Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator's Guide

Installing the SNMP Master Agent

To configure the SNMP master agent you must install the Administration Server instance as the root user. However, even a non-root user can accomplish basic SNMP tasks, such as MIB browsing, on a web server instance by configuring the SNMP sub-agent to work with the master agent.

To install the master SNMP agent using the Server Manager

ProcedureTo install the master SNMP agent

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Check whether an SNMP daemon (snmpd) is running on port 161.

    If no SNMP daemon is running, go to Installing the SNMP Master Agent.

    If an SNMP daemon is running, ensure you know how to restart it and which MIB trees it supports.

  3. If an SNMP daemon is running, kill its process.

  4. In the Server Manager, choose the SNMP Master Agent Trap page from the Global Settings tab. The Manager Entries page appears.

  5. Type the name of the system that is running your network management software.

  6. Type the port number at which your network management system listens for traps. (The well-known port is 162.) For more information on traps, see Configuring Trap Destinations.

  7. Type the community string you want to use in the trap. For more information on community strings, see Configuring the Community String.

  8. Click OK.

  9. In the Server Manager, the SNMP Master Agent Community page from the choose Global Settings tab. The Community Strings page appears.

  10. Type the community string for the master agent.

  11. Choose an operation for the community.

  12. Click OK.