Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP Web Application Server Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Verify That the Configuration for the SAP Message Server Is Correct for the Data Service

Perform this procedure on each node or zone that can master the SAP central services resource group.

For a description of the extension properties for the SAP message server resource type, SUNW.sapscs, see SUNW.sapscs Extension Properties.

  1. Bring the SAP central services resource group online on a node or zone.

    # clresourcegroup switch  -n node central-rg
    -n node2

    Specifies the name of the node or zone on which the resource group is to be brought online.


    Specifies the name of the resource group to be brought online.

  2. Become superuser with superuser environment. Then become the sapsidadm user, while retaining the superuser environment.

    Note that, in the first su command, the “dash” (-) argument causes the environment to be changed to the environment of superuser. The second su command, which is used without the “dash” argument, causes the environment to be retained.

    # su - root
    # su sapsidadm
  3. Set the following environment variables:

    • Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to /sapmnt/SAPSID/exe.

    • Set the SAPSYSTEMNAME variable to the appropriate SAP system identification.

    • Add the following paths to the PATH variable: /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/cluster/bin.

    • Set the SAPSYSTEM variable to the system number configured for the specific instance of SAP which should be handled by the resource.

    • Set the HOME environment variable to the home directory of the SAP administration user.

    • Set the LOGNAME variable to root.

  4. Run the SAP start script for the SAP message server using the absolute path and the appropriate arguments, as in the following example.

    The following command is an example that runs the SAP start script for the SAP message server. You must run the equivalent command for your installation.

    # /usr/sap/SC3/SYS/exe/run/startsap_msg_server r3 SCS01
  5. After the SAP system starts successfully, run the fault monitor probe for the SAP message server.

    The full path to the probe is specified by the extension property Msg_Server_Monitor for the SUNW.sapscs resource type. For example, type the following command or the equivalent command.

    # /usr/sap/SC3/SYS/exe/run/msprot -mshost host -msport port
  6. Verify that the probe was successful.

    The probe is successful when the return code equals zero.

  7. Run the SAP stop script for the SAP message server to verify that the SAP message server can be stopped, as in the following example.

    Verify that the SAP message server can be stopped correctly. Run the SAP stop script for the SAP message server with the full path and the appropriate arguments. The following command is an example that runs the SAP stop script. Run the equivalent command for your installation.

    # /usr/sap/SC3/SYS/exe/run/stopsap_msg_server r3 SCS01