C H A P T E R  3

Basic Tiled View

The Basic TiledView (tiled view) is a type of pagelet component. It is a special type of container view that can present its children (pagelets, and other visual components like display fields) in a number of repeated tiles, or repeated regions. Examples of tiles may be rows or columns of a table, or tabs in a tabbed component. There is no assumption of table layout made; simply the notion of repetition of tiles.

Property Name



Auto Retrieving Models

A list of retrieving type models that will be have their retrieve(...) method invoked when the retrieve WebAction is invoked for this container view. The listed models must implement the com.iplanet.jato.model.RetrievingModel interface.


Max Display Tiles

Controls how many tiles will be displayed. The default, -1, means unlimited tiles (display all that are available).



The class name of the component.


Primary Model Dataset Name

Some models can have multiple parallel datasets (like Web service models). The primary dataset is the dataset that will be displayed by default when none is otherwise programmatically specified.


Primary Model Reference

A tiled view can be associated with multiple models. The primary model controls the iterative tile behavior of the tiled view.


Validation Exception Handler

Specifies how a validation exception should be handled: by the handleValidationException(CommandEvent) event, or with a custom validation command component.



Controls whether the component will be displayed or not. Can also be set programmatically using the component's setVisible(boolean) method.