Sun Cluster 3.1 - 3.2 With Sun StorEdge 6120 Array Manual for Solaris OS
Numbers and Symbols
 1x1 configuration ( Index Term Link )
 1x2 configuration ( Index Term Link )
 2x2 configuration ( Index Term Link )
 2x4 configuration ( Index Term Link )
 6120 storage array
  cabling ( Index Term Link )
  FRUs ( Index Term Link )
  product documentation ( Index Term Link )
  See also installing
  disk drives ( Index Term Link )
  dual-controller configurations ( Index Term Link )
  expansion units ( Index Term Link )
  nodes ( Index Term Link )
  partner groups ( Index Term Link )
  single-controller configurations ( Index Term Link )
  storage arrays ( Index Term Link )
 arrays, See storage arrays
  replacing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 cabling configurations
  1x1 configuration ( Index Term Link )
  1x2 configuration ( Index Term Link )
  2x2 configuration ( Index Term Link )
  2x4 configuration ( Index Term Link )
 chassis, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 configuring, storage arrays ( Index Term Link )
 controllers, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 cooling units, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 creating, logical volumes ( Index Term Link )
 deleting logical volumes ( Index Term Link )
 disk drives
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  replacing ( Index Term Link )
 dual-controller configurations
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
 Ethernet cables, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 expansion units
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  replacing ( Index Term Link )
 firmware, upgrade storage array firmware ( Index Term Link )
 FRUs, Sun StorEdge 6120 storage array ( Index Term Link )
 HBAs, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 help ( Index Term Link )
 host adapters, replacing ( Index Term Link )
  See also adding
  storage arrays ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 interconnect cables, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 interconnect cards, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 logical devices, See logical volumes
 logical unit numbers, See logical volumes
 logical volumes
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
 loop cables, See interconnect cables
 loop cards, See interconnect cards
 LUNs, See logical volumes
 maintaining, storage arrays ( Index Term Link )
 midplane, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 node-to-switch components, replacing ( Index Term Link )
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
 partner groups
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
 power cables, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 power units, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 RAID-1 configurations
  1x1 configuration ( Index Term Link )
  1x2 configuration ( Index Term Link )
  disk drives ( Index Term Link )
  dual-controller configurations ( Index Term Link )
  expansion units ( Index Term Link )
  logical volumes ( Index Term Link )
  nodes ( Index Term Link )
  partner groups ( Index Term Link )
  single-controller configurations ( Index Term Link )
  storage arrays ( Index Term Link )
  chassis ( Index Term Link )
  controllers ( Index Term Link )
  cooling units ( Index Term Link )
  disk drives ( Index Term Link )
  Ethernet cables ( Index Term Link )
  expansion units ( Index Term Link )
  host adapters ( Index Term Link )
  midplane ( Index Term Link )
  node-to-switch components ( Index Term Link )
  power cables ( Index Term Link )
  power units ( Index Term Link )
  switch-to-storage array components ( Index Term Link )
 single-controller configurations
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
 software RAID-1 configurations
  1x1 configuration ( Index Term Link )
  1x2 configuration ( Index Term Link )
 storage array firmware, upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 storage arrays ( Index Term Link )
  adding single-controller configurations ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  installing dual-controller configurations ( Index Term Link )
  installing single-controller configurations ( Index Term Link )
  maintaining ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
 Sun StorEdge 6120 storage array
  cabling ( Index Term Link )
  FRUs ( Index Term Link )
  product documentation ( Index Term Link )
 switch-to-storage array components, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 technical support ( Index Term Link )
 upgrading, storage array firmware ( Index Term Link )