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Suntrademark ONE Application Framework Developer's Guide

Suntrademark ONE Studio 5 update 1




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1. Overview and Architecture


What is the Sun ONE Application Framework?

Who Should Be Interested in the Sun ONE Application Framework?

What Does the Sun ONE Application Framework Do?

What Doesn't the Sun ONE Application Framework Do?

The Three Tiers of the Sun ONE Application Framework Architecture

Model Tier

View Tier

Controller Tier

How Sun ONE Application Framework MVC Differs From Traditional MVC

2. Develop an Application

Create an Application

What is a Sun ONE Application Framework Application?

Application-Level Entities


Create a WAR File

Use Component Libraries

Create a Page (ViewBean)

Create a ViewBean Class

Manage JSPs

Add Child View Components

Execute a Page from the IDE

Create Pagelet (ContainerView) Components

Create a ContainerView Class

Handle Requests

Request Lifecycle

Front Controller Events

Application Events

Write Event Handling Logic

Render a Response

3. Programming Guide

Using the RequestContext

Getting the RequestContext

Getting the Servlet Request and Response Objects

Getting the Session Object

Other Available Objects

RequestCompletionListener Interface

Using the Message Writer

Using ViewBeanManager

Using ModelManager

Getting and Saving Models in the Session


Exceptions to using the ModelManager

Using SQLConnectionManager

Using the RequestManager


Logging Messages

Log Levels

Logging to Standard Out

Making Log Messages Stand Out

Working with Values

Working with DisplayField Values

Working with Model Values

Getting Values Using the J2EE API

Using Display Events

Container Display Events

Child Display Events

Content Tag

Using ViewBeans

forwardTo() Method

Page Session

Client Session

Using ContainerViews

IDE Support for ContainerViews

ContainerView API

Using ContainerViews in Your Application

Default Model

Child View Paths

Using TiledViews

Using TreeViews

Using Executing Models

Using BeanAdapterModel

Using ObjectAdapterModel

Using WebActions

WebAction Types

WebAction Events

Auto-Retrieving Models

Pagination Using WebActions

When to Use WebActions

Interoperating With Sun ONE Application Framework Applications

Interoperating From an External Application

Interoperating From Within the Same Application

4. Deploy an Application

Configure the Application

Module Servlet Configuration

ViewBean Display URL Configuration

SQLConnectionManager Configuration

Package the Application

Deploy the Application

Access a Sun ONE Application Framework Application

Cross-Module Navigation

A. Troubleshooting


Probable Cause

Probable Solution


Probable Cause

Probable Solution


Probable Cause

Probable Solution
