Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide

Miscellaneous magnus.conf Directives

The following topics discuss magnus.conf directives you can use to configure your server to function more effectively:

Buffer Size

You can specify the size of the send buffer (SndBufSize) and the receiving buffer (RcvBufSize) at the server’s sockets. For more information regarding these buffers, see your UNIX/Linux documentation.


You can set the buffer size by:

Connection Timeout

You can specify the number of seconds the server waits for data to arrive from the client before closing the connection by using theAcceptTimeout directive. If data does not arrive before the timeout expires, the connection is closed. This is set to 30 seconds by default. Under most circumstances, you won’t need to change this setting. You can free up threads by setting this to less than the default, but you might also disconnect users with slower connections.


You can set AcceptTimeout by:

CGIStub Processes (UNIX/Linux)

You can adjust the CGIStub parameters on UNIX/Linux systems. In Sun Java System Web Server, the CGI engine creates CGIStub processes as needed. On systems that serve a large load and rely heavily on CGI-generated content, it is possible for the CGIStub processes to consume all system resources. If this is happening on your server, the CGIStub processes can be tuned to restrict how many new CGIStub processes can be spawned, their timeout value, and the minimum number of CGIStub processes that will be running at any given moment.

Note –

If you have an init-cgi function in the magnus.conf file and you are running in multi-process mode, you must add LateInit = yes to the init-cgi line.

The four directives and their defaults that can be tuned to control Cgistub are:


You can set the CGIStub processes by: