Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator's Guide

Using Quality of Service

Quality of Service refers to the performance limits you set for a server instance virtual server class or virtual server. For example, if you are an ISP, you might want to charge different amounts of money for virtual servers depending on how much bandwidth you allow them. You can limit two areas: the amount of bandwidth and the number of connections.

You can enable these settings for the entire server or for a class of virtual servers in the Server Manager from the Monitor tab. However, you can override these server or class-level settings for an individual virtual server. For more information on setting quality of service limits for an individual server, see Configuring Virtual Server Quality of Service Settings.

Two settings govern how traffic is counted and how often the bandwidth is recomputed: the recompute interval and the metric interval. The recompute is how often (in milliseconds) the bandwidth is computed. The metric interval is the period for which data is used in traffic calculations.

This section includes the following topics:

Quality of Service Example

The following example shows how the quality of service information is collected and computed:

The server has metric interval of 30 seconds.

The server starts up at a time of 0 seconds.

At time 1 second, an HTTP connection generates 5000 bytes of traffic to/from the server.

No more connections are made after that. At 30 seconds, the total traffic for the last 30 seconds is 5000 bytes.

At 32 seconds, the traffic sample from 1 second is discarded, since it is older than the 30 seconds of the metric interval. The total traffic for the last 30 seconds is now 0.

The recompute interval works similarly. The server’s recompute interval is 100ms.

Continuing with the example, the bandwidth gets recomputed periodically every 100 milliseconds. The calculation is based on the amount of traffic as well as the metric interval.

At time 0 seconds, the bandwidth is calculated for the first time. The total traffic is zero, divided by the metric interval of 30 seconds, gives a bandwidth of zero.

At 1 second, the bandwidth is calculated for the 10th time (1000 milliseconds/ 100 milliseconds). The total traffic is 5000 bytes, which is divided by 30 seconds. The bandwidth is 5000/30 = 166 bytes per second.

At 30 seconds, the bandwidth is calculated for the 300th time. The total traffic is 5000 bytes, which is divided by 30 seconds. The bandwidth is 5000/30 = 166 bytes per second.

At 32 seconds, the bandwidth is computed again for the 320th time. The traffic is now 0 (since the one connection that generated traffic is too old to be counted), divided by 30, gives a bandwidth of 0 bytes/second.

Setting Up Quality of Service

To configure the quality of service settings for a server instance or a class of virtual servers, you need to configure the settings in through the user interface. To actually enforce your quality of service settings, you must also set up Server Application Functions (SAFs) in your obj.conf file.

To configure quality of service, perform the following steps

ProcedureTo configure quality of service

  1. From the Server Manager, click the Monitor tab.

  2. Click Quality of Service.

    A page appears listing general settings for quality of service, followed by a list containing the server instance and each class of virtual servers.

  3. To enable quality of service the server instance, click Enable.

    By default quality of service is enabled. Enabling quality of service increases server overhead slightly.

  4. Choose the Recompute Interval.

    The recompute interval is the number of milliseconds between each computation of the bandwidth for all servers, classes, and virtual servers. The default is 100 milliseconds.

  5. Choose the Metric Interval.

    The metric interval is the interval in seconds during which the traffic is measured. The default value is 30 seconds. All bandwidth measured during this time is averaged to give the bytes per second.

    If your site has a lot of large file transfers, use a large value (several minutes or more) or this field. A large file transfer might take up all the allowed bandwidth for a short metric interval, and result in connections being denied if you’ve enforced the maximum bandwidth setting. Since the bandwidth is averaged by the metric interval, a longer interval smooths out spikes caused by large files.

    If the bandwidth limit is much lower than available bandwidth (for example, 1 MB-per-second bandwidth limit but with a 1 GB-per-second connection to the backbone), the metric interval must be shortened.

    Please note that if you have large static file transfers and a bandwidth limit that is much lower than available bandwidth, you have to decide which situation to tune for, because the problems require opposite solutions.

  6. Enable quality of service for the server instance and/or the virtual server classes.

    The lower portion of the screen lists the server instance and server classes. Choose Enable as the action next to the items for which you want to enable quality of service.

  7. Set the maximum bandwidth, in bytes per second.

  8. Choose whether or not to enforce the maximum bandwidth setting.

    If you choose to enforce the maximum bandwidth, additional connections are refused, once the server reaches its bandwidth limit.

    If you do not enforce the maximum bandwidth, server logs a message to the error log, when the maximum is exceeded

  9. Choose the maximum number of connections allowed.

    This number is the number of concurrent requests processed.

  10. Choose whether or not to enforce the maximum connections setting.

    If you choose to enforce the maximum connections, additional connections are refused, once the server reaches its limit

  11. If you do not enforce the maximum connections, when the maximum is exceeded the server logs a message to the error log.

  12. Click OK.

Required Changes to obj.conf

To enable quality of service, you must include directives in your obj.conf to invoke two Server Application Functions (SAFs): an AuthTrans qos-handler and an Error qos-error.

The qos-handler AuthTrans directive must be the first AuthTrans configured in the default object in order to work properly. The role of the quality of service handler is to examine the current statistics for the virtual server, virtual server class, and global server, and enforce the limits by returning an error.

Sun Java System Web Server includes a built-in sample quality of service handler SAF, called qos-handler. This SAF logs when limits are reached, and returns 503 "Server busy" to the server so that it can be processed by NSAPI.

Sun Java System Web Server also includes a built-in sample error SAF called qos-error which returns an error page stating which limits caused the 503 error and the value of the statistic that triggered the limit. You may want to alter the sample code to provide different error information.

These samples are available at server_root/plugins/nsapi/examples/qos.c. You can use these samples, or you can write your own SAFs.

For more information on these SAFs and how to use them, see the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 NSAPI Programmer’s Guide.

Known Limitations to Quality of Service

When you use the quality of service features, keep in mind the following limitations: