Interface ResourceIDMapper

public interface ResourceIDMapper

The class ResourceIDMapper is an interface that is used to map between an userID and the ResourceID associated with it.

A different implementation of the interface may be developed by different service provider. The implementation class(s) should be given to the provider that hosts discovery service. The mapping between the providerID and the implementation class can be configured through the Class for ResourceID Mapper Plugin field in Discovery service.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getResourceID(java.lang.String providerID, java.lang.String userID)
          Returns the resource ID that is associated with the user in a provider.
 java.lang.String getUserID(java.lang.String providerID, java.lang.String resourceID)
          Returns the ID of the user who has the resource ID in a provider.
 java.lang.String getUserID(java.lang.String providerID, java.lang.String resourceID, Message message)
          Returns the ID of the user who has the resource ID in a provider.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getResourceID(java.lang.String providerID,
                                      java.lang.String userID)
Returns the resource ID that is associated with the user in a provider.

providerID - ID of the provider.
userID - ID of the user.
resource ID. Return null if the resource ID cannot be found.


public java.lang.String getUserID(java.lang.String providerID,
                                  java.lang.String resourceID)
Returns the ID of the user who has the resource ID in a provider.

providerID - ID of the provider.
resourceID - ID of the resource.
user ID. Return null if the user is not found.


public java.lang.String getUserID(java.lang.String providerID,
                                  java.lang.String resourceID,
                                  Message message)
Returns the ID of the user who has the resource ID in a provider.

providerID - ID of the provider.
resourceID - ID of the resource.
message - Request message.
user ID. Return null if the user is not found.

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