C H A P T E R  5

Basic ViewBean (Page)

The Basic ViewBean is also referred to as a page component. It is a special view component that functions as a root view in an arbitrarily complex view hierarchy. In other words, a ViewBean is a top-level view component that can contain other view components, but itself has no parent. ViewBeans can be thought of primarily as pages in your application. Basic ViewBeans (or 3rd party components which implement the com.iplanet.jato.view.ViewBean interface) are the only view components which can be executed (test run) from within the IDE.

Property Name



Auto Deleting Models

A list of deleting type models that will be have their delete(...) method invoked when the delete WebAction is invoked for this container view. The listed models must implement the com.iplanet.jato.model.DeletingModel interface.


Auto Executing Models

A list of executing type models that will be have their execute(...) method invoked when the execute WebAction is invoked for this container view. The listed models must implement the com.iplanet.jato.model.ExecutingModel interface.


Auto Inserting Models

A list of inserting type models that will be have their insert(...) method invoked when the insert WebAction is invoked for this container view. The listed models must implement the com.iplanet.jato.model.InsertingModel interface.


Auto Retrieving Models

A list of retrieving type models that will be have their retrieve(...) method invoked when the retrieve WebAction is invoked for this container view. The listed models must implement the com.iplanet.jato.model.RetrievingModel interface.


Auto Updating Models

A list of updating type models that will be have their update(...) method invoked when the update WebAction is invoked for this container view. The listed models must implement the com.iplanet.jato.model.UpdatingModel interface.



The class name of the component.


Validation Exception Handler

Specifies how a validation exception should be handled: by the handleValidationException(CommandEvent) event, or with a custom validation command component.