C H A P T E R  16



Renders an HTML <input type="hidden"> element.

This tag is only valid when enclosed by both an HTML <form> element and a useViewBean, containerView, or tiledView tag. This tag may not contain any body content.


<jato:hidden name="nameFilter" defaultValue="*"/>

The above would be rendered into the following HTML:

<input type="hidden" name="PageFoo.nameFilter" value="Jo*">

Attribute Name




The value to use, if the DisplayField view peer's value is null.

For a hidden tag, "value" refers to the value that will be rendered in the HTML Hidden element's "value" attribute



The name of the DisplayField peer. This peer must be a child of the current parent ContainerView, TiledView, or ViewBean. The DisplayField name is resolved relative to the current parent view.

The view peer may be any subtype of <JATO package>.view.DisplayField

This name may be a qualified view path, using forward slashes ("/") as delimiters. All components in the path except the last must refer to a ContainerView or a derivative of ContainerView (such as TiledView). Both relative and absolute paths are possible. If a name path begins with a forward slash, the name is assumed to be relative to the root view (the ViewBean). If the path does not begin with a forward slash, the name is assumed to refer to a child relative to the current container. Two dots ("..") may be used to refer to the container that is the parent of the current container.


/header/orderList/customerName (absolute from root view)

orderList/customerName (relative to current container)

../footer/orderList/customerName (relative to parent)



This tag does not support any JavaScript events.