Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP11 Installation and Migration Guide

Configuration Files

The following table provides a summary listing of the configuration files in Sun Java System Web Server 6.1. It describes the changes introduced in the current release, and points you to further documentation sources:

Configuration File  


For more information, see:  

ACL files:

  • generated-https-server-id.acl

  • genwork-https-server-id.acl

  • Location: install-dir/httpacl/

  • These provide access control lists to protect server resources

  • May reference databases defined in Configuration Files

  • File names are specified in Configuration Files

  • During migration, ACL files from the old server-root/httpacl directory are copied to the new server-root/httpacl directory with the new instance name.

  • Non-default ACL files listed in the <ACLFILE> element of the server.xml file and that are present in the old server-root/httpacl directory are copied to the new server-root/httpacl directory.

Access Control Programmer’s Guide


  • Location: server_root/userdb/

  • Configures how a client certificate is mapped to an LDAP entry

  • Not migrated. During migration you receive a message that you need to manually migrate existing entries in the certmap.conf of the server instance you want to migrate.

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference


  • Location: server_root/userdb/

  • Provides a list of authentication databases, and is used to check group membership for access control

  • Unchanged from Web Server 6.0

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference


  • Location: server-id/config

  • Defines server plug-ins library initialization and server parameters

  • Copied into the new server root director, during migration.

  • During migration, Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 loads built-in load module functions from the new installation directory while custom modules continue to be loaded from the old installation directory.

  • Some magnus.conf directives that were supported in Web Server 6.0 are deprecated in 6.1.

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference, for a description of supported and deprecated directives.

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 NSAPI Programmer’s Guide, for a description of the Init directives.


  • Location: install-dir/config/

  • Contains mappings between MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) types and file extensions

  • During migration, the mime.types file of the old instance in the /config directory is migrated into the new server-root/server-instance/config directory.

  • Non-default mime.types (mime1.types, mime2.types, and so on) present in old server- instance/config directory which are listed in the MIME element of server.xml are migrated into the new server-instance/config directory.

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference


  • Location: server_root/https-admserv/config/

  • Sets file cache parameters.

  • Unchanged from Web Server 6.0

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference


  • Location: install-dir/config/

  • Contains instructions for the server on how to handle HTTP requests from clients and service web server content such as native server plugins and CGI programs.

  • Configured per virtual server class and named in the format <vs-name>.obj.conf

  • New directives and functions added in Web Server 6.1 to configure filters and WebDAV.

  • Search, JSP092, and Webpub objects are not migrated.

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 NSAPI Programmer’s Guide


  • Location: instance-dir/config/

  • Contains most of the server configuration.

  • During migration, the server.xml file created in the new Web Server 6.1 instance contains information from the following files:- old server.xml file- web-apps.xml- start-jvm- jvm12.conf

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference


  • obj.conf.clfilter

  • magnus.conf.clfilter

  • server.xml.clfilter

  • Location: instance-dir/config/

  • Legacy .clfilter files, for example, web-apps.xml.clfilter are not migrated.

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Administrator’s Guide


  • Imported certificates and keys for external hardware accelerators are stored in the secmod.db file, which is generated when the PKCs#11module is installed.

  • Overwritten during migration

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Administrator’s Guide

  • access log

  • error log

  • Server log files records activity of the Server.

  • During migration, new access logs are created.

  • Error logs in 6.0 server-instance/logs directory are copied to the server-instance/logs in 6.1.

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Administrator’s Guide

Configuration Files Removed in Sun Java System Web Server 6.1

The following configuration files are no longer supported and are removed during migration: