Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

Cleaning Up Stale Quorum Server Cluster Information

To remove a quorum device of type quorumserver, use the clquorum remove command as described in How to Remove a Quorum Device. Under normal operation, this command also removes the quorum server information on the quorum server host. However, if the cluster loses communications with the quorum server host, removing the quorum device does not clean up this information.

The quorum server cluster information becomes invalid in the following circumstances:

Caution – Caution –

If a quorum device of type quorumserver is not yet removed from the cluster, using this procedure to clean up a valid quorum server could compromise the cluster quorum.

ProcedureHow to Clean Up the Quorum Server Configuration Information

Before You Begin

Remove the quorum server quorum device from the cluster, as described in How to Remove a Quorum Device.

Caution – Caution –

Use this procedure only if the circumstances described in Cleaning Up Stale Quorum Server Cluster Information in Sun Cluster Quorum Server User’s Guide pertain. If a cluster is still using this quorum server, performing this procedure will compromise cluster quorum.

  1. Become the superuser on the quorum server host.

  2. Use the clquorumserver clear command to clean up the configuration file.

    # clquorumserver clear -c clustername -I clusterID quorumserver [-y]
    -c clustername

    The name of the cluster that formerly used the quorum server as a quorum device.

    You can obtain the cluster name by running cluster show on a cluster node.

    -I clusterID

    The cluster ID.

    The cluster ID is an 8-digit hexadecimal number. You can obtain the cluster ID by running cluster show on a cluster node.


    An identifier for one or more quorum servers.

    The quorum server can be identified by a port number or an instance name. The port number is used by the cluster nodes to communicate with the quorum server. The instance name is specified in the quorum server configuration file, /etc/scqsd/scqsd.conf.


    Force the clquorumserver clear command to clean up cluster information from the configuration file without first prompting for confirmation.

    Use this option only if you are confident that you want outdated cluster information to be removed from the quorum server.

  3. (Optional) If no other quorum devices are configured on this server instance, stop the quorum server.

    For specific instructions, see How to Stop a Quorum Server in Sun Cluster Quorum Server User’s Guide.

Example 6–18 Cleaning Up Outdated Cluster Information From the Quorum Server Configuration

This example removes information about the cluster named sc-cluster from the quorum server that uses port 9000.

# clquorumserver clear -c sc-cluster -I 0x4308D2CF 9000
The quorum server to be unconfigured must have been removed from the cluster.  
Unconfiguring a valid quorum server could compromise the cluster quorum.  Do you 
want to continue? (yes or no) y