Sun Cluster 3.1 - 3.2 With Sun StorEdge T3 or T3+ Array Manual for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Replace an FC Switch or Storage Array-to-Switch Component in a Partner-Group Configuration

Use this procedure to replace components for a storage array in a partner-group configuration in a running cluster. To replace components for arrays in a single-controller configuration, see How to Replace a Hub/Switch or Hub/Switch-to-Array Component in a Single-Controller Configuration. Use this procedure to replace the following storage array-to-switch components.

  1. Access the storage array. This storage array is connected to the FC switch or component that you are replacing.

  2. View the controller status for the two storage arrays in the partner group.

    For more information, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Administrator's Guide.

  3. If you replacing an FC switch or component that is attached to a storage array controller that is ONLINE, disable the controller.

    If the controller is already DISABLED, skip to Step 5.

    For more information, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Administrator's Guide.

  4. Verify that the controller's state has been changed to DISABLED.

  5. Replace the component by using the following references.

    • For the procedure about how to replace a fiber-optic cable between a storage array and an FC switch, see the documentation that shipped with your switch hardware.

    • For the procedure about how to replace a GBIC or an SFP on an FC switch, see the documentation that shipped with your FC switch hardware.

    • For the procedure about how to replace an FC switch, see the documentation that shipped with your switch hardware.

      Note –

      If you are replacing an FC switch and you intend to save the switch IP configuration for restoration to the replacement switch, wait to connect the cables to the replacement switch. Connect the cables to the replacement switch after you recall the Fabric configuration to the replacement switch. For more information about how to save and recall switch configurations, see the documentation that shipped with your switch hardware.

      Note –

      Before you replace an FC switch, be sure that the probe_timeout parameter of your data service software is set to more than 90 seconds. If you increase the value of the probe_timeout parameter to more than 90 seconds, you avoid unnecessary resource group restarts. Resource group restarts occur when one of the FC switches is powered off.

    • For the procedure about how to replace an MIA, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Installation, Operation, and Service Manual.

    • For the procedure about how to replace interconnect cables, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Installation, Operation, and Service Manual.

  6. If necessary, access the storage array. This storage array is the storage array in the partner group that is still online.

  7. Enable the storage array that you disabled in Step 3.

    For more information, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Administrator's Guide.

  8. Verify that the controller's state has been changed to ONLINE.