Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS
 GDS (generic data service)
  Child_mon_level property ( Index Term Link )
  creating a service with command-line version of Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  Failover_enabled property ( Index Term Link )
  Log_level property ( Index Term Link )
  Network_aware property ( Index Term Link )
  Network_resources_used property ( Index Term Link )
  Port_list property ( Index Term Link )
  Probe_command property ( Index Term Link )
  Probe_timeout property ( Index Term Link )
  required properties ( Index Term Link )
  Start_command extension property ( Index Term Link )
  Start_timeout property ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_command property ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_signal property ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_timeout property ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.gds resource type ( Index Term Link )
  using commands to create service that uses ( Index Term Link )
  using Sun Cluster Agent Builder to create service that uses ( Index Term Link )
  using with Sun Cluster administration commands ( Index Term Link )
  using with Sun Cluster Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  Validate_command property ( Index Term Link )
  Validate_timeout property ( Index Term Link )
  ways to use ( Index Term Link )
  when to use ( Index Term Link )
  why use ( Index Term Link )
 generic data service
  See GDS
 Global_resources_used, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
 Global_zone, resource type property ( Index Term Link )
 Global_zone_override, resource property ( Index Term Link )