Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS
 sample data service
  common functionality ( Index Term Link )
  controlling the data service ( Index Term Link )
  defining a fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
  extension properties in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  generating error messages ( Index Term Link )
  handling property updates ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_check method ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_start method ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_stop method ( Index Term Link )
  obtaining property information ( Index Term Link )
  probe program ( Index Term Link )
  RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  sample properties in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  Start method ( Index Term Link )
  Stop method ( Index Term Link )
  Update method ( Index Term Link )
  Validate method ( Index Term Link )
 sample DSDL code
  determining the fault monitor action ( Index Term Link )
  returning from svc_start() ( Index Term Link )
  scds_initialize() function ( Index Term Link )
  starting the service ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.xfnts fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.xfnts RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  svc_probe() function ( Index Term Link )
  TCP port number ( Index Term Link )
  validating the service ( Index Term Link )
  X font server ( Index Term Link )
  X font server configuration file ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_monitor_check method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_monitor_start method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_monitor_stop method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_probe main loop ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_start method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_stop method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_update method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_validate method ( Index Term Link )
 SC_CALLBACK_REG, contents ( Index Term Link )
 SC_EVENT, contents ( Index Term Link )
 SC_REPLY, contents ( Index Term Link )
 Scalable, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 scalable resource, implementing ( Index Term Link )
 scalable services, validating ( Index Term Link )
 scds_initialize() function ( Index Term Link )
  Configure ( Index Term Link )
  Create ( Index Term Link )
  Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  CRNP ( Index Term Link )
  X font
   configuration file ( Index Term Link )
   definition ( Index Term Link )
   port number ( Index Term Link )
 shell commands, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 Single_instance, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 source code, editing generated Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 source files, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 Start, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Start method, using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Start_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 starting a data service with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 Status, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Status_msg, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 Stop, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Stop method
  compatibility ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Stop_timeout, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 stopping a data service with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Cluster
  application environment ( Index Term Link )
  commands ( Index Term Link )
  using with GDS ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Cluster Agent Builder, See Agent Builder
 Sun Cluster Manager, description ( Index Term Link )
  fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
  RTR file ( Index Term Link )
 support files, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 Suspend_automatic_recovery, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 svc_probe() function ( Index Term Link )
  description values ( Index Term Link )
  enumeration literal names ( Index Term Link )
  property names ( Index Term Link )
  property values ( Index Term Link )
  resource group names ( Index Term Link )
  resource names ( Index Term Link )
  resource type names ( Index Term Link )