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Suntrademark ONE Application Framework Tag Library Reference

Suntrademark ONE Studio 5 update 1




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1. Overview

Tag Library Overview

How the Tag Library Interacts With JATO

Using the Tag Library in Your Application

Using the Tag Library in non-HTML JSPs

Including JSP Content: Pagelets

Tag Overview

Context Tags

Value Tags

Visual (HTML) Tags

Tree Tags

Miscellaneous Tags

Tag Reference

2. containerView


3. tiledView


4. treeView


5. useViewBean


6. getDisplayFieldValue


7. getModelFieldValue


8. setDisplayFieldValue


9. setModelFieldValue


10. button


11. checkbox


12. combobox


13. fileUpload


14. form


15. frameSrc


16. hidden


17. href


18. image


19. listbox


20. password


21. radioButtons


22. text


23. textArea


24. textField


25. validatingTextArea


26. validatingTextField


27. content


28. pagelet


29. treeNode


30. treeLevel


31. treeNodeHandle

