Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create a New Policy

  1. Log in to the Access Manager admin console at http://hostname:port/amconsole.

    For example:

  2. Select the Identity Management tab.

  3. Select Policies in the View drop down list in the navigation pane (the lower-left frame).

  4. Click New.

    The New Policy page appears in the data pane (the lower-right frame).

  5. Select Normal for the Type of Policy.

  6. Enter a policy description in the Name field.

    For example:

    Ability to Perform IM Task.
  7. Click Create.

    Access Manager admin console displays the name of the new policy in the policy list in the navigation pane and brings up the Edit page for your new policy.

  8. On the Edit page, select Rules in the View drop down list.

    The Rule Name Service Resource panel appears inside the Edit page.

  9. Click Add.

    The Add Rule page appears.

  10. Select the Service that applies.

    You can select either Instant Messaging Service or Presence Service.

    Each service enables you to allow or deny end users the ability to perform specific actions. For example, Ability to Chat is an action specific to the Instant Messaging service while Ability to Access other’s Presence is an action specific to the Presence service.

  11. Enter a description for a rule in the Rule Name field.

    For example:

    Rule 1
  12. Enter the appropriate Resource Name.

    Enter either:

    IMResource for Instant Messaging Service


    PresenceResource for Presence Service

  13. Select the Actions that you want to apply.

  14. Select the Value for each action.

    You can select either Allow or Deny.

  15. Click Create.

    The proposed rule is displayed in the list of saved rules for that policy.

  16. Click Save.

    The proposed rule becomes a saved rule.

  17. Repeat steps 9-16 for any additional rules that you want to apply to that policy.