Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS
 R_description, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 registering CRNP clients and servers ( Index Term Link )
  adding message logging to a ( Index Term Link )
  implementing a failover ( Index Term Link )
  implementing a scalable ( Index Term Link )
  monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  stopping ( Index Term Link )
 resource commands, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 resource dependencies, coordinating ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_dependencies, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_dependencies_offline_restart, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_dependencies_restart, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_dependencies_weak, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 resource functions, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 resource group commands, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 resource group functions, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 Resource Group Manager, See RGM
 Resource Group Manager (RGM)
  legal names ( Index Term Link )
  values ( Index Term Link )
 resource group names, rules ( Index Term Link )
 resource group properties ( Index Term Link )
  accessing information about ( Index Term Link )
  Auto_start_on_new_cluster ( Index Term Link )
  Desired_primaries ( Index Term Link )
  Failback ( Index Term Link )
  Global_resources_used ( Index Term Link )
  Implicit_network_dependencies ( Index Term Link )
  Maximum_primaries ( Index Term Link )
  Nodelist ( Index Term Link )
  Pathprefix ( Index Term Link )
  Pingpong_interval ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_list ( Index Term Link )
  RG_affinities ( Index Term Link )
  RG_dependencies ( Index Term Link )
  RG_description ( Index Term Link )
  RG_is_frozen ( Index Term Link )
  RG_mode ( Index Term Link )
  RG_name ( Index Term Link )
  RG_project_name ( Index Term Link )
  RG_slm_cpu ( Index Term Link )
  RG_slm_cpu_min ( Index Term Link )
  RG_slm_pset_type ( Index Term Link )
  RG_slm_type ( Index Term Link )
  RG_state ( Index Term Link )
  RG_system ( Index Term Link )
  Suspend_automatic_recovery ( Index Term Link )
 resource groups
  description ( Index Term Link )
  failover ( Index Term Link )
  properties ( Index Term Link )
  scalable ( Index Term Link )
  resource group property ( Index Term Link )
  resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource Management API, See RMAPI
 Resource_name, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 resource names, rules ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_project_name, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 resource properties ( Index Term Link )
  accessing information about ( Index Term Link )
  Affinity_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Boot_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  changing ( Index Term Link )
  Cheap_probe_interval ( Index Term Link )
  declaring ( Index Term Link )
  extension ( Index Term Link )
  Failover_mode ( Index Term Link )
  Fini_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Global_zone_override ( Index Term Link )
  Init_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Load_balancing_policy ( Index Term Link )
  Load_balancing_weights ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_check_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_start_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_stop_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Monitored_switch ( Index Term Link )
  Network_resources_used ( Index Term Link )
  Num_resource_restarts ( Index Term Link )
  Num_rg_restarts ( Index Term Link )
  On_off_switch ( Index Term Link )
  Port_list ( Index Term Link )
  Postnet_stop_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Prenet_start_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  R_description ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_dependencies ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_dependencies_offline_restart ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_dependencies_restart ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_dependencies_weak ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_name ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_project_name ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_state ( Index Term Link )
  Retry_count ( Index Term Link )
  Retry_interval ( Index Term Link )
  Scalable ( Index Term Link )
  setting ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Start_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Status ( Index Term Link )
  Status_msg ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Thorough_probe_interval ( Index Term Link )
  Type ( Index Term Link )
  Type_version ( Index Term Link )
  UDP_affinity ( Index Term Link )
  Update_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Validate_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Weak_affinity ( Index Term Link )
 resource property attributes ( Index Term Link )
  Array_maxsize ( Index Term Link )
  Array_minsize ( Index Term Link )
  Default ( Index Term Link )
  Description ( Index Term Link )
  Enumlist ( Index Term Link )
  Extension ( Index Term Link )
  Max ( Index Term Link )
  Maxlength ( Index Term Link )
  Min ( Index Term Link )
  Minlength ( Index Term Link )
  Per_node ( Index Term Link )
  Property ( Index Term Link )
  Tunable ( Index Term Link )
  type ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_state, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_type, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 resource-type, upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 resource type, what happens when upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 resource type monitor, implementing ( Index Term Link )
 resource type names
  implementing ( Index Term Link )
  obtaining fully qualified ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  rules ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Cluster 3.0 ( Index Term Link )
  version suffix ( Index Term Link )
  without version suffix ( Index Term Link )
 resource type packages, installation requirements ( Index Term Link )
 resource type properties
  API_version ( Index Term Link )
  Boot ( Index Term Link )
  declaring ( Index Term Link )
  Failover ( Index Term Link )
  Fini ( Index Term Link )
  Global_zone ( Index Term Link )
  Init ( Index Term Link )
  Init_nodes ( Index Term Link )
  Installed_nodes ( Index Term Link )
  Is_logical_hostname ( Index Term Link )
  Is_shared_address ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_check ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_start ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_stop ( Index Term Link )
  Pkglist ( Index Term Link )
  Postnet_stop ( Index Term Link )
  Prenet_start ( Index Term Link )
  Proxy ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_list ( Index Term Link )
  Resource_type ( Index Term Link )
  RT_basedir ( Index Term Link )
  RT_description ( Index Term Link )
  RT_system ( Index Term Link )
  RT_version ( Index Term Link )
  setting ( Index Term Link )
  Single_instance ( Index Term Link )
  Start ( Index Term Link )
  Stop ( Index Term Link )
  Update ( Index Term Link )
  Validate ( Index Term Link )
  Vendor_ID ( Index Term Link )
 resource type registration, See RTR
 resource types
   RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
  debugging with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
   RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
  modifying ( Index Term Link )
  multiple versions ( Index Term Link )
  upgrading requirements ( Index Term Link )
  coordinating dependencies between ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
 Retry_count, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Retry_interval, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 reusing code, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 RG_affinities, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_dependencies, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_description, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_is_frozen, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_mode, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_name, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_project_name, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_slm_cpu, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_slm_cpu_min, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_slm_pset_type, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_slm_type, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_state, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RG_system, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 RGM (Resource Group Manager)
  administrative interface ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  handling of resource groups ( Index Term Link )
  handling of resource types ( Index Term Link )
  handling of resources ( Index Term Link )
  purpose ( Index Term Link )
 RMAPI (Resource Management API) ( Index Term Link )
  C program functions ( Index Term Link )
  callback methods ( Index Term Link )
  cluster commands ( Index Term Link )
  cluster functions ( Index Term Link )
  components ( Index Term Link )
  exit codes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  method arguments ( Index Term Link )
  resource commands ( Index Term Link )
  resource functions ( Index Term Link )
  resource group commands ( Index Term Link )
  resource group functions ( Index Term Link )
  resource type commands ( Index Term Link )
  resource type functions ( Index Term Link )
  shell commands ( Index Term Link )
  utility functions ( Index Term Link )
  where implemented ( Index Term Link )
 rt-version, upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 RT_basedir, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 RT_description, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 RT_system, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
  purpose ( Index Term Link )
  resource type property ( Index Term Link )
  when to change ( Index Term Link )
 rtconfig file ( Index Term Link )
 RTR (Resource Type Registration)
  description ( Index Term Link )
   changing ( Index Term Link )
   description ( Index Term Link )
   SUNW.xfnts ( Index Term Link )
  description values ( Index Term Link )
  enumeration literal names ( Index Term Link )
  property names ( Index Term Link )
  property values ( Index Term Link )
  resource group names ( Index Term Link )
  resource names ( Index Term Link )