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ILOM for Sun Blade T6340 Server Modules

Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) firmware provides advanced service processor hardware and software that you can use to manage and monitor supported Sun servers. ILOM’s dedicated hardware and software is preinstalled on a variety of server platforms, including the Chassis Monitoring Module (CMM) of Sun Blade modular system chassis and Sun Blade T6340 server modules. This document describes features that belong to Sun Blade T6340 server modules, augmenting the set of features described in the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager User’s Guide.

Chassis Monitoring Module Features

The ILOM chassis monitoring module (CMM) manages the Sun Blade modular system chassis. It provides management of chassis components, and a method of accessing the service processors in individual server modules. It also provides automatic control of the chassis fan speed. For information about using the CMM ILOM with your chassis, refer to the ILOM administration guide for your chassis.

Updating the System Firmware

If an updated version of the system firmware becomes available, you can obtain it from the SunSolveSM web site in the form of a patch.

Note - You cannot use Sun Update Connection Manager to obtain system firmware.

Refer to the Sun Blade T6340 Server Module Product Notes for information about obtaining patches using SunSolve.

Refer to the chapter “Update ILOM Firmware” in the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager User’s Guide for information about the firmware update process.

Resetting the Password to the Factory Default

The procedure for resetting the ILOM root password to the factory default (changeme) requires installation of a jumper on the service processor. The procedure is documented in the Sun Blade T6340 Server Module Service Manual.

For information about setting other service processor settings back to the factory defaults, refer to Changing Service Processor Settings to Factory Defaults.