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Sun Java System Applications Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q1 Installation Guide 

Chapter 2
Uninstalling Application Server 8.1 Software

All components in the current Application Server installation directory are automatically selected for uninstallation.


  • It is important to use the uninstall routine described here. If you attempt another method, problems arise when you try to reinstall the same version or when you install a new version.
  • If you do not stop all domains before the uninstallation, orphaned processes might exist on your system after the uninstallation. On UNIX, identify the processes with the ps -ef command and terminate them using the kill command.

To uninstall the Application Server software, perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that you have stopped all domains and other related processes, including deploytool, command prompts using the installation directory or its subdirectories, and any applications using Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE™ platform) files bundled with the product.
  2. Navigate to your Application Server installation directory.
  3. Invoke the uninstall program as follows:
    • On UNIX or Linux, type one of the following commands at the command prompt:
      • To use the uninstall that has a graphical interface:
      • ./uninstall

      • To use the uninstall that has a command-line interface:
      • ./uninstall -console

    • On Windows, under the Sun Microsystems, Application Server EE program group in the Start Programs area of your desktop, click Uninstall.
    • On Windows, you can also invoke the uninstall program through the Control Panel:
      1. Navigate to the Control Panel.
      2. Choose Add/Remove Programs.
      3. From the list of installed programs, select Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition.
      4. Click Remove.

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