Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureSPARC: How to Perform Online Backups for Volumes (VERITAS Volume Manager)

VERITAS Volume Manager identifies a mirrored volume as a plex. A plex can be backed up without unmounting it or taking the entire volume offline. This result is accomplished by creating a snapshot copy of the volume and backing up this temporary volume without halting the system or denying user access to the data.

Ensure that the cluster is running without errors before performing the backup procedure.

This procedure provides the long forms of the Sun Cluster commands. Most commands also have short forms. Except for the long and short forms of the command names, the commands are identical. For a list of the commands and their short forms, see Appendix A, Sun Cluster Object-Oriented Commands.

  1. Log on to any node in the cluster, and become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization on the current primary node for the disk group on the cluster.

  2. List the disk group information.

    # vxprint -g diskgroup
  3. Determine which node has the disk group currently imported, indicating it is the primary node for the disk group.

    # cldevicegroup status
  4. Create a snapshot of the volume.

    # vxassist -g diskgroup snapstart volume

    Note –

    Creating a snapshot can take a long time, depending on the size of your volume.

  5. Verify that the new volume was created.

    # vxprint -g diskgroup

    When the snapshot is complete, a status of Snapdone displays in the State field for the selected disk group.

  6. Stop any data services that are accessing the file system.

    # clresourcegroup offline resource-group

    Note –

    Stop all data services to ensure that the data file system is properly backed up. If no data services are running, you do not need to perform Step 6 and Step 8.

  7. Create a backup volume named bkup-vol and attach the snapshot volume to it.

    # vxassist -g diskgroup snapshot volume bkup-vol
  8. Restart any data services that were stopped in Step 6, using the clresourcegroup command.

    # clresourcegroup online - zone -n node resourcegroup

    The name of the node.


    The name of the non-global zone on node that can master the resource group. Specify zone only if you specified a non-global zone when you created the resource group.

  9. Verify the volume is now attached to the new volume bkup-vol.

    # vxprint -g diskgroup
  10. Register the device group configuration change.

    # cldevicegroup sync diskgroup
  11. Check the backup volume.

    # fsck -y /dev/vx/rdsk/diskgroup/bkup-vol
  12. Perform a backup to copy the volume bkup-vol to tape or another medium.

    Use the ufsdump(1M) command or the backup utility that you normally use.

    # ufsdump 0ucf dump-device /dev/vx/dsk/diskgroup/bkup-vol
  13. Remove the temporary volume.

    # vxedit -rf rm bkup-vol
  14. Register the disk group configuration changes.

    # cldevicegroup sync diskgroup

Example 11–5 SPARC: Performing Online Backups for Volumes (VERITAS Volume Manager)

In the following example, the cluster node phys-schost-2 is the primary owner of the device group schost-1. Therefore, the backup procedure is performed from phys-schost-2. The volume /vo101 is copied and then associated with a new volume, bkup-vol.

[Become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization on 
the primary node.]
[Identify the current primary node for the device group:]
# cldevicegroup status
-- Device Group Servers --
                         Device Group     Primary           Secondary
                         ------------     -------           ---------
 Device group servers:   rmt/1            -                 -
 Device group servers:   schost-1         phys-schost-2     phys-schost-1

-- Device Group Status --
                             Device Group        Status              
                             ------------        ------              
 Device group status:        rmt/1               Offline
 Device group status:        schost-1            Online
[List the device group information:]
# vxprint -g schost-1
dg schost-1       schost-1   -        -        -      -        -      -
dm schost-101     c1t1d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
dm schost-102     c1t2d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
dm schost-103     c2t1d0s2   -        8378640  -      -        -      -
dm schost-104     c2t2d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
dm schost-105     c1t3d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
dm schost-106     c2t3d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
v  vol01          gen        ENABLED  204800   -      ACTIVE   -      -
pl vol01-01       vol01      ENABLED  208331   -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-101-01  vol01-01   ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
sd schost-102-01  vol01-01   ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
pl vol01-02       vol01      ENABLED  208331   -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-103-01  vol01-02   ENABLED  103680   0      -        -      -
sd schost-104-01  vol01-02   ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
pl vol01-03       vol01      ENABLED  LOGONLY  -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-103-02  vol01-03   ENABLED  5        LOG    -        -      -
[Start the snapshot operation:]
# vxassist -g schost-1 snapstart vol01
[Verify the new volume was created:]
# vxprint -g schost-1
dg schost-1       schost-1   -        -        -      -        -      -
dm schost-101     c1t1d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
dm schost-102     c1t2d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
dm schost-103     c2t1d0s2   -        8378640  -      -        -      -
dm schost-104     c2t2d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
dm schost-105     c1t3d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
dm schost-106     c2t3d0s2   -        17678493 -      -        -      -
v  vol01          gen        ENABLED  204800   -      ACTIVE   -      -
pl vol01-01       vol01      ENABLED  208331   -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-101-01  vol01-01   ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
sd schost-102-01  vol01-01   ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
pl vol01-02       vol01      ENABLED  208331   -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-103-01  vol01-02   ENABLED  103680   0      -        -      -
sd schost-104-01  vol01-02   ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
pl vol01-03       vol01      ENABLED  LOGONLY  -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-103-02  vol01-03   ENABLED  5        LOG    -        -      -
pl vol01-04       vol01      ENABLED  208331   -      SNAPDONE -      -
sd schost-105-01  vol01-04   ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
sd schost-106-01  vol01-04   ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
[Stop data services, if necessary:]
# clresourcegroup offline nfs-rg
[Create a copy of the volume:]
# vxassist -g schost-1 snapshot vol01 bkup-vol
[Restart data services, if necessary:]
# clresourcegroup online -n phys-schost-1 nfs-rg
[Verify bkup-vol was created:]
# vxprint -g schost-1
dg schost-1       schost-1    -        -        -      -        -      -
dm schost-101     c1t1d0s2    -        17678493 -      -        -      -
v  bkup-vol       gen         ENABLED  204800   -      ACTIVE   -      -
pl bkup-vol-01    bkup-vol    ENABLED  208331   -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-105-01  bkup-vol-01 ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
sd schost-106-01  bkup-vol-01 ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
v  vol01          gen         ENABLED  204800   -      ACTIVE   -      -
pl vol01-01       vol01       ENABLED  208331   -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-101-01  vol01-01    ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
sd schost-102-01  vol01-01    ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
pl vol01-02       vol01       ENABLED  208331   -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-103-01  vol01-02    ENABLED  103680   0      -        -      -
sd schost-104-01  vol01-02    ENABLED  104139   0      -        -      -
pl vol01-03       vol01       ENABLED  LOGONLY  -      ACTIVE   -      -
sd schost-103-02  vol01-03    ENABLED  5        LOG    -        -      -
[Synchronize the disk group with cluster framework:]
# cldevicegroup sync schost-1
[Check the file systems:]
# fsck -y /dev/vx/rdsk/schost-1/bkup-vol
[Copy bkup-vol to the backup device:]
# ufsdump 0ucf /dev/rmt/0 /dev/vx/rdsk/schost-1/bkup-vol
  DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Tue Apr 25 16:15:51 2000
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/vx/dsk/schost-2/bkup-vol to /dev/rmt/0.
[Remove the bkup-volume:]
# vxedit -rf rm bkup-vol
[Synchronize the disk group:]
# cldevicegroup sync schost-1