C H A P T E R  29



Denotes an arbitratry JSP content section that will be rendered for any matching tree nodes. There may be more than one treeNode tag contained in a treeView tag. With each cycle of the TreeView traversal, any contained treeNode tags are evaluated for a match against the current node. If the treeNode tag matches the current node, then the content of the treeNode tag is rendered.

A treeNode tag is said to "match" the current TreeView node if all of the following is true (each comparison is considered true if the tag attribute is unspecified).

Note that the nodeName and nodeType attributes support comma delimited lists of potential match criteria. The expanded state of the current node is determined by end user interaction with the treeNodeHandle tags associated with the current node.

This tag is only valid when ultimately enclosed by a treeView tag; it does not have to be a direct child tag of the enclosing treeView tag, and can in fact be arbitrarily nested below the treeView parent tag, even within other treeNode tags.



<jato:treeView name="treeMenu">


<jato:treeNode nodeName="menuCategory" hasChildren="true" >

<jato:href name="category"/>



<jato:treeNode nodeName="menuCategory" hasChildren="false" >

<jato:text name="category"/>



<jato:treeNode nodeName="menuChoice,menuItem">

<jato:href name="item"/>





Attribute Name




Valid values: Arbitrary string of comma delimited node names.

Specifies a match on current node name. The attribute may specify a comma delimited list of node names with the intent of matching the current node against any one of the specified names.

If not specified, this does not factor in node match evaluation.



Valid values: Arbitrary string of comma delimited node types.

Specifies a match on current node type. The attribute may specify a comma delimited list of node types with the intent of matching the current node against any one of the specified types.

If not specified, this does not factor in node match evaluation.



Valid values: "true" or "false"

A value of "true" specifies that the current tag should only match the current node if the current node has children. If not specified, this does not factor in node match evaluation.



Valid values: "true" or "false"

A value of "true" specifies that the current tag should only match the current node if the current node is already "expanded". If not specified, this does not factor in node match evaluation.
