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Sun Java System Identity Synchronization for Windows 1 2004Q3 Installation and Configuration Guide 

Chapter 10
Understanding Audit and Error Files

Identity Synchronization for Windows provides information about the installation and configuration status, the day-to-day system operations, and any error conditions that are related to your deployment.

This chapter explains how to access and understand this information in the following sections:

Understanding the Logs

You can view various types of information from the Status tab of the Identity Synchronization for Windows Console.

If you select one of the following nodes in the navigation tree pane (on the left), the content presented on the Status tab changes to provide specific information about that item.

Log Types

This section describes the different kinds of logs that are available for Identity Synchronization for Windows:

Central Logs

As long as Identity Synchronization for Windows components can access Message Queue, all audit and error messages will be logged in the Identity Synchronization for Windows central logger. Consequently, these central logs (which include messages from all components) are the primary logs to monitor.

The centralized logs are located on the machine where Core is installed, in the following directories:

The specific logs are described in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1  Identity Synchronization for Windows Log Types

Log Name



Warning and Severe messages are reported here.


A superset of error.log that includes messages about each synchronization event.


Messages generated by the resync command are reported here.

Each central log also includes information about each component ID. For example,

[2003/03/14 14:48:23.296 -0600] INFO 13 "System Component Information: SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE); console is the Product Console User Interface; CNN100 is the connector that manages [ (ldaps://]; CNN101 is the connector that manages [dc=airius,dc=com (ldap://];"

In addition to the central logger, each component has it’s own local logs. You can use these local logs to diagnose problems with the connector if it cannot log to the central logger.

Local Component Logs

Each connector, the system manager, and the central logger have the following local logs:

Table 10-2  Local Logs

Log Name



A superset of error.log that includes messages about each synchronization event. These messages are also written to the central audit.log.


Warning and Severe messages are reported here. These messages are also written to the central error.log.

These local logs are located in the following subdirectories:

The sysmgr and clogger100 (central logger) directories are on the machine where Core is installed.

Identity Synchronization for Windows rotates these local component logs daily by moving the current log to a log file that includes the date, as follows:



By default, Identity Synchronization for Windows deletes connector logs after ten days. You can extend this period by editing the value in the file and restarting the service daemon.

Local Windows NT Subcomponent Logs

The following Windows NT subcomponents also have local logs:

These subcomponent logs are located in the SUBC1XX (for example, SUBC100) subdirectories of the following directory:


Identity Synchronization for Windows limits these files to 1 MB in size, and keeps only the last 10 logs.

Directory Server Plugin Logs

The Directory Server Plugin logs information through the Directory Server connector to the central log and through the Directory Server logging facility. Consequently, local Directory Server Plugin log messages will also be saved in the Directory Server error log.

Directory Server saves information into the error log from other Directory Server Plugins and components. To identify messages from the Identity Synchronization for Windows Directory Server Plugin, you can filter out lines containing the isw string.

By default, only minimal Plugin log messages are displayed in the error log.
For example:

[14/Jun/2004:17:08:36 -0500] - ERROR<38747> - isw - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Plugins unable to establish connection to DS Connector at attila:1388, will retry later

You can change the default verbosity level of the Directory Server error log from the Directory Server Management Console as follows:

  1. Open the Directory Server Console.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Click the Logs node in the navigation pane.
  4. Select the Errors tab.
  5. Click the Log Level button.
  6. Enable the Plugins box. For extra verbosity, you can also enable Verbose Mode.
  7. Click OK, and then click Save.

For more information about Directory Server logging, refer to the Sun Java System Directory 5 2004Q2 Server Administrator's Guide (

Reading the Logs

Every log message includes the following information:

Configuring Your Log Files

You can use the Identity Synchronization for Windows Console to configure logging for your deployment, as follows:

  1. Open the Console and select the Configuration tab.
  2. In the navigation tree pane, and expand nodes until you see the Logs node.
  3. Select the Logs node and the Log Files panel is displayed on the Configuration tab (see Figure 10-2).
  4. Figure 10-2  Configuring Log Files
    Configure log files.

  5. Use the Log Files pane to configure your log files, as follows:
    • Write logs to file. Enable this option to write logs to a file on the Core host.
    • After selecting this option you can:

      • Enable the default log directory and file (for example, /var/opt/SUNWisw/logs/central).
      • Enable the Write log files to directory option, and then specify a path and file name for the log file.

      • Note

        The Console does not verify whether a specified log file location actually exists. The central logger will try to create the log directory if it does not exist. Consequently, there is no indication that you specified and saved a nonexistent log location until you try to view the logs. After several attempts to view the logs, a message displays to report the Console’s inability to find logs at the specified location.

    • On Solaris OnlyWrite logs to syslog daemon: Enable this option if Identity Synchronization for Windows resides on a Solaris platform.
      Use the drop-down list to select a category for writing the log. (Default is DAEMON.)

    • Note

      When you select this option, Identity Synchronization for Windows logs everything to the syslog; however, the syslog is configured by default to log WARNING and SEVERE messages only.

      To configure syslog to log INFO messages, edit /etc/syslog.conf and change the following line:

      *.err;kern.debug;daemon.notice;mail.crit /var/adm/messages


      *.err;kern.debug;daemon.notice;;mail.crit /var/adm/messages

      After making this change, you must restart the syslog daemon as follows:

      /etc/init.d/syslog stop ; /etc/init.d/syslog start

      To enable FINE, FINER, and FINEST logging, include daemon.debug in the semi-colon separated list.

    • Remove Old Logs: The number of log files will continue to grow (one per day) indefinitely. To avoid running out of disk space, enable this option and specify when the program can delete old logs from the central log file.

      For example, if you specify 30 days, Identity Synchronization for Windows will delete all files when they become 31 days old.

    • Log Level. Use the drop-down list to select the level of detail you want to see in your system logs. (Review Log Levels.)
  6. Click the Save Log Configuration button to create log files based on the selected options.

Viewing Directory Source Status

To view the status of your directory sources:

  1. From the Identity Synchronization for Windows Console, select the Status tab.
  2. In the navigation tree pane, expand the Directory Source node, and then select the directory source node (such as dc=example,dc=com).
  3. The Status tab content changes to provide information related to the selected directory source (for example, see Figure 10-3).

    Figure 10-3  Directory Source Status
    Directory source contents displayed.


    When viewing the Directory Source status you are essentially viewing the status of the connector associated with that Directory Source.

    The following information is provided on the Status tab:

    • Update: Click Update to refresh the information on this tab.
    • State: Reflects the current state of the directory source. Valid states include:
      • Uninstalled: The connector has not been installed.
      • Installed: The connector is installed, but is not ready for synchronization because it has not received its runtime configuration yet. If the connector remains in this state for more than a minute, something is probably wrong.
      • Ready: The connector is ready for synchronization, but it is currently not synchronizing any objects. A connector remains in the Ready state if synchronization has not been started or if synchronization has been started but not all subcomponents have established connections with the connectors.
      • Syncing: The connector is synchronizing objects. There might still be errors, so consult the error log if you notice that changes are not synchronized.
    • Active: Indicates whether the directory source is active or down.
    • Last Communication: Indicates the time of the last response from this directory source’s connector.

Viewing Installation and Configuration Status

To see which steps you must still complete in the Identity Synchronization for Windows installation and configuration process, use the following procedure:

  1. From the Identity Synchronization for Windows Console, select the Status tab.
  2. In the navigation tree pane, expand the To Do node.
  3. The Status tab content changes to provide a checklist of the installation and configuration steps (for example, see Figure 10-3).

    Figure 10-4  Viewing Your To Do List
    Viewing the To Do list.

  4. Click the Update button (upper right) to refresh the list.
  5. Completed steps will be check-marked and greyed-out. You must complete the remaining steps to successfully complete the installation and configuration process.

Viewing Your Audit and Error Logs

To view your error logs:

  1. From the Identity Synchronization for Windows Console, select the Status tab.
  2. In the navigation tree pane, expand the Audit File or the Error File node.
  3. The Status tab content changes to display the current logs (Figure 10-5).

    Figure 10-5  Viewing Your Logs
    Viewing your logs.

    The following information is provided on the Status tab:

    • Refresh: Loads the latest audit or error information.
    • Continuous: Updates and displays the latest audit or error information constantly.
    • Log File: Displays the full path name of the audit or error log being read; for example:
    • C:\Program Files\Sun\MPS\isw-<hostname>\logs\central\audit.log

    • Lines to show: Specifies how many audit or error entries to display. (Default is 25.)

Enabling Auditing on a Windows NT Machine

If you have a Windows NT machine in your deployment, verify that auditing is enabled or Identity Synchronization for Windows cannot log messages from that machine.

You can use the following procedure to enable audit logging on your Windows NT machine:

  1. From the Windows NT Start menu, select Programs > Administrative Tools > User Manager for Domains.
  2. When the User Manager dialog box is displayed, select Policies > Audit from the menu bar.
  3. The Audit Policy dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enable the Audit These Events button and then enable the Success and Failure boxes.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

These settings will remain in effect until you change them again.

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Part No: 817-6199-05.   Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.