Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP Web Application Server Guide for Solaris OS

Registering and Configuring the Sun Cluster HA for SAP Web Application Server by using Sun Cluster Command Line Interface (CLI)

The procedures in this section describe the registration and configuration of the following components of the SAP Web Application Server by using Sun Cluster CLI.

ProcedureHow to Register and Configure HAStoragePlus Resources for the SAP Central Services Components

An HAStoragePlus resource is created to ensure the high availability of the global device groups where the components are installed.

  1. Register the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.HAStoragePlus
  2. Create an HAStoragePlus resource for the global device group on which the SAP enqueue server and the SAP message server are installed.

    Create this resource in the SAP central services resource group, which is the resource group to which the SAP enqueue server and the SAP message server resources belong.

    # clresource create -g central-rg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -p filesystemmountpoints="mountpoint-list" \
    -p affinityon=false hsp-central-rs
    -g central-rg

    Specifies that the resource is to be added to the SAP central services resource group.

    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus

    Specifies that the resource is an instance of the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.

    -p filesystemmountpoints="mountpoint-list"

    Specifies a list of valid mount points for the file system. For more information, see the SUNW.HAStoragePlus(5) man page.


    Specifies the name of the resource that you are creating.

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  3. Create an HAStoragePlus resource for the global device group on which SAP replica server is installed.

    Create this resource in the SAP replica server resource group.

    # clresource create -g repl-rg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -p filesystemmountpoints="mountpoint-list" \
    -p affinityon=false hsp-repl-rs
    -g repl-rg

    Specifies that the resource is to be added to the SAP replica server resource group.

    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus

    Specifies that the resource is an instance of the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.

    -p filesystemmountpoints="mountpoint-list"

    Specifies a list of valid mount points for the file system. For more information, see the SUNW.HAStoragePlus(5) man page.


    Specifies the name of the resource that you are creating.

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

ProcedureHow to Register and Configure an SAP Enqueue Server Resource

The SAP enqueue server resource and the SAP message server resource must be in the same failover resource group because they fail over together.

The SAP enqueue server resource is configured to depend on its associated HAStoragePlus resource. This dependency ensures that the SAP enqueue server does not attempt to start until its associated HAStoragePlus resource is online.

  1. Register SUNW.sapenq, the resource type for the SAP enqueue server.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.sapenq

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be added.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for the SAP enqueue server.

  2. Create an SAP enqueue server resource in the SAP central services resource group.

    # clresource create -d -g central-rg -t SUNW.sapenq \
    -p enqueue_profile=path-to-enq-profile \
    -p enqueue_server=path-to-enq-server-binary \
    -p sap_user=enq-user \
    -p enqueue_instance_number=enq-instance \
    -p resource_dependencies=hsp-central-rs,db-resource enq-rs
    -g central-rg

    Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The SAP central services resource group is configured as a failover resource group.

    -t SUNW.sapenq

    Specifies that the resource is an instance of the SUNW.sapenq resource type.

    -p enqueue_profile=path-to-enq-profile

    Specifies the full path to the SAP enqueue server profile.

    -p enqueue_server=path-to-enq-server-binary

    Specifies the full path to the SAP enqueue server executable.

    -p sap_user=enq-user

    Specifies the administration user for the SAP enqueue server.

    -p enqueue_instance_number=enq-instance

    Specifies the two-digit instance number for the SAP enqueue server. This number is the value of SAPSYSTEM in the SAP profile for SAP enqueue server.

    -p resource_dependencies=hsp-central-rs,db-resource

    Specifies that the HAStoragePlus resource for the global device group on which the SAP enqueue server is installed and the database resource must be online in order for the SAP enqueue server to be online.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be added.

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  3. Verify that the default values for the SAP enqueue server extension properties are acceptable.

    Refer to SUNW.sapenq Extension Properties.

  4. Ensure that SAP enqueue server is not already running on the cluster.

    If SAP enqueue server is already running on any node of the cluster, you risk the simultaneous running of multiple SAP enqueue server processes.

  5. Enable the SAP enqueue server resource.

    #  clresource enable enq-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.

ProcedureHow to Register and Configure an SAP Replica Server Resource

The SAP replica server resource must be in a different failover resource group from the SAP enqueue server resource, because the SAP replica server resource must not fail over with the SAP enqueue server resource.

The SAP replica server resource is configured to depend on its associated HAStoragePlus resource being online. The SAP replica server resource also depends on the SAP enqueue server resource. These dependencies ensure that the SAP replica server does not attempt to start until both its associated HAStoragePlus resource and the SAP enqueue server are online.

  1. Register SUNW.saprepl, the resource type for the SAP replica server.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.saprepl

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be registered.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for the SAP replica server.

  2. Create an SAP replica server resource in the SAP replica server resource group.

    # clresource create -d -g repl-rg -t SUNW.saprepl \
    -p replica_profile=path-to-repl-profile \
    -p replica_server=path-to-repl-server-binary \
    -p sap_user=repl-user \
    -p resource_dependencies=enq-rs,hsp-repl-rs repl-rs
    -g repl-rg

    Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The SAP replica server resource group is configured as a failover resource group.

    -t SUNW.saprepl

    Specifies that the resource is an instance of the SUNW.saprepl resource type.

    -p replica_profile=path-to-repl-profile

    Specifies the full path to the SAP replica server profile.

    -p replica_server=path-to-repl-server-binary

    Specifies the full path to the SAP replica server executable.

    -p sap_user=repl-user

    Specifies the administration user for the SAP replica server.

    -p resource_dependencies=enq-rs,hsp-repl-rs

    Specifies that the following resources must be online before the SAP replica server resource can be online:

    • SAP enqueue server resource

    • HAStoragePlus resource for the global device group on which the SAP replica server is installed


    Specifies the name of the resource to be added.

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  3. Verify that the default values for the SAP replica server extension properties are acceptable.

    Refer to SUNW.saprepl Extension Properties.

  4. Enable the SAP replica server resource.

    # clresource enable repl-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.

ProcedureHow to Register and Configure an SAP Message Server Resource

The SAP enqueue server resource and the SAP message server resource must be in the same failover resource group because they fail over together.

The SAP message server resource is configured to depend on its associated HAStoragePlus resource. This dependency ensures that the SAP message server does not attempt to start until its associated HAStoragePlus resource is online.

  1. Register SUNW.sapscs, the resource type for the SAP message server.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.sapscs

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be added.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for the SAP message server.

  2. Create an SAP message server resource in the SAP central services resource group.

    # clresource create -d -g central-rg -t SUNW.sapscs \
    -p sap_sid=scs-system-ID \
    -p sap_instance_number=scs-instance-number \
    -p sap_instance_name=scs-instance-name \
    -p msg_server_port=msg-server-port \
    -p scs_startup_script=scs-server-startup-script \
    -p scs_shutdown_script=scs-server-shutdown-script \
    -p resource_dependencies=hsp-central-rs,db-resource msg-rs
    -g central-rg

    Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The SAP central services resource group is configured as a failover resource group.

    -t SUNW.sapscs

    Specifies that the SAP message server resource is an instance of the resource type that is named SUNW.sapscs.

    -p sap_sid=scs-system-ID

    Specifies the SAP system ID for the SAP message server. This ID is SAPSYSTEMNAME in the SAP profile.

    -p sap_instance_number=scs-instance-number

    Specifies the instance number for the SAP message server. This number is SAPSYSTEM in the SAP profile.

    -p sap_instance_name=scs-instance-name

    Specifies the instance name for the SAP message server. This name is INSTANCE_NAME in the SAP profile.

    -p msg_server_port=msg-server-port

    Specifies the listen port for the SAP message server.

    -p scs_startup_script=scs-server-startup-script

    Specifies the full path to the startup script for the SAP message server instance.

    -p scs_shutdown_script=scs-server-shutdown-script

    Specifies the full path to the shutdown script for the SAP message server instance.

    -p resource_dependencies=hsp-central-rs,db-resource

    Specifies that the HAStoragePlus resource for the global device group on which the SAP message server is installed and the database resource must be online in order for the SAP message server to be online.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be added.

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  3. Verify that the default values for the SAP message server extension properties are acceptable.

    Refer to SUNW.sapscs Extension Properties.

  4. Enable the SAP message server resource.

    # clresource enable msg-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.

ProcedureHow to Register and Configure an SAP Web Application Server Component

An HAStoragePlus resource is created to ensure the high availability of the global device groups where the components are installed.

The resource for the SAP web application server component is configured to depend on its associated HAStoragePlus resource. The resource for the SAP web application server component also depends on the database resource, as well as the SAP message server resource. These dependencies ensure that the resource for the SAP web application server component does not attempt to start until its associated HAStoragePlus resource, the database, and the SAP message server resource are all online.

Note –

The SAP web application server component can be configured to run under PMF or not to run under PMF. See the extension property Webas_Use_Pmf in SUNW.sapwebas Extension Properties. If the component is configured to run under PMF control, and if the network is not available, PMF stops the resource in such a way that no data is lost. However, if the component is configured not to run under PMF, and if the network is not available, the resource and the resource group for the SAP web application server component are in the stop_failed state and user intervention is required. Because no SAP utility is available to stop all SAP processes, in order to prevent possible data corruption, the data service does not automatically restart the processes.

The following procedure applies to both failover and scalable configurations of SAP web application server component.

  1. Create an HAStoragePlus resource for the global device group on which SAP web application server component is installed.

    Create this resource in the SAP web application server resource group.

    # clresource create -g webas-rg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -p filesystemmountpoints="mountpoint-list" \
    -p affinityon=false hsp-webas-rs
    -g webas-rg

    Specifies that the resource is to be added to the SAP web application server resource group. This resource group can be failover or scalable.

    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus

    Specifies that the resource is an instance of the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.

    -p filesystemmountpoints="mountpoint-list"

    Specifies a list of valid mount points for the file system. For more information, see the SUNW.HAStoragePlus(5) man page.


    Specifies the name of the resource that you are creating.

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  2. Register SUNW.sapwebas, the resource type for the SAP web application server component.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.sapwebas

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be added.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for the SAP web application server component.

  3. Create a resource for the SAP web application server component.

    The SAP web application server component can be configured either as a failover resource or as a scalable resource by adding the resource to a resource group that was created as a failover or a scalable resource group.

    # clresource create -d -g webas-rg -t SUNW.sapwebas \
    -p sap_sid=webas-system-ID \
    -p sap_instance_number=webas-instance-number \
    -p sap_instance_name=webas-instance-name \
    -p sap_instance_type=ABAP_J2EE \
    -p webas_startup_script=sap_startup_script \
    -p webas_shutdown_script=sap_shutdown_script \
    -p resource_dependencies=hsp-webas-rs,db-webas-rs,msg-rs webas-rs
    -g webas-rg

    Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The SAP web application server resource group can be configured as a failover or a scalable resource group.

    -t SUNW.sapwebas

    Specifies that the resource is an instance of the SUNW.sapwebas resource type.

    -p sap_sid=webas-system-ID

    Specifies the SAP system ID for the SAP web application server component. This ID is SAPSYSTEMNAME in the SAP profile.

    -p sap_instance_number=webas-instance-number

    Specifies the two-digit SAP system number for the SAP web application server component instance. This number is SAPSYSTEM in the SAP profile.

    -p sap_instance_name=webas-instance-name

    Specifies the instance name for the SAP web application server component. This name is INSTANCE_NAME in the SAP profile.

    -p sap_instance_type=ABAP_J2EE

    Specifies that both the ABAP and J2EE components are included. This property must be set to ABAP_J2EE when both the ABAP central instance and SAP J2EE engine are present. The default value is ABAP. It takes the value J2EE when only a standalone SAP J2EE engine is configured.

    -p webas_startup_script=sap_startup_script

    Specifies the startup script for the SAP web application server instance.

    -p webas_shutdown_script=sap_shutdown_script

    Specifies the shutdown script for the SAP web application server instance.

    -p resource_dependencies=hsp-webas-rs,db-webas-rs,msg-rs

    Specifies that the following resources must be online before the resource for the SAP web application server component can be online:

    • HAStoragePlus resource for the global device group on which the SAP web application server component is installed.

    • Database resource. The database resource is created by the relevant data service.

    • SAP message server resource.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be added.

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  4. Verify that the default values for the SAP web application server component extension properties are acceptable.

    Refer to SUNW.sapwebas Extension Properties.

  5. Enable the SAP web application server component resource.

    # clresource enable webas-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.