Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Stop a Quorum Server

  1. Become superuser on the host where you want to start the Sun Cluster software.

  2. Use the clquorumserver stop command to stop the software.

    # /usr/cluster/bin/clquorumserver stop quorumserver

    Identifies the quorum server. You can use the port number on which the quorum server listens. If you provided an instance name in the configuration file, you can use that name instead.

    To stop a single quorum server, provide either the instance name or port number. To stop all quorum servers, when you have multiple quorum servers configured, use the + operand.

Example 6–13 Stopping All Configured Quorum Servers

The following example stops all the configured quorum servers.

# /usr/cluster/bin/clquorumserver stop +

Example 6–14 Stopping a Specific Quorum Server

The following example stops the quorum server that listens on port number 2000.

# /usr/cluster/bin/clquorumserver stop 2000