Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP Web Application Server Guide for Solaris OS

Examples of Configuring the SAP Web Application Server

The following examples show how the SAP Web Application Server can be configured to be highly available in Sun Cluster. The examples assume that the resource groups have been created, the resource groups are online, and the resource types have been registered.

Example 3 Configuring the SAP Central Services Components

In this example the SAP central services resource group is called centralrg, and the SAP replica server resource group is called replrg.

  1. To create an HAStoragePlus resource called hspcentralrs for the global device group enqdg in the resource group centralrg, the following command is run. The group centraldg is the global device group on which the SAP enqueue server is installed, and centralrg is the resource group to which the SAP enqueue server resource and the SAP message server resource belong.

    # clrsource create  -g centralrg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -p filesystemmountpoints="/global/sapdata" \
    -p affinityon=false hspcentralrs
  2. To create an HAStoragePlus resource called hspreplrs for the global device group repldg in the resource group replrg, the following command is run. The group repldg is the global device group on which SAP replica server is installed, and replrg is the resource group to which the SAP replica server resource belongs.

    # clresource create -g replrg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -p filesystemmountpoints="/global/sapdata" \
    -p affinityon=false hspreplrs

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  3. To create an SAP enqueue server resource called enqrs in the resource group centralrg, the following command is run. This resource is dependent on the hspcentralrs and dbwebasrs resource.

    # clresource create -g centralrg -t SUNW.sapenq \
    -p enqueue_profile=/usr/sap/SC3/SYS/profile/SC3_ASCS07_central-lh \
    -p enqueue_server=/sapmnt/SC3/exe/enserver \
    -p sap_user=sc3adm \
    -p enqueue_instance_number=07 \
    -p resource_dependencies=hspcentralrs,db-resource enqrs

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  4. To create an SAP replica server resource called replrs in the resource group replrg, the following command is run. This resource is dependent on the hspreplrs resource and the enqrs resource.

    # clresource create  -g replrg -t SUNW.saprepl \
    -p replica_profile=/usr/sap/SC3/SYS/profile/SC3_REP07 \
    -p replica_server=/sapmnt/SC3/exe/enrepserver \
    -p sap_user=sc3adm \
    -p resource_dependencies=hspreplrs,enqrs replrs

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  5. To create an SAP message server resource called msgrs in the resource group centralrg, the following command is run. This resource is dependent on the hspcentralrs resource. The SAP message server resource is an instance of the resource type that is named SUNW.sapscs.

    # clresource create  -g centralrg -t SUNW.sapscs \
    -p sap_sid=SC3 \
    -p sap_instance_number=07 \
    -p sap_instance_name=ASCS07 \
    -p msg_server_port=3607 \
    -p scs_startup_script=/usr/sap/SC3/SYS/exe/run/my_startsap \
    -p scs_shutdown_script=/usr/sap/SC3/SYS/exe/run/my_stopsap \
    -p resource_dependencies=hspcentralrs,db-resource msgrs

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

Example 4 Configuring the SAP Web Application Server Component

In this example the resource group for the SAP web application server component is called webasrg.

  1. To create an HAStoragePlus resource called hspwebasrs for the global device group webasdg in the resource group webasrg, the following command is run. The group webasdg is the device group on which the SAP web application server component is installed, and webasrg is the resource group to which the SAP web application server resource belongs.

    # clresource create   -g webasrg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \ 
    -p filesystemmountpoints="/global/sapdata" \ 
    -p affinityon=false hspwebasrs

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  2. To create a resource called webasrs for the SAP web application server component, the following command is run. This resource is created in the failover resource group webasrg. This resource is dependent on the hspwebasrs resource. The webasrs resource is also dependent on the database resource dbwebasrs, which has already been created by the relevant data service. In addition, this resource is dependent on the SAP message server resource, which is called msgrs in the previous example.

    # clresource create -g webasrg -t SUNW.sapwebas \
    -p sap_sid=SC3 \
    -p sap_instance_number=08 \
    -p sap_instance_name=D08 \
    -p sap_instance_type=ABAP \
    -p resource_dependencies=hspwebasrs,dbwebasrs,msgrs webasrs

    The resource is created in the enabled state.