Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP13 Release Notes

Supported Software, Technologies and Protocols

The following sections provide information about some of the software, technologies and protocols that Web Server 6.1 supports:

Active Server Pages Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 supports the Active Server Pages (ASP) specification through Sun Java System Active Server Pages version 4.0.1 (formerly Sun ChiliSoft ASP), version 4.0.2, and version 4.0.3. Active Server Pages software adds a secure and enterprise-grade ASP engine to the Web Server. Web Server 6.1 supports Sun Java System Active Server Pages 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 on the following platforms:

A license is not required for Sun Java System Active Server Pages if you are installing it to the Web Server. The Sun Java System Active Server Pages installer is available on the companion CD if you purchase the Web Server Media Kit, or you can download it from

Note the following:

Browser Support

The following browsers are supported with Web Server 6.1 Administration Graphical User Interface (GUI):

Mozilla 1.7 or later  

Firefox 1.0.4 or 1.5 or later 

NetscapeNavigator 7.0 or later 

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and 7 

Disabling HTTP PUT and DELETE

This section discusses on how to disable the PUT and DELETE options.

ProcedureTo Disable HTTP PUT and DELETE

  1. Access the Administration Console.

  2. Select a server from the list of servers and click the Manage button.

  3. Click the Restrict Access link under the Preferences tab.

  4. Select the Edit option from the drop-down list and click the OK button.

  5. Select The entire server option from the method A table and click the Edit Access Control button.

  6. Click the access rights (r-x--i) link under the Rights column.

    Access Rights table appears at the bottom of the screen.

  7. Deselect the WRITE and DELETE options.

  8. Click the Update button.

  9. Click the Submit button.

  10. Click the Apply link present at the top right of the screen and click the Apply Changes button to make the changes permanent.

  11. Restart the server for changes to take effect.

Enhanced Hardware Accelerator Encryption Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 provides hardware accelerator support for Sun Crypto Accelerator 500, 1000, 4000 and 6000 boards, which enhance the performance of SSL on web server.

Note –

Initialize the Sun Crypto Accelerator card when using with web server. For more information about Sun Crypto Accelerator, see Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 Board Version 1.1 User's Guide at

Enhanced Security

Web Server 6.1 SP13 enables you to restrict access using flat file authentication through the Java Security Manager. Enabling the Security Manager feature can improve security by restricting the rights granted to your J2EE web applications. By default, the Security Manager feature is disabled when you install the product. To enable Security Manager, uncomment the following entries in the server.xml file:



where instance-dir is the path to the installation directory of this server instance.

For more information about server.xml, see Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP12 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

HTTP Compression Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 supports content compression. This compression enables you to increase the delivery speed to clients and serve higher content volumes without incurring a corresponding increase in hardware expenses. Content compression reduces content download time, a benefit most apparent to users of dial-up and high-traffic connections.

For more information, see Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP12 Administrator’s Guide.

J2SE and Java SE Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 supports Java SE 1.6 and J2SE 1.5. It does not support J2SE 1.4, which has passed its EOSL (End Of Service Life).

For the Windows, Solaris and all Linux platforms, Web Server 6.1 SP13 includes Java SE 1.6.0_21. When you upgrade or install Web Server 6.1 SP13 on these platforms, the Java Development Kit (JDK) is upgraded or installed automatically. For the HP-UX and AIX platforms, you must download the JDK from the platform vendor's web site and install it before installing Web Server.

Web Server 6.1 SP13 has been certified with the following JDK versions:


JDK 1.6 Version 

JDK 1.5 Version 

Hewlett-Packard HP-UX–jinteg_06_jun_2008_13_24–b00 


1.6.0 pap3260sr1–20080416_01(SR1) 

1.5.0 pap32dev-20080315 (SR7) 

Microsoft Windows 


Oracle Solaris 


Red Hat Linux 


Sun Linux 


SUSE Linux 


Note –

A 32–bit JDK is required on all platforms except 64-bit Solaris SPARC, which requires a 64-bit JDK.

Java Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer Pages (JSP) 1.2 Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 includes a Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) compliant implementation of the Java Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer Pages (JSP) 1.2 technology specifications. A J2EE compliant web container provides the flexibility and reliability needed to design and deploy web applications that comply with Java technology standards. Web applications can be deployed on a per virtual server basis.

For information about these technologies, see the following resources:

For information about developing Servlets and JavaServer Pages, see Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP12 Programmer’s Guide to Web Applications.

JDBC Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 includes the Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) software, and supports a wide range of industry-standard and customized JDBC drivers.

JNDI Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 supports the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API. JNDI provides seamless connectivity to heterogeneous enterprise naming and directory services.

Localized Version Support

If you are using a localized version of Web Server 6.1x, you can take advantage of the existing localization features by installing Web Server 6.1 SP13 over the existing server. Web Server 6.1 SP13 is available in Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, French, Spanish, German, and Korean.

NSAPI Filters Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 extends the Netscape Server Application Programmer's Interface (NSAPI) to support NSAPI filters.

NSAPI filters enable the custom processing of HTTP request and response streams. This processing enabled a function to intercept and potentially modify the content presented to or generated by another function. For example, a plug-in could install a NSAPI filter to intercept a XML page generated by another plug-in's Server Application Function (SAF) and then transform that XML page into a HTML, XHTML, or WAP page appropriate for the client. Alternatively, a NSAPI filter could decompress data received from a client before presenting it to another plug-in.

For more information about NSAPI filters, see Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP12 NSAPI Programmer’s Guide.

NSS and NSPR Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 supports NSS, a set of libraries that support cross-platform development of security-enabled server applications. Web Server 6.1 SP13 includes version 3.12.7 of NSS (for both 32–bit and 64-bit) and version 4.8.6 of NSPR.

JES shared component patches and NSS patches should be installed first, before installing the web server patch.

While upgrading JES version of web server, for example, from 6.1 SP5 to SP13, installing only SP13 patch of web server is sufficient, as web server patches are cumulative.

If you are upgrading from a previous package-based version of Java Enterprise System (Java ES) to Web Server 6.1 SP13, install the following NSS patches:

Note –

NSS patch 125358-xx for Solaris 8, 9 and 10 SPARC should not be applied in this case because it is not applicable for Java Enterprise System (Java ES), which bundles Web Server 6.1 Service Packs.

PHP Compatibility

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) can be used with the Web Server using one of the three supported APIs; CGI, NSAPI, and FastCGI. PHP is a page scripting language available from the PHP group. The PHP group provides instructions on its Web site ( for configuring the PHP software to use any of these APIs:

Note –

Instead of using PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN, use the FastCGI add-on configuration parameter min-procs to control the minimum number of PHP processes.

Search Engine Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 supports a Java search engine that provides full-text search indexing and retrieval. The search feature enables you to search documents on the server and display results on a web page. Server administrators can create the indexes of documents and customize the search interface to meet user specific needs.

The default URL to access the search functionality is http://server-instance:port number/search

For example:


When the user goes to this URL, the Search page, a Java web application, is launched.

For detailed information about basic and advanced search feature, see the Online Help provided with the search engine. To access Online Help, click the Help link on the Search page. For more information, see Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP12 Administrator’s Guide.

Solaris PKCS #11 Support

For the Web Server SSL subsystem (NSS) to use external PKCS#11 tokens, you have to configure NSS with the modutil command to make it aware of the tokens. The Solaris libpkcs11 softtoken is a PKCS#11 compliant token which can be used with NSS. As an additional benefit on UltraSPARC-T1, systems using the Solaris 10 libpkcs11 task will make use of the platform crypto acceleration support.

Run the modutil command without any arguments for usage information. For example, to add the Solaris 10 libpkcs11 task as a PKCS11 token in NSS.

  1. Ensure that SSL support has been initialized for the web server instances.

  2. Run the following command:

    % modutil -dbdir $ALIASDIR -dbprefix $PREFIX -add libpkcs -libfile /usr/lib/ -mechanisms RSA


    • $ALIASDIR is the path to the alias directory in the install root where the NSS database files are located.

    • $PREFIX is the prefix used by the key3 and cer8 database files in the alias directory and is of the form https-$INSTANCENAME-.

    The -mechanisms flag makes this token the preferred initial provider for the given algorithms.

  3. Run the modutil command without any arguments for a list of all possible mechanisms.

  4. Initialize the libpkcs11 provider's password with pktool.

    % pktool setpin

    For further details on configuring NSS, see the libpkcs11(3LIB), pkcs11_softtoken(5), and pktool(1) man pages. For more information about modutil, see

Sun Java Studio Enterprise Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 supports Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8. Sun Java Studio technology is Sun's powerful and extensible integrated development environment (IDE) for Java technology developers. Sun Java Studio is based on the NetBeans software and is integrated with the Sun Java platform.

Sun Java Studio support is available on all platforms supported by Web Server 6.1. The plug-in for the web server can be obtained in the following ways:

Note –

Sun Java Studio 8 plug-in for Web Server 6.1 SP13 works only with a local web server, that is, the IDE and the web server must be installed on the same machine.

For more information about Sun Java Studio 8, see

To Use Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8 for Debugging

Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8 can be used for remote debugging if you want to manually attach the IDE to a remote web server started in debug mode.

  1. Restart the server instance in the debug mode by using the Web Server Administration interface (Server Manager->JVM General->Debug Enabled).

  2. Note the JPDA port number.

  3. Start the IDE.

  4. Choose Debug->Start.

  5. Select the dt_socket method.

  6. Type the remote machine name and JPDA port number.

    Any breakpoint created in the IDE on Servlet source code of a deployed application becomes active.

64-bit Support

To complement the existing support to 32-bit Solaris SPARC, Web Server 6.1 SP13 also supports 64-bit Solaris SPARC.

The 64-bit release may be of use in certain memory-intensive deployments as it enables administrators to configure a larger file cache and Java heap than the 32-bit release. However, existing plug-ins are not compatible with the 64-bit release. These plug-ins have to be recompiled for the 64-bit release by the plug-in vendor. Java web applications that use native, and non-Java libraries should also be recompiled. Therefore, you might prefer to deploy the 32-bit release of Web Server.

Web Server 6.1 SP13 also provides 64-bit support for FastCGI, Reverse Proxy, and Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP) plug-ins.

The 64-bit release is compatible with 64-bit Solaris kernels on UltraSPARC® processors. The 64-bit release cannot be used on x86 processors or with 32-bit Solaris kernels. The 32-bit release continues to be compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Solaris kernels.

Note –

The 64-bit and 32-bit releases of Web Server are packaged and distributed separately. You cannot upgrade an existing 32-bit Web Server installation to a 64-bit installation. You can distinguish the 32-bit and 64-bit releases by the version string that is displayed in the installer, at server startup, and in the server errors log as follows:


Version String 


Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP13 


Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP13 (64-Bit) 

WebDAV Support

Web Server 6.1 SP13 supports the Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol. WebDAV enables collaborative web publishing and has the following features:

WebDAV provides integrated support for content metadata, namespace management, and overwrite protection. These technologies combined with the many authoring tools that support WebDAV provide an ideal development platform for collaborative environments.