Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Application Development Guide
 cache for servlets
  default configuration ( Index Term Link )
  example configuration ( Index Term Link )
  helper class ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 cache sharing and @OrderBy ( Index Term Link )
 cache tag ( Index Term Link )
 CacheHelper interface ( Index Term Link )
 cacheKeyGeneratorAttrName property ( Index Term Link )
  a bean's state using version consistency ( Index Term Link )
  data using a non-transactional connection ( Index Term Link )
  EJB components ( Index Term Link )
  entities ( Index Term Link )
  JSP files ( Index Term Link )
  read-only beans ( Index Term Link )
  servlet results ( Index Term Link )
  stateful session beans ( Index Term Link )
  using a read-only bean for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 capture-schema command ( Index Term Link )
 cascade attribute ( Index Term Link )
 Catalina listeners, defining custom ( Index Term Link )
 catalog attribute ( Index Term Link )
 certificate realm ( Index Term Link )
 CGI ( Index Term Link )
 class-loader element ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 class loaders ( Index Term Link )
  application-specific ( Index Term Link )
  circumventing isolation ( Index Term Link )
  delegation hierarchy ( Index Term Link )
  isolation ( Index Term Link )
 classpath attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 classpathref attribute ( Index Term Link )
 client JAR file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 client.policy file ( Index Term Link )
 CLOB support ( Index Term Link )
 CMP, See container-managed persistence
 cmp-resource element ( Index Term Link )
 cmt-max-runtime-exceptions property ( Index Term Link )
 Comet ( Index Term Link )
 Cometd ( Index Term Link )
 command attribute ( Index Term Link )
 command-line server configuration, See asadmin command
 commit options ( Index Term Link )
 Common class loader ( Index Term Link )
  using to circumvent isolation ( Index Term Link )
 common gateway interface ( Index Term Link )
 compiling JSP files ( Index Term Link )
 component subelement ( Index Term Link )
 config attribute ( Index Term Link )
 ConfigurableTransactionSupport interface ( Index Term Link )
 connection factory ( Index Term Link )
 ConnectionFactory interface ( Index Term Link )
 Connector class loader ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 connectors ( Index Term Link )
  and JDBC ( Index Term Link )
  and JMS ( Index Term Link )
  and message-driven beans ( Index Term Link )
  and transactions ( Index Term Link )
  class loading policy ( Index Term Link )
  configuration options ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  flushing connection pools ( Index Term Link )
  generic JMS ( Index Term Link )
  inbound connectivity ( Index Term Link )
  invalid connections ( Index Term Link )
  last agent optimization ( Index Term Link )
  Oracle GlassFish Server support ( Index Term Link )
  outbound connectivity ( Index Term Link )
  shutdown timeout ( Index Term Link )
  testing connection pools ( Index Term Link )
  thread associations ( Index Term Link )
 container-managed persistence
  configuring 1.1 finders ( Index Term Link )
  data types for mapping ( Index Term Link )
  deployment descriptor ( Index Term Link )
  mapping ( Index Term Link )
  performance features ( Index Term Link )
  prefetching ( Index Term Link )
  resource manager ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
  support ( Index Term Link )
  version consistency ( Index Term Link )
 context, for JNDI naming ( Index Term Link )
 context.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 contextroot attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 CosNaming naming service ( Index Term Link )
 cp attribute ( Index Term Link )
 create-audit-module command ( Index Term Link )
 create-auth-realm command ( Index Term Link )
 create-connector-connection-pool command ( Index Term Link )
  --ping option ( Index Term Link )
  --pooling option ( Index Term Link )
 create-connector-security-map command ( Index Term Link )
 create-custom-resource command ( Index Term Link )
 create-domain command ( Index Term Link )
 create-javamail-resource command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jdbc-connection-pool command ( Index Term Link )
  --allownoncomponentcallers option ( Index Term Link )
  --associatewiththread option ( Index Term Link )
  --initsql option ( Index Term Link )
  --isconnectionvalidatereq option ( Index Term Link )
  --isolationlevel option ( Index Term Link )
  --nontransactionalconnections option ( Index Term Link )
  --ping option ( Index Term Link )
  --pooling option ( Index Term Link )
  --sqltracelisteners option ( Index Term Link )
  --statementcachesize option ( Index Term Link )
  --statementtimeout option ( Index Term Link )
  --validationclassname option ( Index Term Link )
  --validationmethod option ( Index Term Link )
  --wrapjdbcobjects option ( Index Term Link )
 create-jdbc-resource command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jms-host command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jmsdest command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jndi-resource command ( Index Term Link )
 create-jvm-options command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  com.sun.appserv.transaction.nofdsync option ( Index Term Link ) option ( Index Term Link )
 create-message-security-provider command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create-resource-adapter-config command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create-threadpool command ( Index Term Link )
 createtables attribute ( Index Term Link )
 custom resource ( Index Term Link )
  factory for ( Index Term Link )