C H A P T E R  4

Basic Tree View

The Basic TreeView (tree view) is a type of pagelet component. It helps present information that is structured in a tree format, like XML and LDAP data structures.

Property Name




The class name of the component.


Node Handle Request Handler

Specifies how an expand tree node request is handled (on the server side, not the client). The default is to expand the node and reload the page. Custom behavior can be defined in the tree view component's handleTreeNodeHandleRequest(CommandEvent) event, or in a custom command component.


Primary Model Reference

A tree view can be associated with multiple models. The primary model controls the iterative node behavior of the tree view.


State Data Session Attribute

The name of the HTTP session attribute used to store the state of the tree.


Validation Exception Handler

Specifies how a validation exception should be handled: by the handleValidationException(CommandEvent) event, or with a custom validation command component.



Controls whether the component will be displayed or not. Can also be set programmatically using the component's setVisible(boolean) method.