Sun Cluster 3.2 Release Notes for Solaris OS

Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP Web Application Server Guide

This section discusses error and omissions in the Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP Web Application Server Guide for Solaris OS.

Support for SAP 7.0 for Sun Cluster HA for SAP Web Application Server (6461002)

In SAP 7.0 and NW2004SR1, when a SAP instance is started, the sapstartsrv process is started by default. The sapstartsrv process is not under the control of Sun Cluster HA for SAP Web Application Server. So, when a SAP instance is stopped or failed over by Sun Cluster HA for SAP Web Application Server, the sapstartsrv process is not stopped.

To avoid starting the sapstartsrv process when a SAP instance is started by Sun Cluster HA for SAP Web Application, you must modify the startsap script. In addition, rename the /etc/rc3.d/S90sapinit file to /etc/rc3.d/xxS90sapinit on all the Sun Cluster nodes.

Changes to SAP Web Application Server Support on Non-Global Zones on SPARC and x86 Based System

The Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP Web Application Server supports non-global zones on SPARC and x86 based systems. The following changes should be made to the Sun Cluster Data Service SAP Web Application Server Guide for this support. The following steps can be performed on a cluster that has been configured to run in global zones. If you are installing your cluster to run in non-global zones, a few of these steps might not be necessary as indicated below.

Setting Up the SAP Web Application Server on Non-Global Zones for HASP Configuration (6530281)

Use the following procedure to configure a HAStoragePlus resource for non-global zones.

Note –

ProcedureHow to Set Up the SAP Web Application Server on Non-Global Zones for HAStoragePlus Configuration

  1. On any node in the cluster, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.modify RBAC authorization.

  2. Create the scalable resource group with non-global zones that contain the HAStoragePlus resource.

       # clresourcegroup create \
         -p Maximum_primaries=m\
         -p Desired_primaries=n\
        [-n node-zone-list] hasp-resource-group
    -p Maximum_primaries=m

    Specifies the maximum number of active primaries for the resource group.

    -p Desired_primaries=n

    Specifies the number of active primaries on which the resource group should attempt to start.

    -n node-zone-list

    In the node list of a HAStoragePlus resource group, specifies the list of nodename:zonename pairs as the node list of the HAStoragePlus resource group, where the SAP instances can come online.


    Specifies the name of the scalable resource group to be added. This name must begin with an ASCII character.

  3. Register the resource type for the HAStoragePlus resource.

    # clresourcetype register HAStoragePlus
  4. Create the HAStoragePlus resource hasp-resource and define the SAP filesystem mount points and global device paths.

     # clresource create -g hasp-resource-group -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
        -p GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/global/dsk/d5s2,dsk/d6 \
        -p affinityon=false -p 
    FilesystemMountPoints=/sapmnt/JSC,/usr/sap/trans,/usr/sap/JSC hasp-resource
    -g hasp-resource-group

    Specifies the resource group name.


    Contains the following values:

    • Global device group names, such as sap-dg, dsk/d5

    • Paths to global devices, such as /dev/global/dsk/d5s2, /dev/md/sap-dg/dsk/d6


    Contains the following values:

    • Mount points of local or cluster file systems, such as /local/mirrlogA,/local/mirrlogB,/sapmnt/JSC,/usr/sap/JSC

    The HAStoragePlus resource is created in the enabled state.

  5. Register the resource type for the SAP application.

    # clresourcetype register resource-type

    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. For more information, see Supported Products.

  6. Create a SAP resource group.

      # clresourcegroup create [-n node-zone-list] -p 
    RG_affinities=++hastorageplus-rg resource-group-1

    Specifies the SAP services resource group.

  7. Add the SAP application resource to resource-group-1 and set the dependency to hastorageplus-1.

       # clresource create -g resource-group-1 -t SUNW.application \
         [-p "extension-property[{node-specifier}]"=value, ?] \
         -p Resource_dependencies=hastorageplus-1 resource
  8. Bring the failover resource group online.

    # clresourcegroup online resource-group-1