Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

Adding a Node

This section provides instructions on adding a node to a global cluster or a zone cluster. You can create a new zone-cluster node on a node of the global cluster that hosts the zone cluster, as long as that global-cluster node does not already host a node of that particular zone cluster. You cannot convert an existing non-voting node on a global cluster into a zone-cluster node.

The following table lists the tasks to perform to add a node to an existing cluster. Perform the tasks in the order shown.

Table 8–2 Task Map: Adding a Node to an Existing Global or Zone Cluster



Install the host adapter on the node and verify that the existing cluster interconnects can support the new node 

Sun Cluster 3.1 - 3.2 Hardware Administration Manual for Solaris OS

Add shared storage 

Sun Cluster 3.1 - 3.2 Hardware Administration Manual for Solaris OS

Prepare the cluster for additional nodes 

How to Prepare the Cluster for Additional Global-Cluster Nodes in Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS

Add the node to the authorized node list by using clsetup

How to Add a Node to the Authorized Node List

Install and configure the software on the new cluster node 

Chapter 2, Installing Software on Global-Cluster Nodes, in Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS

If the cluster is configured in a Sun Cluster Geographic Edition partnership, configure the new node as an active participant in the configuration 

How to Add a New Node to a Cluster in a Partnership in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Add a Node to the Authorized Node List

Before adding a Solaris host or a virtual machine to an existing global cluster or a zone cluster, ensure that the node has all of the necessary hardware correctly installed and configured, including an operational physical connection to the private cluster interconnect.

For hardware installation information, refer to the Sun Cluster 3.1 - 3.2 Hardware Administration Manual for Solaris OS or the hardware documentation that shipped with your server.

This procedure enables a machine to install itself into a cluster by adding its node name to the list of authorized nodes for that cluster.

The phys-schost# prompt reflects a global-cluster prompt. Perform this procedure on a global cluster.

This procedure provides the long forms of the Sun Cluster commands. Most commands also have short forms. Except for the long and short forms of the command names, the commands are identical. For a list of the commands and their short forms, see Appendix B, Sun Cluster Object-Oriented Commands.

  1. On a current global-cluster member, become superuser on the current cluster member. Perform these steps from a node of a global cluster.

  2. Ensure that you have correctly completed all prerequisite hardware installation and configuration tasks that are listed in the task map for Adding a Node.

  3. Start the clsetup utility.

    phys-schost# clsetup

    The Main Menu is displayed.

    Note –

    To add a node to a zone cluster, use the clzonecluster utility. See Step 9 for instructions to manually add a zone to a zone cluster.

  4. Type the number that corresponds to the option for displaying the New Nodes Menu and press the Return key.

  5. Type the number that corresponds to the option to modify the authorized list and press the Return key. Specify the name of a machine that can add itself.

    Follow the prompts to add the node's name to the cluster. You are asked for the name of the node to be added.

  6. Verify that the task has been performed successfully.

    The clsetup utility prints a “Command completed successfully” message if it completes the task without error.

  7. To prevent any new machines from being added to the cluster, type the number that corresponds to option to instruct the cluster to ignore requests to add new machines. Press the Return key.

    Follow the clsetup prompts. This option tells the cluster to ignore all requests over the public network from any new machine that is trying to add itself to the cluster.

  8. Quit the clsetup utility.

  9. To manually add a node to a zone cluster, you must specify the Solaris host and the virtual node name. You must also specify a network resource to be used for public network communication on each node. In the following example, the zone name is sczone, and bge0 is the public network adapter on both machines.

    clzc:sczone>add node

    clzc:sczone:node>set physical-host=phys-cluster-1

    clzc:sczone:node>set hostname=hostname1

    clzc:sczone:node>add net

    clzc:sczone:node:net>set address=hostname1

    clzc:sczone:node:net>set physical=bge0



    clzc:sczone>add node

    clzc:sczone:node>set physical-host=phys-cluster-2

    clzc:sczone:node>set hostname=hostname2

    clzc:sczone:node>add net

    clzc:sczone:node:net>set address=hostname2

    clzc:sczone:node:net>set physical=bge0



    For detailed instructions on configuring the node, see Configuring a Zone Cluster in Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS.

  10. Install and configure the software on the new cluster node.

    Use either scinstall or JumpStartTM software to complete the installation and configuration of the new node, as described in the Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS.

Example 8–11 Adding a Global-Cluster Node to the Authorized Node List

The following example shows how to add a node named phys-schost-3 to the authorized node list in an existing cluster.

[Become superuser and execute the clsetup utility.]
phys-schost# clsetup
[Select New nodes>Specify the name of a machine which may add itself.]
[Answer the questions when prompted.]
[Verify that the scconf command completed successfully.]
claccess allow -h phys-schost-3
    Command completed successfully.
[Select Prevent any new machines from being added to the cluster.]
[Quit the clsetup New Nodes Menu and Main Menu.]
[Install the cluster software.]

See Also


For a complete list of tasks for adding a cluster node, see Table 8–2, “Task Map: Adding a Cluster Node.”

To add a node to an existing resource group, see the Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS.