Interface AttributeMapper

public interface AttributeMapper

The class AttributeMapper is an interface that is implemented to get SSO information and map partner attributes to Access Manager attributes.

A different implementation of the interface may be developed for different partner. The mapping between the partner source ID and the implementation class are configured at the Trusted Partner Sites field in SAML service.

Method Summary
 java.util.List getAttributes(AttributeQuery query, java.lang.String sourceID, SSOToken token)
          Returns Attributes for the user.
 Assertion getSSOAssertion(AttributeQuery query)
          Returns the Assertion that contains Authentication information that can be used to obtain single sign on token.
 java.lang.String getSSOTokenID(AttributeQuery query)
          Returns the single sign on token id to Access Manager from the query.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getSSOTokenID(AttributeQuery query)
Returns the single sign on token id to Access Manager from the query.

query - The received AttributeQuery.
String which is the single sign on token ID.


public Assertion getSSOAssertion(AttributeQuery query)
Returns the Assertion that contains Authentication information that can be used to obtain single sign on token.

query - The received AttributeQuery.
Assertion The assertion contained inside the query.


public java.util.List getAttributes(AttributeQuery query,
                                    java.lang.String sourceID,
                                    SSOToken token)
                             throws SAMLException
Returns Attributes for the user.

query - The received AttributeQuery.
sourceID - source ID for the site from which the query originated.
token - The single sign on token to be used to retrieve the attributes.
A List of Attributes
SAMLException - if an error occurs

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