

$HOME/.vcaadm/trustdb, 1

.properties command, 1

/etc/driver_aliases file, 1

/etc/hostname.vcaN file, 1

/etc/hosts file, 1

/etc/opt/SUNWconn/vca/keydata, 1

/etc/path_to_inst file, 1

/opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/firmware/sca4000fw, 1

/opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/lib, 1

/opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/sbin, 1


16-bit loadable counter increments, 1

8-bit vectors, 1


administrative commands, 1

adv-asmpause-cap, 1

adv-asmpause-cap parameter, 1

adv-autoneg-cap, 1

adv-autoneg-cap parameter, 1

advertised link parameters, 1

algorithms, 1

alias read, 1

Apache Web Servers

creating a certificate, 1

enabling, 1

assigning an IP address, 1

auto-boot? configuration variable, 1, 2

autonegotiation, 1, 2

disabling, 1

pause capability, 1

setting, 1, 2

transmit and receive, 1


blanking register for alias read, 1

blanking values, 1, 2



.properties, 1

driver.conf, 1

ifconfig, 1

kstat, 1, 2

modinfo, 1

pkgadd, 1

prtconf, 1

prtdiag, 1

setenv auto-boot?, 1

show-devs, 1

show-nets, 1

watch-net, 1

zeroize, 1

configuration, network, 1

configuring device driver parameters, 1

configuring the network host files, 1

cryptographic algorithm acceleration, 1

cryptographic and Ethernet driver operating statistics, 1

cryptographic driver operating statistics, 1

cryptographic driver statistics, 1


deleting security officers, 1

detecting 8-bit vectors, 1

device path names, 1

diagnostic support, 1

diagnostics tests, 1

diag-switch? configuration variable, 1

directories and files, 1

hierarchy of, 1

displaying board status, 1

driver parameters, 1

configuring, 1

forced mode, 1

parameters and settings, 1

values and definitions, 1

driver statistics, 1

driver.conf file, 1

driver_aliases file, 1

driver-specific parameters, 1

drop parameters, 1

dynamic reconfiguration, 1


early detecting 8-bit vectors, 1

early drop parameters, 1

editing the network host files, 1


Apache Web Servers, 1

entropy, 1

high-quality, 1

low-quality, 1

etc/hostname.vcaN file, 1

etc/hosts file, 1

etc/path_to_inst file, 1


driver operating statistics, 1

driver statistics, 1

FCode self-test diagnostic, 1

MMF, 1

PCI properties, 1

properties, 1

receive counters, 1

transmit counters, 1

UTP, 1

example vca.conf file, 1


factory state, 1, 2

Failsafe mode, 1, 2

FCode self-test, 1

FIFO occupancy, 1

files and directories

installation, 1, 2

FIPS 140-2 mode, 1

firmware, 1

flow control, 1

frames, 1

keywords, 1

forced mode of operation, 1

forced mode parameter, 1

Frame Based Link Level Flow Control Protocol, 1


gap parameters, 1

Gigabit forced mode parameter, 1

Gigabit media independent interface (GMII), 1


hardware, 1

hardware and software requirements, 1

hardware zeroize, 1, 2

high availability, 1

high-quality entropy, 1

host files, 1

hostname.vcaN file, 1

hosts file, 1

hot-plug, 1


IEEE 802.3x, 1

ifconfig command, 1

infinit-burst, 1

infinit-burst parameter, 1

initializing the board, 1


directories and files, 1

files and directories, 1, 2

software packages, 1


Gigabit media independent, 1

media independent, 1

vca interface, 1

interpacket gap parameters, 1

interrupt blanking values, 1, 2

interrupt parameters, 1

ipg0, 1

ipg0 parameter, 1

ipg1, 1

ipg1 parameter, 1

ipg2, 1

ipg2 parameter, 1


key objects, 1

keystore data, 1

keystores, 1, 2

managing with vcaadm, 1

kstat command, 1, 2


link capabilities, 1

link parameters, 1

link partner, 1, 2, 3, 4

checking, 1

settings, 1

link-master, 1

link-master parameter, 1

load balancing, 1

load sharing, 1

locking to prevent backups, 1

long-term keys, 1


man page descriptions, 1

media independent interface (MII), 1

MMF, 1

mode, FIPS 140-2, 1

modinfo command, 1

Multi-Admin, 1

managing with vcaadm, 1


name property, 1

naming requirements, 1

ndd utility, 1

network configuration, 1

network host files, 1


OBP commands

.properties, 1

reset-all, 1

setenv auto-boot?, 1

setenv diag-switch?, 1

show-devs, 1

show-nets, 1

test device_path, 1

watch-net, 1

OBP configuration variables

auto-boot?, 1, 2

diag-switch?, 1

OBP PROM, 1, 2

occupancy, FIFO, 1

online manual pages, 1

vca(7d), 1

vcaadm(1m), 1

vcad(1m), 1

vcadiag(1m), 1

OpenBoot PROM, 1, 2

OpenBoot PROM FCode self-test, 1

operating environment, 1

operating statistics, 1

operational mode parameters, 1, 2

opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/firmware/sca4000fw, 1

optimize throughput, 1

optional packages, 1

descriptions, 1, 2



optional, 1

required, 1

parameter values

how to modify and display, 1

parameters, 1

8-bit vectors, 1

adv-asmpause-cap, 1

adv-autoneg-cap, 1

driver-specific, 1

early detecting 8-bit vectors, 1

early drop, 1

flow control, 1

forced mode, 1

Gigabit forced mode parameter, 1

infinit-burst, 1

interpacket gap, 1

interrupt, 1

ipg0, 1

ipg1, 1

ipg2, 1

link, 1

link capabilities, 1

link-master, 1

operational mode, 1

pause-off-threshold, 1

PCI bus interface, 1

RX random early detecting 8-bit vectors, 1

rx-intr-pkts, 1, 2

rx-intr-time, 1

setting for all vcadevices, 1

setting with vca.conf file, 1, 2

parameters and settings, 1

password requirements, 1


vcaadm, 1

path names, 1

path_to_inst file, 1

pause capability, 1

pause-off-threshold, 1

pause-off-threshold parameter, 1

PCI adapters, 1

PCI bus interface parameters, 1

pci name property, 1

PKCS#11 interface, 1

pkgadd command, 1

platforms, 1

product features, 1


Ethernet, 1

Ethernet PCI, 1

protocols and interfaces, 1

prtconf command, 1

prtdiag command, 1


quitting vcaadm, 1


random early detecting 8-bit vectors, 1

random early drop parameters, 1

read-only link partner capabilities, 1

read-only vca device capabilities, 1

read-write flow control, 1

receive counters, 1

receive interrupt blanking values, 1, 2

receive MAC counters, 1

receive random early detecting 8-bit vectors, 1

register for alias read, 1

request coalescing, 1

required packages, 1

RX blanking register for alias read, 1

RX MAC counters, 1

RX random early detecting 8-bit vectors, 1

rx-intr-pkts, 1, 2

rx-intr-pkts parameter, 1, 2

rx-intr-time, 1

rx-intr-time parameter, 1


security officer accounts, 1

security officers, 1

self-test, 1

server certificate, 1

setenv auto-boot?, 1

setting vca driver parameters

using ndd, 1, 2

using vca.conf, 1, 2

show-devs command, 1

show-nets command, 1

software packages, 1

Solaris operating environments, 1

specifications, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

MMF adapter, 1, 2, 3

characteristics, 1

environmental specifications, 1

interface specifications, 1

performance specifications, 1

power requirements, 1

UTP adapter, 1, 2, 3, 4

characteristics, 1

connectors, 1

environmental specifications, 1

interface specifications, 1

performance specifications, 1

physical dimensions, 1

power requirements, 1

SSL acceleration, 1

SSL algorithms, 1

standard Ethernet frame sizes, 1

standards and protocols, 1

Sun ONE Web Servers

Sun ONE Web Server 6.0

creating a trust database, 1

generating a server certificate, 1

installing, 1

installing a server certificate, 1

support libraries, 1


algorithms, 1

cryptographic algorithms, 1

hardware, 1

operating environments, 1

platforms, 1

software, 1

Solaris operating environments, 1

SSL algorithms, 1


transmit and receive pause capability, 1

transmit counters, 1

transmit MAC counters, 1

troubleshooting, 1

trust database


Sun ONE Web Server 6.0, 1

vcaadm, 1

TX and RX MAC counters, 1

TX MAC counters, 1


UNIX pci name property, 1


for Sun ONE software, 1

user accounts, 1

utilities, 1

UTP, 1


values and definitions, 1

vca driver parameters

configuring, 1

forced mode, 1

parameters and settings, 1

values and definitions, 1

vca interface, 1

vca.conf file, 1

vca.conf file, example, 1


backups, 1

changing passwords, 1

character requirements, 1

command-line syntax, 1

deleting users, 1

diagnostics command, 1

enabling and disabling users, 1

entering commands, 1

file mode, 1

getting help, 1

initializing the board, 1

interactive mode, 1

listing security officers, 1

listing users, 1

loading new firmware, 1

locking to prevent backups, 1

logging in and out, 1

managing boards, 1

modes of operation, 1

naming requirements, 1

options, 1

password requirements, 1

populating a keystore

with security officers, 1

with users, 1

prompt, 1

quitting, 1

rekeying a board, 1

resetting a board, 1

setting auto-logout, 1

user name requirements, 1

using, 1

utility, 1


command-line syntax, 1

examples, 1, 2

options, 1

using, 1

utility, 1

vectors, 1


watch-net command, 1


zeroize command, 1

zeroizing the hardware, 1, 2