Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide

Setting the Policy Management Method

When you choose which method to use to manage policies, you must also choose where they will be stored. Select the method for managing policies by editing the iim.conf file and setting the iim.policy.modules parameter to either identity for the Access Manager method or iim_ldap for the access control file method, which is also the default method.

Follow these steps to set which method you want to use to manage policies.

ProcedureTo Set the Policy Management Method

  1. Open iim.conf.

    See iim.conf File Syntax for instructions on locating and modifying iim.conf.

  2. Edit the iim.policy.modules parameter by setting it to one of the following:

    • iim_ldap (default, the access control file method)

    • identity (the Access Manager method)

    If you choose identity, you can run imadmin assign_services to assign Instant Messaging and presence services to existing users.

  3. Edit the parameter and set it to either:

    • ldap (To store user properties in LDAP.)

      If you choose ldap, you can run imadmin assign_services to add the required objectclasses that store user properties to user entries in the directory.

    • file (Default, to store user properties in files.)

  4. Save and close iim.conf.

  5. Refresh the configuration.