Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Troubleshoot Calendar Client and Instant Messenger Configuration for Pop-Ups

  1. Log into the Calendar client.

  2. Ensure that the time zone settings are correct.

    If you are using Calendar Express, select Tools->Options->Settings from the menu.

  3. Schedule an email reminder.

    If you are using Calendar Express, select Tools->Options->Settings from the menu.

  4. Save your settings.

  5. Log into Instant Messenger with the same user.

  6. Select Tools->Settings.

    The Settings dialog box appears.

  7. Select the Alerts tab.

  8. Check the Show Calendar Reminders checkbox and click OK.

  9. Leave the Instant Messenger user logged in.

  10. Check to see whether or not the user received the email alert and pop-up at the time configured in the Calendar client.

    If you did not receive the email alert, the Calendar client is incorrectly configured. Refer to the Calendar client documentation for further troubleshooting information.

    If you received the email alert, but not the Calendar pop-up, and you are sure that you have configured both servers and clients correctly, check the xmppd.log for further information. You may need to set this log to a more verbose setting, for example DEBUG. For instructions on changing the log level, see To Set Log Levels for Instant Messaging Components Using iim.conf Parameters.