Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

Displaying Information About the Quorum Server

You can display configuration information about the quorum server. For every cluster that configured the quorum server as a quorum device, this command shows the corresponding cluster name, cluster ID, list of reservation keys, and list of registration keys.

ProcedureHow to Display Information About the Quorum Server

  1. Become the superuser on the host where you want to display the quorum server information.

    Users other than the superuser require role-based access control (RBAC) authorization. For more information about RBAC rights profiles, see the rbac(5) man page.

  2. Display the configuration information of the quorum server by using the clquorumserver command.

    # /usr/cluster/bin/clquorumserver show quorumserver

    Identifies one or more quorum servers. You can specify the quorum server by instance name, or by port number. To display configuration information for all quorum servers, use the + operand.

Example 6–15 Displaying the Configuration of One Quorum Server

The following example displays the configuration information for the quorum server that uses port 9000. The command displays information for every cluster that has the quorum server configured as a quorum device. This information includes the cluster name and ID, and the list of reservation and registration keys on the device.

In the following example, nodes with IDs 1, 2, 3, and 4 of cluster bastille have registered their keys on the quorum server. Also, because Node 4 owns the quorum device reservation, its key is displayed in the reservation list.

# /usr/cluster/bin/clquorumserver show 9000

=== Quorum Server on port 9000 ===

   ---  Cluster bastille (id 0x439A2EFB) Reservation ---

   Node ID:                      4
     Reservation key:            0x439a2efb00000004

   ---  Cluster bastille (id 0x439A2EFB) Registrations ---

   Node ID:                      1
     Registration key:           0x439a2efb00000001

   Node ID:                      2
     Registration key:           0x439a2efb00000002

   Node ID:                      3
     Registration key:           0x439a2efb00000003

   Node ID:                      4
     Registration key:           0x439a2efb00000004

Example 6–16 Displaying the Configuration of Several Quorum Servers

The following example displays the configuration information for three quorum servers, qs1, qs2, and qs3.

# /usr/cluster/bin/clquorumserver show qs1 qs2 qs3

Example 6–17 Displaying the Configuration of All Running Quorum Servers

The following example displays the configuration information for all running quorum servers:

# /usr/cluster/bin/clquorumserver show +