Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP Web Application Server Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Verify the Installation and Configuration of the SAP Enqueue Server and the SAP Replica Server

Perform this procedure on each set of two nodes or zones that can master the SAP central services resource group and the SAP replica server resource group.

For a description of the extension properties for the SAP enqueue server resource type, SUNW.sapenq, see SUNW.sapenq Extension Properties. For a description of the extension properties for the SAP replica server resource type, SUNW.saprepl, see SUNW.saprepl Extension Properties.

  1. Become the superuser on one node, Node1.

  2. Bring the SAP central services resource group online on Node1.

    # clresourcegroup switch -n node1 central-rg
    -n node1

    Specifies the name of the node or zone on which the resource group is to be brought online.


    Specifies the name of the resource group to be brought online.

  3. Become the administration user for the SAP enqueue server on Node1.

    The extension property SAP_User for the SUNW.sapenq resource type specifies the name of the administration user.

  4. Start the SAP enqueue server manually on Node1.

    # enq_server_cmd pf=enq_profile

    Specifies the full path to the SAP enqueue server executable. The extension property Enqueue_Server for the SUNW.sapenq resource type contains this value. The name of the SAP enqueue server executable file is enserver.


    Specifies the full path to the profile for the SAP enqueue server. The extension property Enqueue_Profile for SUNW.sapenq resource type contains this value.

  5. Confirm that the SAP enqueue server is up on Node1.

    The name of the SAP enqueue server executable file is enserver.

    # ps -ef | grep enserver
  6. As user sapsidadm, verify that the SAP enqueue server has started correctly.

    You can verify that the SAP enqueue server has started correctly in two ways.

    • Run the SAP utility ensmon.

      $ ensmon -H localhost -S port 1
      -H localhost

      Specifies that the name of the host is localhost.

      -S port

      Specifies the enqueue port.


      Specifies that the probe should check the SAP enqueue server only.

      If this command is run on the command line, a return code is returned on the command line.

    • Check the log files that are written to the directory that was current when the SAP enqueue server command was run.

  7. On a different node, Node2, log in as superuser.

  8. Bring the SAP replica server resource group online on Node2.

    # clresourcegroup switch   -n node2 repl-rg

    Specifies that a resource group is to be brought online on a different node or zone.

    -n node2

    Specifies the name of the node or zone on which the resource group is to be brought online.


    Specifies the name of the resource group to be brought online.

  9. Become the administration user for the SAP replica server on Node2.

    The extension property SAP_User for SUNW.saprepl resource type specifies the name of the administration user.

  10. As user sapsidadm, start the SAP replica server manually on Node2.

    $ repl_server_cmd pf=repl_profile

    Specifies the full path to the SAP replica server executable. The extension property Replica_Server for the SUNW.saprepl resource type contains this value. The name of the SAP replica server executable file is enrepserver.


    Specifies the full path to the profile for the SAP replica server. The extension property Replica_Profile for the SUNW.saprepl resource type contains this value.

  11. Confirm that the SAP replica server is active on Node2.

    The name of the SAP replica server executable file is enrepserver.

    # ps -ef | grep enrepserver
  12. As user sapsidadm, verify that the SAP replica server has started correctly.

    You can verify that the SAP replica server has started correctly in two ways.

    • Run the SAP utility ensmon.

      $ ensmon -H localhost -S port 2
      -H localhost

      Specifies that the name of the host is localhost.

      -S port

      Specifies the enqueue port.


      Specifies that the probe should check both the SAP enqueue server and the SAP replica server.

      If this command is run on the command line, a return code is returned on the command line.

    • Check the log files that are written to the directory that was current when the SAP replica server command was run.

  13. Set up a test profile to be used with the enqt utility.

    In order to create and check enqueue lock entries in Step 14, you must prepare entries in a test SAP profile, including SAPSYSTEM, SAPSYSTEMNAME, and INSTANCE_NAME.

    See the SAP document The SAP Lock Concept (BC-CST-EQ) for details about all profile parameters at

  14. Confirm that enqueue replication is working by performing the following steps.

    1. Create some enqueue lock entries.

      # /usr/sap/SAPSID/SYS/exe/run/enqt pf=app_server_profile 11

      Specifies the SAP system ID.


      Specifies the full path to the test SAP profile that you set up in Step 13

    2. Stop the SAP enqueue server on Node1.

      # ps -ef | grep enserver
      # kill -9 pid
    3. Stop the SAP replica server on Node2.

      # ps -ef | grep enrepserver
      # kill -9 pid
    4. Bring the SAP central services resource group online on Node2.

      # clresourcegroup switch -n node2 central-rg
    5. Become the administration user for the SAP enqueue server on Node2.

    6. Start the SAP enqueue server manually on Node2.

      # enq_server_cmd pf=enq_profile
    7. Confirm that no enqueue entries are lost.

      # /usr/sap/SAPSID/SYS/exe/run/enqt pf=app_server_profile 20

      Specifies the SAP system ID.


      Specifies the full path to the test SAP profile that you set up in Step 13.