Sun Cluster 3.1 - 3.2 Hardware Administration Manual for Solaris OS
 accessing node console ( Index Term Link )
  See public network adapters
  See transport adapters
  Sun Gigabit Ethernet ( Index Term Link )
  public network adapters ( Index Term Link )
  transport adapters ( Index Term Link )
  transport cables ( Index Term Link )
  transport junctions ( Index Term Link )
 aliases ( Index Term Link )
 boot ( Index Term Link )
 cables, See transport cables
 campus clustering ( Index Term Link )
  and fibre channel ( Index Term Link )
  configuration examples ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  data replication requirements ( Index Term Link )
  differences from standard ( Index Term Link )
  extended examples ( Index Term Link )
  guidelines ( Index Term Link )
  hardware installation and configuration ( Index Term Link )
  interconnect technologies ( Index Term Link )
  link technologies ( Index Term Link )
  mediators ( Index Term Link )
  network requirements ( Index Term Link )
  node compared to room ( Index Term Link )
  private network technologies ( Index Term Link )
  public network technologies ( Index Term Link )
  quorum guidelines ( Index Term Link )
  quorum requirements ( Index Term Link )
  requirements ( Index Term Link )
  room, definition of ( Index Term Link )
  three-room examples ( Index Term Link )
  two-room, example without multipathing ( Index Term Link )
  two-room, multipathing example ( Index Term Link )
  VLANs ( Index Term Link )
  volume management ( Index Term Link )
 CD-ROMs ( Index Term Link )
 ce Sun Ethernet driver ( Index Term Link )
 claccess command ( Index Term Link )
 cldev command ( Index Term Link )
 cldevice, populate ( Index Term Link )
 cldevice command ( Index Term Link )
 cldevicegroup, status ( Index Term Link )
 cldevicegroup command ( Index Term Link )
 cldg command ( Index Term Link )
 clinterconnect, status ( Index Term Link )
 clinterconnect command ( Index Term Link )
 clintr command ( Index Term Link )
 clnas command ( Index Term Link )
 clnasdevice command ( Index Term Link )
 clnode, evacuate ( Index Term Link )
 clnode command ( Index Term Link )
 clq command ( Index Term Link )
 clqs command ( Index Term Link )
 clquorum command ( Index Term Link )
 clquorumserver command ( Index Term Link )
 clreslogicalhostname command ( Index Term Link )
 clresource command ( Index Term Link )
 clresourcegroup command ( Index Term Link )
 clresourcetype command ( Index Term Link )
 clressharedaddress command ( Index Term Link )
 clrg command ( Index Term Link )
 clrs command ( Index Term Link )
 clrslh command ( Index Term Link )
 clrssa command ( Index Term Link )
 clrt command ( Index Term Link )
 clsnmphost command ( Index Term Link )
 clsnmpmib command ( Index Term Link )
 clsnmpuser command ( Index Term Link )
 clta command ( Index Term Link )
 cltelemetryattribute command ( Index Term Link )
 cluster check command ( Index Term Link )
 cluster command ( Index Term Link )
 clvxvm command ( Index Term Link )
 clzonecluster command ( Index Term Link )
 commands ( Index Term Link )
 configuration examples (campus clustering)
  three-room ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 configuring, terminal concentrator ( Index Term Link )
 connecting, terminal concentrator ( Index Term Link )
 data replication, requirements ( Index Term Link )
 DR, See dynamic reconfiguration; replacing disks
  ce Sun Ethernet ( Index Term Link )
  Gigaswift Ethernet ( Index Term Link )
 dual-port HBAs ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris Volume Manager ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster ( Index Term Link )
  supported configurations ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic reconfiguration ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/path_to_inst file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Ethernet switches, in the interconnect ( Index Term Link )
 Ethernet transport cables and junctions ( Index Term Link )
 example configurations (campus clustering), three-room ( Index Term Link )
 fibre channel and campus clustering ( Index Term Link )
  ce.conf file ( Index Term Link )
  /etc/path_to_inst file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  /kernel/drv/ge.conf file ( Index Term Link )
 GigaSwift Ethernet driver, jumbo frames ( Index Term Link )
 hardware installation
  for campus clusters ( Index Term Link )
  overall installation process ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 hardware RAID ( Index Term Link )
 hardware redundancy, verifying ( Index Term Link )
 hardware restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 help ( Index Term Link )
 high availability
  testing ( Index Term Link )
  testing device group availability ( Index Term Link )
  testing interconnect availability ( Index Term Link )
  testing IP multipathing availability ( Index Term Link )
 host adapters, dual-port configurations ( Index Term Link )
 InfiniBand requirements and restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 InfiniBand transport cables and junctions ( Index Term Link )
  cluster hardware ( Index Term Link )
  Ethernet transport cables ( Index Term Link )
  Ethernet transport junctions ( Index Term Link )
  InfiniBand transport cables ( Index Term Link )
  InfiniBand transport junctions ( Index Term Link )
  PCI-SCI switches ( Index Term Link )
  PCI-SCI transport cables ( Index Term Link )
  public network hardware ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris and cluster software ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Fire Link switches ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Fire Link transport cables ( Index Term Link )
  terminal concentrator ( Index Term Link )
 integrated mirroring ( Index Term Link )
  configuration for campus clustering ( Index Term Link )
  jumbo frames requirements ( Index Term Link )
  SCI card placement ( Index Term Link )
  speed requirements ( Index Term Link )
  technologies for campus clustering ( Index Term Link )
  testing redundancy ( Index Term Link )
 internal hardware disk mirroring ( Index Term Link )
 IP multipathing, testing redundancy ( Index Term Link )
 joining multicasts failed ( Index Term Link )
 jumbo frames
  ce.conf file ( Index Term Link )
  /etc/path_to_inst file ( Index Term Link )
  interconnect requirements ( Index Term Link )
  public network requirements ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Scalable Data Services ( Index Term Link )
 /kernel/drv/ge.conf file ( Index Term Link )
 link technologies, campus clustering ( Index Term Link )
 local disks ( Index Term Link )
  campus clustering
   description ( Index Term Link )
   guidelines for configuring ( Index Term Link )
 mirroring internal disks ( Index Term Link )
 multihost disks ( Index Term Link )
  example three-room campus cluster ( Index Term Link )
  example two-room campus cluster ( Index Term Link )
 NAFO groups
  adding adapters ( Index Term Link )
  redundancy testing ( Index Term Link )
 Network Adapter Failover groups, See NAFO groups
 network requirements for campus clusters ( Index Term Link )
 node access, through terminal concentrator ( Index Term Link )
 node redundancy, testing ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle Parallel Server ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle Real Application Clusters ( Index Term Link )
  error messages ( Index Term Link )
  installing transport cables ( Index Term Link )
  interconnect hardware ( Index Term Link )
  transport junctions
   installing ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting interconnect ( Index Term Link )
 port configuration, correcting access error ( Index Term Link )
 powering off ( Index Term Link )
 powering on ( Index Term Link )
 private network technologies, campus clustering ( Index Term Link )
 Project Liberty ( Index Term Link )
 public network
  hardware installation ( Index Term Link )
  jumbo frames requirements ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 public network adapters
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  replacing ( Index Term Link )
 public network technologies, campus clustering ( Index Term Link )
 quorum devices
  campus cluster guidelines ( Index Term Link )
  campus cluster requirements ( Index Term Link )
 raidctl command ( Index Term Link )
  testing interconnect redundancy ( Index Term Link )
  testing IP multipathing redundancy ( Index Term Link )
  testing node redundancy ( Index Term Link )
 removable media ( Index Term Link )
  public network adapters ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  transport adapters ( Index Term Link )
  transport cables ( Index Term Link )
  transport junctions ( Index Term Link )
  public network adapters ( Index Term Link )
  transport adapters ( Index Term Link )
  transport cables ( Index Term Link )
  transport junctions ( Index Term Link )
 requirements, interconnect speed ( Index Term Link )
 restrictions, See hardware
 room, definition of (campus clustering) ( Index Term Link )
 room compared to node (campus clustering) ( Index Term Link )
  general cluster requirements ( Index Term Link )
  requirements in campus clusters ( Index Term Link )
 SCI cards, restriction on placement ( Index Term Link )
 setting port parameters, terminal concentrator ( Index Term Link )
 short commands ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown protocol
  clustered environment ( Index Term Link )
  nonclustered environment ( Index Term Link )
 software installation ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Volume Manager, dual-port HBAs ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster, dual-port HBAs ( Index Term Link )
 standard clusters, differences from campus clusters ( Index Term Link )
 subcommands ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Fire Link
  installing transport cables ( Index Term Link )
  installing transport junctions ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Gigabit Ethernet Adapter ( Index Term Link )
  See also transport junctions
  See transport junctions
 tapes ( Index Term Link )
 technical support ( Index Term Link )
 terminal concentrator
  accessing node console ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  connecting ( Index Term Link )
  correcting port configuration ( Index Term Link )
  disconnect users ( Index Term Link )
  establishing default route ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  reset port ( Index Term Link )
  setting port parameters ( Index Term Link )
  high availability ( Index Term Link )
  interconnect availability ( Index Term Link )
  interconnect redundancy ( Index Term Link )
  IP multipathing availability ( Index Term Link )
  IP multipathing redundancy ( Index Term Link )
  NAFO group redundancy ( Index Term Link )
  node availability ( Index Term Link )
  node redundancy ( Index Term Link )
 transport adapter firmware, upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 transport adapters
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  replacing ( Index Term Link )
 transport cables
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  Ethernet, installing ( Index Term Link )
  InfiniBand, installing ( Index Term Link )
  PCI-SCI, installing ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  replacing ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Fire Link, installing ( Index Term Link )
 transport junctions
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  Ethernet, installing ( Index Term Link )
  InfiniBand, installing ( Index Term Link )
  PCI-SCI, installing ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  replacing ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Fire Link, installing ( Index Term Link )
 troubleshooting, PCI-SCI interconnect ( Index Term Link )
 upgrading, transport adapter firmware ( Index Term Link )
 verifying, hardware redundancy ( Index Term Link )
 virtual local area networks, See VLANs
  campus clusters ( Index Term Link )
  guidelines ( Index Term Link )
 volume management with campus clustering ( Index Term Link )