C H A P T E R  3

Information About Software

This chapter describes specific software and firmware issues and workarounds. To obtain patches and to check for availability of new patches that fix these issues, go to:


The chapter includes the following sections:

XCP Issues and Workarounds

TABLE 3-1 lists XCP issues and possible workarounds.

TABLE 3-1 XCP Issues and Workarounds





SNMP trap host configuration changes are not valid until setsnmp disable and setsnmp enable.

Modify the SNMP setting:

XSCF> setsnmp disable
XSCF> setsnmp enable


You might see console error messages and a core dump (ereport.chassis.software.core) when one of these conditions occurs:

  • A local account has been created with a user ID explicitly assigned to a value larger than 65536 (adduser -u uid).
  • An LDAP account has been used that has a UID value larger than 65536.

Use only user accounts with a user ID (UID) value between 100 and 60000. This is the range of auto-assigned UIDs for the XSCF command adduser.


The first usage of the OBP command probe-scsi-all might not show all devices connected via the external SAS port.

Retry the probe-scsi-all command.


When the timezone other than three characters has been set, the error logs cannot be displayed on XSCF Web “Error Log” page. In addition, XSCF Web “Panic Log” and “IPL Message Log” pages displays the date on the ,table with “---”.

Use the showlogs(8) command on the XSCF



In the settimezone -c adddst command, when you set eight or more letters to the abbreviation of time zone and the name of Daylight Saving Time, execution of the showlogs command induces a segmentation fault and results in an error.

Specify the abbreviation of time zone and the

name of Daylight Saving Time in seven letters

or less.




If certain changes occur on a standalone NTP server, the XSCF connection to the NTP server is lost, and XSCF uses instead its local clock. This problem occurs with a standalone NTP server, that is, with an NTP server that syncs the time with its own local clock (LCL), not with a higher-stratum NTP server. Changes that can trigger this change include:

  • Rebooting the NTP server
  • Modifying the date by even one second
  • Changing the NTP server stratum

Note - Before making any changes, ensure that your change has no impact on other NTP clients.

The XSCF LCL is set to

On the NTP server, change the NTP host configuration file (/etc/inet/ntp.conf) so that the value of the local clock is a different value. Other available IDs include:




Solaris OS Issues and Workarounds

This section contains information about Solaris OS issues. TABLE 3-2, TABLE 3-3, and TABLE 3-4 list issues you might encounter, depending upon which Solaris OS release you are using.

Solaris Issues for All Supported Releases

TABLE 3-2 lists Solaris OS issues that you might encounter in any supported release of Solaris OS.

TABLE 3-2 Solaris OS Issues and Workarounds for All Supported Releases





The error ‘message network initialization failed appears repeatedly after a boot net installation.

No workaround is available. This message can be safely ignored.


volfs or dscp services might fail when a domain is booted.

Restart the service. To avoid the problem, issue the following commands.

# svccfg -s dscp setprop start/timeout_seconds=count: 300
# svccfg -s volfs setprop start/timeout_seconds=count: 300
# svcadm refresh dscp
# svcadm refresh volfs


The prtdiag -v command reports PCI bus types incorrectly. It reports “PCI” for PCI-X leaf devices and “UNKN” for legacy PCI devices.

No workaround is available.



If a ubc.piowbeue-cpu error occurs on a domain, the Solaris Fault Management cpumem-diagnosis module might fail, causing an interruption in FMA service. If this happens, you will see output similar to the following sample in the console log:

SUNW-MSG-ID: FMD-8000-2K, TYPE: Defect, VER: 1, SEVERITY: Minor
EVENT-TIME: Fri Apr  4 21:41:57 PDT 2008
PLATFORM: SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise, CSN: 2020642002, HOSTNAME: <hostname>
SOURCE: fmd-self-diagnosis, REV: 1.0
EVENT-ID: 6b2e15d7-aa65-6bcc-bcb1-cb03a7dd77e3
DESC: A Solaris Fault Manager component has experienced an error that required the module to be disabled.  Refer to http://sun.com/msg/FMD-8000-2K for more information.
AUTO-RESPONSE: The module has been disabled.  Events destined for the module will be saved for manual diagnosis.
IMPACT: Automated diagnosis and response for subsequent events associated with this module will not occur.

REC-ACTION: Use fmdump -v -u <EVENT-ID> to locate the module. Use fmadm reset <module> to reset the module

If fmd service fails, issue the following command on the domain to recover:

# svcadm clear fmd 

Then restart cpumem-diagnosis:

# fmadm restart cpumem-diagnosis


After DIMMs are replaced the corresponding DIMM faults are not cleared on the domain.

Use the following commands:

# fmadm repair fmri|uuid 
# fmadm rotate


The following message may be output on the console during the system booting, the External I/O Expansion Unit adding by hotplug, or the FMEMA operating by DR.

SUNW-MSG-ID: SUN4-8000-75, TYPE: 
Fault, VER: 1, SEVERITY: Critical
A problem was detected in the PCIExpress
Refer to http://sun.com/msg/SUN4-
8000-75 for more information.

Add the following to /etc/system and then reboot the domain.

set pcie_expected_ce_mask = 0x2001


The raidctl command cannot be used to create a hardware RAID using the onboard SAS/LSI controller on the M3000 server.

The raidctl command can be used to view disk/controller status, and can be used on any PCI Host Bus Adapter (HBA) installed in the system.

No workaround is available.



Boot program ignores the Kadb option which causes the system not to boot.

Use kmdb instead of kadb.

Solaris Issues Fixed in Solaris 10 5/09

TABLE 3-3 lists issues that have been fixed in Solaris 10 5/09 OS. You might encounter them in supported releases earlier than Solaris 10 5/09.

TABLE 3-3 Solaris OS Issues and Workarounds Fixed in Solaris 10 5/09





The Solaris command lockstat(1M) or the dtrace lockstat provider might cause a system panic.

Do not use the Solaris lockstat(1M) command or the dtrace lockstat provider.


Sun Quad-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter UTP (QGC) & Sun Dual 10 GigE Fiber XFP Low Profile Adapter (XGF) NICs might panic under high load conditions.



Sun Dual 10 GigE Fiber XFP Low Profile Adapter (XGF) with a single or improperly installed XFP optical transceivers might cause the following error to show on the console:

The XFP optical transceiver is broken or missing.

Check and make sure that both XFP optical transceivers are firmly seated in the housing.

Do not mix INTEL and Sun XFP optical transceivers in the same Adapter.

Do NOT plumb a port with the ifconfig command if the port does not contain an XFP optical transceiver or it contains one but the transceiver is not in use.


cfgadm will display non-existent M3000 system boards (SB1 to SB15).

The cfgadm output for SB1-SB15 can be ignored.


Solaris Issues Fixed in Solaris 10 10/08

TABLE 3-4 lists issues that have been fixed in Solaris 10 10/08 OS. You might encounter them if using Solaris 10 5/08.

TABLE 3-4 Solaris OS Issues and Workarounds Fixed in Solaris 10 10/08





The system panics when DiskSuite cannot read the metadb during DR. This bug affects the following cards:

  • SG-XPCIE2FC-QF4, 4-Gigabit PCI-e Dual-Port Fiber Channel HBA
  • SG-XPCIE1FC-QF4, 4-Gigabit PCI-e Single-Port Fiber Channel HBA
  • SG-XPCI2FC-QF4, 4-Gigabit PCI-X Dual-Port Fiber Channel HBA
  • SG-XPCI1FC-QF4, 4-Gigabit PCI-X Single-Port Fiber Channel HBA

Panic can be avoided when a duplicated copy of the metadb is accessible via another Host Bus Adaptor.


Hot-plug of the X4447A-Z, PCI-e Quad-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter UTP card might cause other network devices to fail.

There is no workaround.


If your domain is running Solaris 10 5/08 OS, the system might panic/trap during normal operation:

Set the following parameter in the system specification file (/etc/system):

set heaplp_use_stlb=0

Then reboot the domain.


WAN boot of M3000 servers fails intermittently with a panic early in the boot process. Sample output:

ERROR: Last Trap: Fast Data Access MMU Miss
%TL:1 %TT:68 %TPC:13aacc %TnPC:13aad0 %TSTATE:1605
%PSTATE:16 ( IE:1 PRIV:1 PEF:1 )
DSFSR:4280804b ( FV:1 OW:1 PR:1 E:1 TM:1 ASI:80 NC:1 BERR:1 )
DSFAR:fda6f000 DSFPAR:401020827000 D-TAG:6365206f66206000

Power off and power on the chassis, then retry the operation.

Documentation Updates

This section contains late-breaking software information that became known after the M3000 server documentation set was published.

TABLE 3-5 lists known documentation corrections.

TABLE 3-5 Documentation Updates




SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/ M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual and XSCF man pages


setdualpowerfeed(8) command

The following description will be added in DESCRIPTION:

The dual power feed mode cannot be used with 100V power on M4000/M5000 servers.

setupfru(8) command

The following description will be added in EXTENDED DESCRIPTION:

Although a CMU with two CPUMs can be configured into Quad-XSB mode on an M8000/M9000 server, the server generates a “configuration error” message for thsoe XCBs that do not have a CPUM and memory.

showdevices(8) command

The following information will be added:

After a DR operation and subsequent domain power cycle, you must run the command devfsadm -v command before running showdevices. Otherwise, the resulting display from showdevices will be erroneous.

showenvironment(8) command

The following information will be added:

The power operand is supported only on M3000 servers, and the air operand is supported only on M3000/M8000/M9000 servers.