1

execution support in, 1

full web component support, 1 - 2

monitoring tools, 1 - 2

open runtime environment integration, 1

summary of features, 1 - 2


Tag Attribute Customizer dialog box, 1

tag attributes

adding, 1

customizing, 1

Tag Customizer dialog box

body content field in, 1

edit a tag, using to, 1

generating skeleton code, using to, 1

generating tag handlers and, 1

tag handlers, 1 - 2

Tag interface, 1

tag libraries

adding existing, 1

creating, 1

database access and, 1

defined, 1 - 2

deploying, 1

developing custom, 1 - 2

generating tag handler classes, 1 - 2

inserting custom actions into a JSP page, 1

JSP Tag Library Repository and, 1

packaging and deploying custom tag libraries, 1 - 2

packaging as JAR files, 1

recommended development procedure, 1

registering in deployment descriptor, 1

scripting variables, 1 - 2

tag attributes, 1

testing in place, 1

TLD and, 1

URI mappings for, 1

using, 1 - 2

using from external sources, 1

Tag Libraries Property Editor, 1

Tag Library Customizer dialog box

defining properties of custom tag libraries, 1

Tag Handler Generation Root field in, 1

Tag Library Repository

adding new tag library JAR file to, 1

deploying a tag library with, 1

using, 1

using tag libraries from external sources with, 1

Tag Library Repository Browser dialog box, 1

Tag Scripting Variable Customizer, 1

taglib directive, 1, 2, 3

TLD (tag library descriptor)

adding tag attributes and scripting variables to, 1

code completion, using for, 1, 2

creating, 1

declaring tag attributes and scripting variables in, 1

defined, 1, 2

generating tag handlers from, 1

IDE support for, 1, 2, 3

location in web module, 1

mapping tag name and tag handler in, 1

placement of, 1

referencing from JSP page, 1

regenerating tag handlers for, 1

URI, finding, 1, 2

Tomcat web server

integration with the IDE, 1

JDBC drivers and, 1

PointBase database and, 1

translation of JSP pages, 1


Unpack WAR Folder dialog box, 1




references to resources, obtaining, 1

specifying web application's, 1

useBean action, 1, 2


View Creation Helpers, 1 - 2

View Helpers, 1

View Mappers, 1 - 2


WAR (Web Archive) files

building from a web module, 1

format of, 1

packaging options for, 1

viewing contents of package, 1

web applications

advantages of developing, 1

challenges in developing, 1 - 2

compared to standalone applications, 1 - 2

complexity of tasks, 1

data representation, flow, and processing in, 1

debugging, 1 - 2

defined, 1

design patterns for, 1 - 2

developing, 1 - 2

error sources in, 1 - 2

frameworks for, 1 - 2

introduced, 1 - 2

running and debugging tasks, 1 - 2

structure of, 1 - 2

test running, 1

web browsers

accessibility of JSP pages and, 1

creation of HTTP requests in, 1

destination for HTTP responses, 1

executing web applications from, 1

HTTP Monitor and, 1

introduced, 1

languages and file format accepted by, 1

replaying requests and, 1

requests and responses in, 1

test interaction using different, 1

web components and, 1

web components

defined, 1

indirect action among, 1

introduced, 1, 2

JSP pages, 1 - 2

servlets, 1 - 2

types, 1

web containers. See servlet containers

web module groups, 1

web modules

classpath construction for servlet execution, 1

configuring, 1 - 2

creating, 1

debugging flow in, 1 - 2

defined, 1

deployment descriptors, 1

executing single, 1 - 2

execution properties, setting, 1

hierarchy, 1

importing existing, 1 - 2

introduced, 1

mounting, 1

programming flow in, 1 - 2

root of, 1

setting a target server, 1

structure of, 1

test running, 1

URL and context root for, 1

WEB-INF/classes directory of, 1

web servers

defined, 1

deploying simple web modules on, 1

environment for database access, 1

executing a single web module on, 1

executing group of web modules on, 1

executing on external, 1

implications of server-centered execution, 1

integrated servers, using, 1

introduced, 1

monitoring data flow on, 1 - 2

open runtime environment integration, 1

server configuration file for, 1

test running web modules on, 1

web.xml files See deployment descriptor files

welcome files

designating, 1

in deployment descriptor file, 1