C H A P T E R  7



This tag invokes the Model.getValue() method on the named model instance and inlines the resulting value in the HTML output stream. This tag may be embedded within any arbitrary HTML to manually construct HTML form controls or provide values to other tag attributes that allow runtime value expressions.

This tag is only valid when enclosed by a useViewBean, containerView, or tiledView tag. This tag may not contain any body content.


<jato:getModelFieldValue modelClass="com.mycompany.myapp.MyModel" name="salutation" defaultValue="Mr."/>

Attribute Name




The value to display if the Model field value is null



Valid values: "true" or "false"

A value of "true" specifies that characters with special meaning in HTML (such as < and >) will be changed to the equivalent entity representation before being output.

If not specified, a value of "true" is assumed.



Valid values: "true" or "false"

A value of "true" specifies that the tag will specify to the ModelManager that it should look in the session for the model named by the modelName attribute. The modelName attribute must be specified if this attribute is specified.

If not specified, "false" is assumed.



The fully-qualified model class interface or implementation name (see the documentation for <JATO package>.ModelManager for more information on which class to specify). The instance returned from the ModelManager in response to this class name must implement the <JATO package>.model.Model interface.

Req, RTExpr


If specified, attempts to obtain the model named by the value of this attribute. If this attribute is not specified, a default model instance will be used. This attribute is mandatory if the lookInSession attribute is set to "true". If the lookInSession attribute is "true", the ModelManager will attempt to obtain the model from the session using the name specified by this attribute.



The name of the model field.

Req, RTExpr