C H A P T E R  6



This tag invokes the DisplayField.getValue() method on the named display field and inlines the resulting value in the HTML output stream. This tag may be embedded within any arbitrary HTML to manually construct HTML form controls or provide values to other tag attributes that allow runtime value expressions.

This tag is only valid when enclosed by a useViewBean, containerView, or tiledView tag. This tag may not contain any body content.


<jato:getDisplayFieldValue name="salutation" defaultValue="Mr."/>

Attribute Name




The value to display if the DisplayField peer value is null



Valid values: "true" or "false"

A value of "true" specifies that characters with special meaning in HTML (such as < and >) will be changed to the equivalent entity representation before being output.

If not specified, a value of "true" is assumed.



The name of the DisplayField peer. This peer must be a child of the current parent ContainerView, TiledView, or ViewBean. The DisplayField name is resolved relative to the current parent view.

This name may be a qualified view path, using forward slashes ("/") as delimiters. All components in the path except the last must refer to a ContainerView or a derivative of ContainerView (such as TiledView). Both relative and absolute paths are possible. If a name path begins with a forward slash, the name is assumed to be relative to the root view (the ViewBean). If the path does not begin with a forward slash, the name is assumed to refer to a child relative to the current container. Two dots ("..") may be used to refer to the container that is the parent of the current container.


/header/orderList/customerName (absolute from root view)

orderList/customerName (relative to current container)

../footer/orderList/customerName (relative to parent)

Req, RTExpr