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Sun ONE Identity Server Programmer's Guide

About This Guide

The Sun ONE Identity Server Programmer's Guide offers information on how to deploy and customize the Sun ONE Identity Server. This preface contains the following sections:

About Identity Server 6.0

Sun ONE Identity Server, prior to the 6.0 release, was known as iPlanet Directory Server Access Management Edition (DSAME). The product was renamed shortly before the launch of version 5.1. Identity Server is designed to help organizations manage identities and enforce secure access to their network services and web-based resources. It contains a number of services towards this end as well as the Sun ONE Directory Server as a data store. For the latest information about new features and enhancements in this release of Identity Server, please see the online release notes at or the Sun ONE Identity Server Product Brief.

What You Are Expected to Know

This Programmer's Guide is intended for use by IT administrators and custom software developers who manage identities and access to their web resources using Sun ONE servers and software. It is recommended that administrators understand directory server technologies, including Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), and have some experience with Java™, Java Server Pages, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and eXtensible Markup Language (XML). Particularly, they should also be familiar with Sun ONE Directory Server and the documentation provided with that product.

Identity Server Documentation Set

The Identity Server documentation set contains the following titles:

  • Product Brief provides an overview of the Identity Server application and its features and functions.

  • Installation and Configuration Guide provides details on how to install and deploy the Identity Server on Solaris™, Linux and Windows® 2000 systems.

  • Administration Guide describes how to use the Identity Server console as well as manage user and service data via the command line.

  • Programmer's Guide (this guide) documents how to customize an Identity Server system specific to your organization. It also includes instructions on how to augment the application with new services using the public APIs.

  • Policy Agent Guide documents how to install and configure an Identity Server policy agent on a remote server. It also includes troubleshooting and information specific to each agent.

  • Getting Started Guide documents how to use various features of the Identity Server product to set up a simple organization with identities, policies and roles.

  • The Release Notes file gathers an assortment of last-minute information, including a description of what is new in this release, known problems and limitations, installation notes, and how to report problems.


    Be sure to check the Identity Server documentation web site at for updates to the release notes and for revisions to the guides. Updated documents will be marked with a revision date.

Documentation Conventions Used in This Guide

In the Identity Server documentation, certain typographic conventions and terminology are used. These conventions are described in the following sections.

Typographic Conventions

This book uses the following typographic conventions:

  • Italic type is used within text for book titles, new terminology, and emphasis.

  • Monospace font is used for sample code and code listings, APIs and programming language elements (such as function names and class names). It is also used for filenames, pathnames, directory names, HTML tags, URLs, and any text that must be typed on the screen.

  • <sample text> is used to represent a variable placeholder. When this convention is used in a directory path or URL, the text and surrounding carats should be replaced with deployment-specific information. For example, the following command uses <filename> as a variable placeholder for an argument to the gunzip command:

    gunzip -d <filename>.tar.gz


    Notes, Cautions and Tips highlight important conditions or limitations. Be sure to read this information.


Below is a list of general terms used in the Identity Server documentation set:

  • <identity_server_root> is a variable placeholder for the path to the home directory where Sun ONE Identity Server is installed.

  • <directory_server_root> is a variable placeholder for the path to the home directory where Sun ONE Directory Server is installed.

Related Information

In addition to the documentation provided with Identity Server, there are several other sets of documentation that might be helpful. This section lists these and additional sources of information.

Sun ONE Directory Server Documentation
iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 documentation can be found at

Sun ONE Web Server Documentation
iPlanet/Sun ONE Web Server documentation can be found at

Sun ONE Certificate Server Documentation
iPlanet Certificate Server documentation can be found at

iPlanet Proxy Server Documentation
iPlanet Proxy Server documentation can be found at

Other iPlanet Product Documentation
Documentation for all other iPlanet and Netscape servers and technologies can be found at

Download Center
Links to download any of Sun's Sun ONE/iPlanet software are at

Sun ONE Technical Support
Technical Support can be contacted through

Professional Services Information
Professional Service can be contacted through

Sun Enterprise Services for Solaris Patches And Support
Solaris patches and support can be obtained through

Developer Information
Information on Identity Server, LDAP, the Sun ONE Directory Server, and associated technologies can also be found at

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Copyright 2002   Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated December 02, 2002