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Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Installation and Tuning Guide

Chapter 7   Tuning Indexing

As Directory Server handles more and more entries, searches potentially consume more and more time and system resources. Indexes are one tool to improve search performance. This chapter covers how Directory Server indexes work so that you understand the costs and benefits of using a specific index in the context of a particular deployment.

About Indexes

Indexes associate lookup information with Directory Server entries. Indexes take the form of files stored with Directory Server databases. A database in this context is the physical representation of a suffix. For most deployments, one suffix corresponds to one database. For some deployments, one suffix may be split across multiple databases. Directory Server stores databases under ServerRoot/slapd-ServerID/db/ by default (the default value of nsslapd-directory). Here you find individual database instances having one index file per indexed attribute. For instance, a CN index file for a database, example, holding entries from the suffix dc=example,dc=com, is called ServerRoot/slapd-ServerID/db/example/example_cn.db3.

What you index depends upon how client applications access directory data. Table 7-1 includes short descriptions of standard index types.

Table 7-1    Standard Index Types 

Index Type

Answers the question...


Which entries have a value that sounds like foobar for this attribute?


Which entries fit this virtual list view search?


Which entries have value foobar for this attribute?


Which entries match for this international locale?


Which entries have this attribute?


Which entries have a value matching *foo* for this attribute?

An index file for a particular attribute such as CN may contain multiple types of indexes. For instance, if CN is indexed in the example database for equality and for substring matching, then example_cn.db3 contains both equality and substring indexes.

Refer to the Sun ONE Directory Server Administration Guide for:

  • An overview of each index type
  • Instructions on creating and deleting indexes
  • A list of default indexes created by Directory Server
  • A list of system indexes required by Directory Server

Default indexes improve search performance in many situations, and include some support for other applications such as messaging. In some cases, you may choose to disable or even delete particular default indexes for performance reasons. System indexes are those on which Directory Server depends. Do not delete or modify them.

Benefits: How Searches Use Indexes

Indexes speed up searches. An index contains a list of values, each associated with a list of entry identifiers corresponding to the value. Directory Server can look up entries quickly using the lists of entry identifiers in indexes. Without an index to manage a list of entries, Directory Server may have to check every entry in a suffix to find matches for a search.

The reason an indexed search may require significantly less processing than an unindexed search becomes evident when search request processing is explained. Here is how Directory Server processes each search request:

  1. A client application sends a search request to Directory Server.
  2. Directory Server examines the request to ensure the search base corresponds to a suffix it can handle. If not, it returns an error to the client, and may return a referral to another Directory Server instance.
  3. Directory Server determines whether it manages an index or indexes appropriate to the search.
  4. For each such index that exists, Directory Server looks up candidate entries — entries that might be a match for the search request — in the index, as shown in Figure 6-2.

    Notice that if no such index exists, Directory Server generates the set of candidate entries from all entries in the database. For large deployments, this step may consume considerable time and system resources, depending on the search.

  5. Directory Server examines each candidate entry to determine if it matches the search criteria. Directory Server returns matching entries to the client application as it finds them.
  6. Directory Server continues examining candidates either until all candidates have been examined, or until it reaches a resource limit such as nsslapd-lookthroughlimit, nsslapd-sizelimit, or nsslapd-timelimit, as described in "Limiting Resources Available to Clients".

As is evident from Step 3, indexes can reduce significantly the processing Directory Server must perform to respond to a search request from a client.

Costs: How Updates Affect Indexes

Updates change not only entries themselves, but also indexes referencing the entries. The more references to an entry in indexes, the higher the potential processing cost to modify the indexes during an update. Specifically, Directory Server modifies all impacted indexes as shown in Figure 6-3 before sending acknowledgement of the update to the client application.

In addition to the processing costs incurred for index maintenance, indexes have a cost in terms of space on disk and potentially space in memory. When optimizing database cache size for searches, as described "Optimizing For Searches", you may opt to provide enough memory to hold both entries and indexes in database cache. The larger the indexes, the more space required. 64-bit indexes require somewhat more space than 32-bit indexes, as well.

In general, tuning indexing for an instance of Directory Server means maintaining only those indexes for which the benefits from faster search processing offset the costs of more update processing and of more space needed. Maintaining useful indexes is good practice; maintaining unused indexes for attributes on which clients rarely search is a waste.

Presence Indexes

Figure 7-1 depicts a presence index for the nsRoleDN attribute, showing how this index is independent of the attribute value, but simply includes all entries in the database having an nsRoleDN attribute. Every value of the attribute matches *.

Figure 7-1    Representation of a Presence Index
With adequate cache, hit rate can be high.

As shown, the internal entryid attribute value allows Directory Server to store a reference to the entry that allows for quick retrieval. Directory Server actually retrieves the entry using the dbinstance_id2entry.db3 index file, where dbinstance depends on the database identifier as implied in "About Indexes".

When Directory Server receives an update request for an entry having an attribute indexed for presence, it must determine whether the entry must be removed from the index or not, and must then carry out any necessary modifications before returning acknowledgement of the update to the client application.

The cost of presence indexes is generally lower than for other index types, although the list of entries maintained for a presence index may be long.

Equality Indexes

Figure 7-2 depicts an equality index for the SN (surname) attribute. It shows how this index maintains a list per attribute value of entries having that attribute value for the SN attribute.

Figure 7-2    Representation of an Equality Index
With adequate cache, hit rate can be high.

When Directory Server receives an update request for an entry having an attribute indexed for equality, it must determine whether the entry must be removed from the index or not, determine whether a list must be added or removed from the index, and must then carry out any necessary modifications before returning acknowledgement of the update to the client application.

The cost of equality indexes is generally lower than for substring indexes, for example, but higher in terms of space than for presence. Some client applications such as messaging servers may, however, rely on equality indexes for top search performance. Avoid equality indexes for large binary attributes such as photos and encrypted passwords.

Substring Indexes

Figure 7-3 depicts a substring index for the SN (surname) attribute. It shows an excerpt of how this index maintains a series of lists per attribute value.

Directory Server indexes substrings such that searches for two-character substrings may be found in the index. A search for (sn=*ab*) can therefore be accelerated using an index, for example, but a search for (sn=*a*) cannot.

Figure 7-3    Representation of a Substring Index
With adequate cache, hit rate can be high.

Directory Server offers a further optimization allowing initial substring searches of only one character before the wildcard. Thus a search for (sn=a*), but not (sn=*a*) or (sn=*a), can also be accelerated when a substring index is available, for example.

Notice that Directory Server builds an index of substrings according to its own built-in rules. These substrings are not configurable by the system administrator.

When Directory Server receives an update request for an entry having an attribute indexed for substrings, it must determine whether the entry must be removed from the index, determine whether and how modifications to the entry affect the index, determine whether entry IDs or lists of entry IDs must be added or removed from the index, and must then carry out any necessary modifications before returning acknowledgement of the update to the client application. The number of updates depends on the length of the attribute value string.

Maintaining substring indexes is generally quite costly. As the cost is a function of the length of the string indexed, avoid unnecessary substring indexes, especially for attributes having potentially long string values such as description. Substring indexes cannot be applied to binary attributes such as photos.

Browsing (Virtual List View) Indexes

Figure 7-4 depicts a browsing index for a virtual lists view. It shows how this index depends on the virtual list view information. That is, the vlvBase, vlvScope, vlvFilter, and vlvSort attribute values for the browsing index. Entry IDs in this type of index are ordered according to the vlvSort criteria.

Figure 7-4    Representation of a Browsing Index
With adequate cache, hit rate can be high.

When Directory Server receives an update request for an entry matching a vlvFilter value, it must determine whether the entry must be removed from the index or not, determine the correct position of the entry in the list, and must then carry out any necessary modifications before returning acknowledgement of the update to the client application.

Approximate Indexes

Directory Server maintains approximate indexes using a variation of the metaphone phonetic algorithm. This algorithm breaks down an attribute string value into a rough approximation of its English phonetic pronunciation. Values to match in incoming search requests are handled using the same algorithm. As the algorithm is based loosely on syllables, it is not effective for attributes containing numbers such as telephone numbers.

The algorithm generates a target string for each attribute value string. Costs for this "sounds like" indexing of English-language strings are therefore similar to those for equality indexing.

International Indexes

International indexes use matching rules for particular locales to maintain indexes. Costs for such indexes therefore resemble costs for substring and equality indexes.

Using a custom matching rule server plug-in, you can extend standard support for international and other types of indexing. Refer to the Sun ONE Directory Server Plug-In API Programming Guide for more information on custom matching rule plug-ins.

Example: Indexing an Entry

Consider a user entry as shown in being added to a suffix indexed for equality on uid, for equality, substring and approximate searches on Common Name (cn) and surname (sn) attributes, for equality searches on the mail attribute, for equality and substring searches on the telephoneNumber attribute, and for substring searches on the description attribute.

Code Example 7-1    Sample User Entry

dn: uid=yyorgens,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
uid: yyorgens
givenName: Yolanda
sn: Yorgenson
cn: Yolanda Yorgenson
telephoneNumber: 1-650-960-1300
description: Business Development Manager, Platinum Partners

In adding this entry, Directory Server must modify indexes for cn, sn, mail, telephoneNumber, and description. Table 7-2 illustrates the expected number of entries.

Table 7-2    Index Updates for Sample User Entry 





Total Index Updates
































Substring indexing on strings as long as the description string here is not recommended for most deployments.

Notice that the number of substring index updates for the description string is larger (47) than the number of updates (44) for all other attributes combined. Also, further modifications to the description string may again imply a maximum number of updates or more depending on the new string. In most cases, avoid substring indexing of this volume by not applying substring indexing to long strings such as description values.

Tuning Indexing for Performance

In many cases, tuning indexing for performance implies activating indexes to speed up frequent searches, and disactivating indexes that are expensive to maintain and not frequently used.


Database backups include indexes, and so should match the Directory Server configuration.

After changing how indexes are configured, back up both the configuration and the data.

For large deployments involving replicas dedicated to specific applications, you may opt to configure different indexes for different Directory Server instances. For example, consider a topology with:

  • Masters handling writes only
  • Hubs handling the replication load to consumers
  • Some consumers dedicated to specific applications such as messaging

The masters in this case do not handle searches, so you may choose not to maintain expensive substring indexes on the masters, for example. You may also determine that some other indexes are hardly ever used and can be disactivated.

The hubs essentially receive no client requests other than administrative requests, so you may in this case disactivate all but system indexes required by Directory Server itself.

On specific consumers dedicated to individual applications, you may decide to disactivate all indexes not used by the application. Which indexes you disactivate depends on the searches performed by the particular application.

Allowing Only Indexed Searches

Directory Server makes it possible to prevent costly unindexed searches, returning LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM to clients requesting an unindexed search.

To prevent unindexed searches against a particular database, set the nsslapd-require-index attribute value to on for the database:

$ ldapmodify -h host -p port -D "cn=directory manager" -w password
dn: cn=example,cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: nsslapd-require-index
nsslapd-require-index: on
^D (^Z on Windows systems)

The change takes effect immediately. No need to restart Directory Server.

Limiting Index List Length

In large and fast growing directory deployments, indexing may reach the point of diminishing returns for a particular index key. At the point of diminishing returns, the list associated with a particular key becomes so long that maintaining the list costs more than performing an occasional unindexed search on that particular key for candidate entries. Imagine for example a very large phone book application equality indexed on surname. Imagine the number of Smiths in the phone book is so large that maintaining an index for Smiths outweighs the lookup benefits. At this point, Directory Server should stop indexing surname for Smith. Directory Server should, however, continue indexing for other surnames.

Directory Server has a mechanism for handling this. You set a configuration attribute to a threshold value. If the number of entries in the list for a particular key gets as large as the value you set, Directory Server replaces the list for the key with a token specifying that an unindexed search should be performed to find candidate entries for that particular key. The value is somewhere near but less than the value for the maximum number of candidate entries checked for a search, set using nsslapd-lookthroughlimit, as described in Table 9-1.

The mechanism is referred to as the all IDs threshold, named after the configuration attribute used to set the global threshold value, nsslapd-allidsthreshold on cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config. Notice this value is currently global to the Directory Server instance. It cannot be set differently for different indexes.

Figure 7-5 illustrates the example of indexing on surname with a number of Smiths greater than nsslapd-allidsthreshold.

Figure 7-5    Reaching the All IDs Threshold for an Index Key
With adequate cache, hit rate can be high.

Notice that the threshold affects only one list in the index table. Lists for other keys are not affected.

Symptoms of Inappropriate Index List Size

If clients perform primarily indexed searches and cache sizes are correctly tuned as described in Chapter 6 "Tuning Cache Sizes," yet you still observe poor search performance, an inappropriate threshold value may be the cause. When you observe poor search performance for indexed searches, ensure cache sizes are appropriately tuned first. Next, examine the access log to determine whether Directory Server is reaching the all IDs threshold often.

The notes=U flag at the end of an access log RESULT message indicates Directory Server performed an unindexed search. A previous SRCH message for the same connection and operation specifies the search filter used. The following two-line example traces an unindexed search for (cn=Smith) returning 10000 entries. Time stamps have been removed from the messages.

conn=2 op=1 SRCH base="" scope=0 filter="(cn=Smith)"
conn=2 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=10000 notes=U

If you observe many such pairs for searches that should be indexed, you may be able to improve search performance by increasing the threshold.

Changing the Index List Threshold Size

Good values for nsslapd-allidsthreshold typically fall in a range around 5 percent of the total number of entries in the directory. For example, the default value of 4000 is generally right for Directory Server instances handling 80,000 entries or less. You may decide to set the value significantly higher than 5 percent of the total if you expect to add large numbers of entries to the directory in the near term, or if you expect the directory to grow considerably. You may also decide to set the threshold differently on consumer replicas supporting many searches than on masters supporting almost only writes. If you plan to reinitialize a large directory from LDIF in the near term, you may even choose to adjust the value for nsslapd-allidsthreshold just before reinitialization, as each change to the value of this attribute requires that all indexes be rebuilt. In any case, avoid setting the all IDs threshold very high (above 50,000) even for very large deployments unless you have a good, specific reason for doing so.

Change the all IDs threshold as follows. Note that service is interrupted on the Directory Server instance undergoing the change.

  1. Stop the Directory Server instance in question.
  2. Export all directory databases to LDIF.
  3. Refer to the Sun ONE Directory Server Administration Guide for details.

  4. Carefully adjust the value of the nsslapd-allidsthreshold attribute in ServerRoot/slapd-ServerID/config/dse.ldif.
  5. Reinitialize all directory databases from LDIF.
  6. Refer to the Sun ONE Directory Server Administration Guide for details.

  7. If database cache size was tuned for the old all IDs threshold value and the server has adequate physical memory, consider increasing database cache size by 25 percent of the magnitude of the increase to the threshold.
  8. In other words, if you increase the all IDs threshold from 4000 to 6000, you may choose to increase database cache size by about 12.5 percent to account for increased index list size. Find the optimum size empirically before applying changes to production servers. Refer to Chapter 6 "Tuning Cache Sizes," for details on database cache tuning.

  9. Restart the Directory Server instance.

Troubleshooting Index Fragmentation

Directory Server instances supporting large indexes and high update rates can suffer extreme index key fragmentation. Extreme index key fragmentation may reduce performance even for constant database size. If you have reason to believe extreme index key fragmentation is impacting server performance significantly, consider regenerating the affected indexes to reduce fragmentation.

Refer to the Sun ONE Directory Server Administration Guide for details creating indexes.

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